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Alnaz Jiwa NOT guilty of Criminal Assault - 2012-05-30


The trial judge held, after reading his judgment for about 35 to 40 minutes, that Jiwa is not guilty. He essentially rejected all of the plaintiff's witnesses' evidence respecting the incident that happened in Unionville JK, going over in details the evidence given by the witnesses.

Prince Amyn Aga Khan - Renewal of the Partnership Agreement - AKF Portugal & the Patriarch of Lisbon - 2012-05-09

Prince Amyn Aga Khan

In His Speech, Prince Amyn said:

"...the Aga Khan Foundation’s Childhood Development Program, its Early Childhood Centre in Lisbon and its two affiliates outside the capital are intensifying collaboration with the institutions of the Catholic Church in providing training to early childhood educators. We are also working with other important partners, including the University of Minho."

2012-03-28 - Defendant Alnaz Jiwa Offers to Double-Pay his 96 books to end the Reference for Profits


Extract from attached letter to the Referee by Mr Jiwa:

Copyright Lawsuit Cost: A person unknown to Defendants pays $30,000 to Aga Khan - 2011-05-25


The latest occurrence in the Copyright Lawsuit is that a Jamati Member who has never met the Defendants volunteered as his brotherly duty to pay the $30,000 that was demanded in the Plaintiff''s submissions and that was accordingly ordered by the judge.

Mr Chatur wrote to the Imam: "I am making this payment from my own personal funds, and on behalf of my two spiritual brothers, out of love, brotherhood and affection. I do not know Alnaz Jiwa or Nagib Tajdin personally nor have I ever met them. I shall look forward to meeting them."

IIS Opens Job Vacancy Section on their Website - 2011-03-16


The IIS (Institute of Ismaili Studies) Website now has a Job Vacancy section:

Direct link

Navroz Message from Canadian Minister Kenney - 2011-03-19


Ottawa, March 19, 2011 — The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement to recognize Canada’s Ismaili Muslim Community as it celebrates Navroz:

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to extend my best wishes to all members of Canada’s Ismaili Muslim community as they celebrate Navroz in the days ahead.

“Canada has benefited greatly from members of the Ismaili community who have made, and continue to make, great contributions to Canada’s heritage, culture and society.

Dignified Consent Judgment refused to Defendants - Appeal filed! - Aga Khan Copyright Lawsuit -2011-02-08


The Aga Khan Copyright judgment in January was the first Intellectual Property judgment of 2011. Attempts were made by defendants to bring back to the table the ideas put forth by the Imam in October 2010.

Defendants were told categorically by Gray that their input about aligning his drafted Order with what the Aga Khan said on October 15th was not welcome, no discussion would happen, and that they could make any comments to the Judge Himself.

Zanzibar Lets Down Aga Khan On Expansion Of Serena By Leasing Prime Real Estate On Forodhani - 2011-01-17


Zanzibar government has contravened laid down procedures in leasing out two of its Forodhani Beach buildings and a garden to the Kempinski hotel group for 99 years. Sources said the hotel is planning to construct a five star hotel at the site.

Reports are that the Aga Khan Development Network, (AKDN) had already reached final stages of negotiations with the government to develop Forodhani area by building gardens and the first phase started last year.

Proof of consent - The Judge erred in Aga Khan Copyright Case, says Oxford Professor and IP expert - 2011-01-31


Who Must Show Consent in an Intellectual Property Infringement Case? Is the question asked by Oxford Professor and Intellectual Property Expert David Vaver.

Purported "Talika" in JK Tonight - 2011-01-21


A purported Talika is being read out JK's around the world Tonight:

- With reference to Summary Judgment

- With strong language resembling Sachedina's , but not resembling any previous Talika of the Imam.

- With wordings of the January 24, 2010 Letter purportedly by Hazar Imam (Recall that questioned letter where it is said that His signature, which had remained steady for decades had now become very tentative and distorted because of old age and an old healed injury.)

Court Gives Summary Judgement in Aga Khan Copyright Case - 2011-01-10


The PDF text of the Judgment and Reasons for Judgment are placed on the Online Book for the Aga Khan Copyright Lawsuit:

PDF's of Judment are in the online book, here

All Comments on the case

Copyright Lawsuit: Defendants are continuously attacked, assaulted - 2010-12-31

Defendants Nagib Tajdin and Alnaz Jiwa have been continuously attacked and assaulted since the beginning of the Lawsuit.

Verbal and printed attacks against the defendants in Public and in Jamatkhanas are well-known. Reports of physical attacks are now coming to light.

Again, these attacks go against all of Hazar Imam's teachings. In light of the stand of the Imam during the Discovery in October 2010, there is no valid reason for these senseless attacks to continue.

Comments on Attacks

Interview of H.H. the Aga Khan: LA FORCE DE LA SAGESSE - 2010-Spring

Jean-Jacques Lafaye - Votre Altesse, en tant que chef spirituel des communautés ismaéliennes du monde entier, vous exercez une influence indiscutable sur la scène internationale. Pourtant, vous ne souhaitez pas être considéré comme un acteur politique...

Karim Aga Khan - ...ou comme un politicien. De mon point de vue, même si la foi et les États doivent entretenir des rapports de collaboration et d'estime, le religieux et le politique sont deux choses bien distinctes.

Obamas visit Humayun Tomb restored by AKTC - 2010-11-07


New Delhi, Nov.7 : Spending almost an hour at the 16th century Humayun Tomb complex, the Obamas held hands and listened carefully as the officer of the ArchaeologicalSurvey of India (ASI) explained in detail the history of the complex. They asked a few questions about therestoration work that the ASI and Aga Khan Trust were doing.

Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2010


Aga Khan Award for Architecture Announces Master Jury for 2010

Geneva, 8 January 2010 – The members of the Master Jury of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture were announced today. The Jury, which selects the recipients of the Award, will convene in January to review the 401 nominated projects and select approximately 25 finalists, which will then be subject to on-site reviews by independent experts. The Jury will meet for a second time in June to select the Award recipients from the group of finalists. Recipients will be announced at a ceremony in autumn 2010.

The Ismaili Centre of Dubai: a monument of tolerance - 2010-10-31

Dubai JamatKhana July 0703

The structure was inaugurated in 2008 by Prince Karim, the Aga Khan, in the presence of senior UAE officials. A 3,000-square-metre public neighbourhood park was also created on parts of the land based on Islamic garden themes. The architecture is an amalgamation of everything that is beautiful in Islam.

Agha Khan Development Network, French Embassy Sign Cooperation Agreement - 2010-10-27

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Damascus, (SANA)- The Agha Khan Development Network (AKDN) and the French Embassy in Damascus signed on Wednesday a partnership agreement to lay down a comprehensive framework for cooperation in development projects in Syria which encompasses many vital sectors. The agreement includes a framework for mutual cooperation in micro-finance, tourism, culture, regional planning, health, education, traffic safety, rural and industrial development.

AKTC - Jaali work empowers them - 2010-10-31


NEW DELHI: This cultural revival project is a part of the vocational training programme of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture's urban renewal project in the Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti and is co-funded by Ford Foundation. The women have been trained by skilled craftsmen. According to officials, the project aims to link heritage with opportunities for economic gain by training both women and men.

Birthday: Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III - 2010-11-02

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Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan was the 48th Imam of the Ismaili community and the grandfather of the present 49th Imam, Prince Karim Aga Khan IV. His birthday is celebrated on November 2.

Aga Khan, International Baccalaureate sign deal to broaden access to quality education - 2010-10-29

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THE Aga Khan Development Network Foundation and the International Baccalaureate have agreed to jointly intensify efforts to broaden access to quality education for students in Uganda and other developing countries. A memorandum of understanding signed at the Aga Khan headquarters in France between the two organisations sets out a framework for strengthened cooperation in the advancement of education.

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