Imamat Day Mubarak 2021-07-11
Posted July 10th, 2021 by librarian-hdMowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah in His last and Final Will and Testament said " I am convinced that it is in the best interest of the Shia Moslem Ismailian Community that I should be succeeded by a young man who has been brought up and developed during recent years and in the midst of the new age and who brings a new outlook on life to his office as Imam. For these reasons and although he is not now one of my heirs, I appoint my grandson Karim, the son of My son ALY SALOMONE KHAN to succeed to the title of AGA KHAN and to be the Imam and Pir of all my Shia Ismailian followers
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Imamat Day Mubarak
Posted July 10th, 2021 by librarian-hdIn His Last Will and Testament, our 48th Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah appointed "Karim, the son of my son" to be the Imam and Pir of all Ismailis
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University of Central Asia holds first-ever convocation 2021-06-19
Posted June 22nd, 2021 by librarian-hdKhorog, Tajikistan and Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, 21 June 2021 - Against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, the University of Central Asia (UCA) celebrated the achievements of its inaugural cohort of graduates: the Class of 2021. The live-streamed Convocation brought together students, family members, faculty and well-wishers across multiple countries and time zones around the world.
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Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Kenya Charter Granting Ceremony of the Aga Khan University 2021-06-11
Posted June 11th, 2021 by librarian-hdBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
Your Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta
Professor George Magoha, Cabinet Secretary for Education
Professor Chacha, Chairman of the Commission for University Education
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
It is with the greatest satisfaction and the deepest gratitude that I accept the Kenya Charter of the Aga Khan University. My only regret is that, due to the pandemic, I cannot be present in person to receive the instruments of authority, and to celebrate this momentous occasion in the University’s history.
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Aga Khan University honours graduates at global convocation 2021-05-22
Posted May 22nd, 2021 by librarian-hd667 students in three continents received their degrees and listened to speeches by the Aga Khan and Melinda Gates
The first-ever global convocation ceremony of the Aga Khan University (AKU) was live-streamed to a worldwide audience on Saturday, as 667 students in three continents received their degrees and listened to speeches by the Aga Khan, Chief Guest Melinda French Gates and AKU President Firoz Rasul.
The Convocation was attended also by Prince Amyn, Princess Zahra, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain and Prince Aly Muhammad
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Address by His Highness the Aga Khan at AKU Global Convocation 2021-05-22
Posted May 22nd, 2021 by librarian-hdBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
Our Chief Guest, Melinda French Gates
Chairman Haile Debas and the Members of the Board of Trustees
President Firoz Rasul
Provost, Deans, Faculty and Staff of the University
Generous donors and well wishers of the University from around the world
Distinguished guests
Parents, family members and Graduates
It is a great privilege to join you today in recognising and celebrating the Class of 2020.
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Aga Khan University Convocation 2021-05-22
Posted May 22nd, 2021 by librarian-hdThe 2021 AKU Global Convocation Ceremony was held across 13 time zones world-wide virtually. It was attended by Hazar Imam who delivered the Chancellor's address. Melinda French Gates delivered her address as the Chief Guest. Firoz Rassul in his opening address mentioned the various partners such as Johnson & Johnson, Harvard University and many other prominent organizations who had worked with the AKU over the many years.
The ceremony was attended by Prince Amyn Mohammed, Princess Zahra, Prince Hussain and Prince Aly Muhammad
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Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 8th Annual Global Centre for Pluralism Event
Posted May 20th, 2021 by librarian-hdThis year’s Annual Pluralism Lecture, presented by the Global Centre for Pluralism in partnership with the University of British Columbia, will be livestreamed on 19 May, and will feature opening remarks by Princess Zahra Aga.
The 8th Annual Pluralism Lecture, entitled “The Moment of Encounter: History, Disruptions, and Transformations” will be delivered by Ethiopian-American novelist Maaza Mengiste from New York’s Center for Fiction.
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Paradise found: London Aga Khan gallery showcases art inspired by Islamic garden design 2021-05-14
Posted May 14th, 2021 by librarian-hdNature-driven artist and environmentalist Clare Celeste Börsch among contributors to exhibition exploring concept of Eden
As in many paradise gardens, particularly those inspired by Islamic culture, a fountain lies at the heart of the quadrilateral garden created inside the Aga Khan Centre gallery in King’s Cross, London. This fountain doesn’t spout water, however, but beautiful, intricate strips of paper with laser-cut flowers made by Berlin-based American artist Clare Celeste Börsch.
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In Memory:Prince Sadruddin passed away on same day as Prince Aly S. Khan May 12th 2003-05-12
Posted May 8th, 2021 by librarian-hdBorn in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, he was the only child of Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III and his French-born third wife, the former Andrée Joséphine Carron. He received his early education in Lausanne, Switzerland, before graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 1954 from Harvard College.[1] At Harvard, he lived in Eliot House with Paul Matisse, grandson of French artist Henri Matisse, with future Paris Review founders George Plimpton and John Train, and with Stephen Joyce, grandson of Irish writer James Joyce.[2] Along with Plimpton, he was an editor for the Harvard Lampoon.
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Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away 1997-04-25
Posted April 21st, 2021 by librarian-hdIN MEMORY: 1997, April 25: Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away. It was a sad event and we felt we should do a Gallery in her honour. You can access it in the link bellow:
Princess Tajudaulah (JOAN VISCOUNTESS CAMROSE) married Prince Aly Khan on May 18, 1936 in Paris in the presence of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, Princess Andree and Lady Aly Shah. She was born Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller on April 22 1908
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Qutub Shahi Tombs: 60 pc renovation work completed, a unique heritage park on card 2021-04-16
Posted April 17th, 2021 by librarian-hdHyderabad: The 16th Century Qutub Shahi Tombs are one of the main tourist attraction in the city. A heritage park is being added as a new chapter to this attraction.
The unique heritage park is likely to come up on 106 acres of land with the joint efforts of Aga Khan Foundation, Heritage Telangana and Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
A project is underway to preserve and restore 40 tombs, three mosques, seven wells, and other buildings. The first phase of this grand program of repair and renovation has been completed in 2018 and now the last phase of this program is underway.
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Birth of Prince Irfan - first son of Prince Rahim 2015-04-11
Posted April 11th, 2021 by librarian-hdPrince Irfan was born in Geneva, Switzerland on 11th April 2015 to Prince Rahim and Princess Salwa Aga Khan
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Golden Jubilee of Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah in Nairobi
Posted January 14th, 2021 by librarian-hdThe Golden Jubilee of the assumption of the gadi of Imamat by Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah was celebrated in Nairobi in March 1, 1937 when Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah was weighed against gold valued at British pounds 23,000 for the second time. Here is a colour plate of that historic scene which attracted over 18,000 people from different countries. Mr. A.C. Wade, the Governor of Kenya (seen in blue suit) performed the weighing ceremony
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Posted October 15th, 2020 by librarian-hdThe Aga Khan III married, on 7 December 1929 (civil), in Aix-les-Bains, France, and 13 December 1929 (religious), in Bombay, India, Andrée Joséphine Carron (1898–1976). A co-owner of a dressmaking shop in Paris, she became known as Princess Andrée Aga Khan. By this marriage, he had one son, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, (1933–2003). The couple were divorced in 1943
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Aga Khan Development Network partners with HRH Prince William to launch prestigious Earthshot prize
Posted October 11th, 2020 by librarian-hdFive, one million-pound prizes to be awarded each year for the next 10 years, providing at least 50 solutions to the world’s greatest environmental problems by 2030
Five Earthshots – universal goals to repair our planet by 2030 – are announced in a new series of short films
Nominations to open on 1st November 2020 with an annual global awards ceremony to be held in a different city each year, starting with London in autumn 2021
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Title Aga Khan III marries Andree Carron 1929-12-07
Posted October 10th, 2020 by librarian-hdThe Aga Khan III married, on 7 December 1929 (civil), in Aix-les-Bains, France, and 13 December 1929 (religious), in Bombay, India, Andrée Joséphine Carron (1898–1976). A co-owner of a dressmaking shop in Paris, she became known as Princess Andrée Aga Khan. By this marriage, he had one son, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, (1933–2003). The couple were divorced in 1943
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Posted September 23rd, 2020 by librarian-hdQuando:
27 de September de 2019 to 29 de December de 2019
Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência
“In my photographs, I let the animals and trees speak for themselves and hope other people see the beauty I see.”
Hussain Aga Khan
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Hazar Imam visits Sialkot Jamat Khana 1964-11-26
Posted August 6th, 2020 by librarian-hdH.H. The Aga Khan, Mowlana Hazar Imam wrote during the visit to Sialkot "I congratulate you for a clean, neat and attractive Health Center and I am sure that with continued care and hard work, all My Jamath will become fully conscious of the necessity for proper medical attention at all times. Congratulations to all.
26th November 1964
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