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2010-01-28 London

2010, January 28 - London, UK: "Results change minds, not rhetoric." His Highness the Aga Khan's Statement at the London Conference on Afghanistan today. International conference on Afghanistan begins in London Foreign ministers of over 70 countries gathered at a conference in London to discuss the current situation and future of Afghanistan.

2007-07-12 London

2007, July 12: London, UK - Ismaili Center: H.H. Prince Karim Aga Khan, Prince Rahim, Prince Amyn, Princess Zahra, Prince Hussein, Princess Khaliya & Prince Charles were at the Ismaili Center. Hazar Imam stood a long time outside the center. About 40 Ismailis were waiting on 2 sides and Hazar Imam was constently smiling to them. His first Wave of the Jubilee Year was for the Jamat standing there. He waved 6 times before getting into his car plus again from the car.

memorable visit by Hazar Imam to England in August 1994 from 5th to 14th

memorable visit by Hazar Imam to England in August 1994 from 5th to 14th

Mawlana Hazar Imam's memorable visit to London in August 1994 (5 to 114) brought together jamats from around the world in a celebration of the ties that bind the community across frontiers and of our Imam-e-Zaman's affection and concern for the jamat worldwide



Hazar Imam meets Her Highness Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace for the occasion of His Golden Jubilee

A Code of Conduct: A Treatise on the Etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili Mission

Publication Type  Book Review
Year of Publication  2011
Authors  Wahid M. Amin
Original Authors  Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Naysaburi
Secondary Title  A Brief and Concise Treatise on the Code of Conduct for the Dais
Publisher  Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford

Paradise found: London Aga Khan gallery showcases art inspired by Islamic garden design 2021-05-14

Conference of the Birds by Farkhondeh Ahmadzadeh (centre), inspired by the poem of the same name by the 13th-century sufi Persia

Nature-driven artist and environmentalist Clare Celeste Börsch among contributors to exhibition exploring concept of Eden

As in many paradise gardens, particularly those inspired by Islamic culture, a fountain lies at the heart of the quadrilateral garden created inside the Aga Khan Centre gallery in King’s Cross, London. This fountain doesn’t spout water, however, but beautiful, intricate strips of paper with laser-cut flowers made by Berlin-based American artist Clare Celeste Börsch.

Paradise found: London gallery showcases art inspired by Islamic garden design 2021-05-14

A ‘poetic’ fountain spouts delicate paper strips by artist Clare Celeste Börsch at the Making Paradise exhibition, Aga Khan Gall
The Guardian theguardian.com

Nature-driven artist and environmentalist Clare Celeste Börsch among contributors to exhibition exploring concept of Eden

As in many paradise gardens, particularly those inspired by Islamic culture, a fountain lies at the heart of the quadrilateral garden created inside the Aga Khan Centre gallery in King’s Cross, London. This fountain doesn’t spout water, however, but beautiful, intricate strips of paper with laser-cut flowers made by Berlin-based American artist Clare Celeste Börsch.

Prince Amyn at ismaili Center, London 1982-05-13

Prince Amyn at ismaili Center, London 1982-05-13

Prince Amyn visited the Ismaili Centre for the "topping out" ceremony at the Ismaili Centre in London, England.. He laid the last brick using the "silver trowel"

Prince Amyn visited the Ismaili Center, London, England 1982-05-13

Prince Amyn at ismaili Center, London 1982-05-13
Roshni USA Issue No.8 October 1982

Prince Amyn visited the Ismaili Center in Kensington, London for the occasion of "topping out" ceremony. Prince Amyn placed the last brick as guest of honour at this ceremony held on the roof of the nearly completed Ismaili Center in central London.

Prince Amyn said that the Center has "the difficult vocation of bridging East and West, of bringing together strong and brilliant cultures".

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah accompanied by Begum Mata Salamat visited London, England 1955-05-22

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah at London Airport with Begum Mata Salamat

La bégum des Ismaéliens Aga Khan Yvette Labrousse, et le prince Aga Khan III
La bégum des Ismaéliens Aga Khan Yvette Labrousse et le prince Aga Khan III lors de leur arrivée à l'aéroport de Londres le 22 mai 1955, au Royaume-Uni. (Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah arrived in London, United Kingdom accompanied by Begum Mata Salamat

Hazar Imam at London Conferece met with British Royal Family members and Pakistani Ambassador 2010-01-27

Hazar Imam speaking to Prince Charles and Pakistan's Shah Mehmood Qureshi  at London Conference
alamy stock photo

Britain's Prince Charles (L) speaks with Pakistan's Shah Mehmood Qureshi (R) whilst his brother Prince Andrew (2nd R) speaks with the Aga Khan during a reception for the delegates of Afghanistan: The London Conference, at St James's Palace in London January 27, 2010. The conference on Afghanistan which only a week ago was seen as the political stunt of an enfeebled British government could now mark the beginning of the end of the war in Afghanistan. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor

Prince Rahim at Ismaili Centre

Prince Rahim at Ismaili Centre

2019, October 21, Prince Rahim visited the Ismaili Centre, London to inaugurate the exhibition "Dreams and Dystopias, East Africa at the Crossroads" featuring photographic work by Guillaume Bonn

Prince Sinan with Prince Rahim, Princess Salwa and Prince Irfan

Prince Sinan with Prince Rahim, Princess Salwa and Prince Irfan

Prince Sinan was born on January 2, 2017, in London, United Kingdom.

Speech by H.H. Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III

His Highness Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah - President of Legaue of Nations
The Listener

If I were Dictator

Source: Message by The Aga Khan
(The Listener, 11th November 1931.)

AKDN, Prince William to launch environmental prize

The Earthshot Prize

LONDON: The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is partnering with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, to launch the Earthshot Prize, which aims to incentivise environmental change while helping repair the planet over the next 10 years.
According to a press rele­ase, the prize also aims to find new solutions to environmental crises and the improvement of living stan­dards, particularly for communities that are most at risk from climate change.

The Aga Khan Develo­pment Network is a Global Alliance Founding Partner.

Aga Khan Development Network partners with HRH Prince William to launch prestigious Earthshot prize

The Earthshot Prize

Five, one million-pound prizes to be awarded each year for the next 10 years, providing at least 50 solutions to the world’s greatest environmental problems by 2030
Five Earthshots – universal goals to repair our planet by 2030 – are announced in a new series of short films
Nominations to open on 1st November 2020 with an annual global awards ceremony to be held in a different city each year, starting with London in autumn 2021

AKDN, Prince William to launch environmental prize

AKDN and Duke of Cambridge partner to launch Earthshot Prize

LONDON: The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is partnering with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, to launch the Earthshot Prize, which aims to incentivise environmental change while helping repair the planet over the next 10 years.
According to a press rele­ase, the prize also aims to find new solutions to environmental crises and the improvement of living stan­dards, particularly for communities that are most at risk from climate change.

The Aga Khan Develo­pment Network is a Global Alliance Founding Partner.

BBC Radio 4 Interview, Michael Charlton (London, United Kingdom) 1979-09-06

His Highness The Aga Khan IV

Michael Charlton: Your Highness, how did the Ismaili sect acquire its importance in the first place?

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