Aga Khan IV to be buried in Egypt on Sunday 2025-02-06
Posted February 7th, 2025 by librarian-hdLISBON, Feb 6 (Reuters) - The late Prince Karim Al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV, who died on Tuesday in Lisbon after nearly seven decades as the spiritual leader of the global Ismaili Muslim community, will be buried in Egypt on Sunday, according to the Ismaili Imamat.
After a funeral ceremony at the Ismaili Centre in the Portuguese capital on Saturday - to be attended by leaders of the community, Portuguese government members and foreign dignitaries - Aga Khan IV will be laid to rest at a private burial ceremony in Aswan, Egypt on Sunday, it said in a statement on Thursday.
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Declaration of the 50th Holy Imam of Shia Ismaili

Prince Rahim al-Hussaini Aga Khan V is the 50th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims, as designated by Mawlana Shah Karim in accordance with the historical Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim tradition and practice of nass.
- 527 reads
Imamat Day Mubarak
Posted July 10th, 2021 by librarian-hdIn His Last Will and Testament, our 48th Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah appointed "Karim, the son of my son" to be the Imam and Pir of all Ismailis
- 381 reads
Ismaili Imamat donates Da Vinci Surgical System to Centro Hospitalar Universitario de Lisboa Central 2019-11-08
Posted November 22nd, 2019 by librarian-hdLisbon, Portugal, 8 November 2019 - His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, today inaugurated the state-of-the-art robotics surgical technology in the presence of His Highness the Aga Khan, Imam (hereditary Spiritual Leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims at Lisbon’s Curry Cabral Hospital.
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Hazrat Mowlana Imam Kahir
Our 22nd Holy Imam Kahir was born in Alamut. His complete name was Al-Kahir biquwwatellah ibne Mohtadi ibne Hadi ibne Nizar. He ascended to the Masnad of Imamat in 552 A.H in Alamut . During this time Dai Muhammad bin Kiya Buzurg Umid announced on a mimbar to all Ismailis in Alamut and other Ismaili forts that the Daur-us-Satr was now ending and the Daur-us-Kashf was coming soon when as per Hasan bin Sabah the Caliphat and Imamat would be combined under our Imams
- 1625 reads
Text of Ismaili Imamat Agreement with the Portuguese Republic 2015-06-3
Both Parties assume, as common objectives, the defence of human dignity, economic and social development, interfaith dialogue and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, as ways of achieving justice and peace;
Affirming the interest of both Parties in the establishment of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in the territory of the Portuguese Republic and their common will mutually to respect each other’s autonomy in the context of the mutual trust and esteem which has traditionally characterised their relationship;
Agree as follows:
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Portuguese Foreign Minister Machete receives Prince Aga Khan 2015-06-03
Posted June 4th, 2015 by librarian-hdThe Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Rui Machete, received today the leader of the Ismaili community, Prince Aga Khan, for a working lunch followed by the signing of an agreement between Portugal and the Ismaili Imamat.
- 5589 reads
Aga Khan admite investir em Portugal nos próximos cinco anos 2015-06-02
Posted June 4th, 2015 by librarian-hdO príncipe Aga Khan admite investir na saúde e em serviços de protecção social em Portugal. O PÚBLICO sabe que no discurso que o líder da comunidade Ismaili profere ao princípio da tarde desta quarta-feira no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, após a assinatura do acordo que estabelece a sede global da sua comunidade em Portugal, essa questão será referida.
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A-0029-Imamat Aur Haqikat - 1988
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"L'Imam ne disparaît jamais... L'Imam doit être présent dans ce monde pour guider Ses fidèles en tout temps, pour leur bien, pour les mener au Droit Chemin et pour le maintien de l'Imâmat."
Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah
Cutchh Nagalpûr, 28-11-1903.
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- 10647 reads
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0472-IMAMAT KA NOOR - 2000
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- 8998 reads
0409-IMAMAT -
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LOVE FOR IMAM - June 15, 1999
HQ JK, Edmonton
Hum dil Khalaq, Allah sohi vaseji
Knowing Allah, Knowing Imam
Anecdote of Prophet Musa wanting to see God
According to author, the oldest converts to Ismailism are in Tajikistan. He deduces this from references in Satveni
Customs of Tajik Ismailies
Anecdote of Mowlana Zain-ul-Abidin in Tajikistan.
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Purav janam no saacho
Jire bhaai purav janam no saacho bhaag amaaro
je Sat Gur Bhramaa ji bhale maliyaa ji 1
Jire bhaai bhav saagar naa Gur-e feraa choddaviyaa
bhaai paap juga jug naa taaliyaa ji 2
Jire bhaai Sat Panth dharam enne Gur-e dekhaadiyaa
bhaai sat vinaa koi nahi tariyaa ji 3
Jire bhaai sat santokh aapnne Ali ji sun raakho
sat sukhrit aapnne Gur mukhe dije ji 4
Jire bhaai Sat Gur bethaa Dru ne pramaanne
haji na dekhe murakh andhaa ji 5
Jire bhaai murakh te je maayaa sun raache
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- 6977 reads
Noor te khaat nipaaya
Eji Noor-e te khaak nipaayaa
vann thanbhe racheo aasmaan ji 1
Eji Kudarat aapanni jaaher kidhi
pragattiaa din-kaa Imaam ji 2
Eji Panjatan paak kere panthe chaalo
Sat-Panth sun raakho imaan ji 3
Eji Sat-e haalo moman sat-e chaalo
Sat-Panth sun raakho chit dhiaan ji 4
Eji Gaafal duniyaa dekh ma bhulo
jo raah sidhe maarage chaalo ji 5
Eji Annat jivat murakh baapadde
tenne andhe janam gamaayaa ji 6
Eji Pir Hasan Shaah ginaan sunnaayaa
yaaraa jenne ddhunddheaa tine
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- 14259 reads
Aava gur nar saami sun het
Eji Aavaa Gur Nar saami sun het
marere mane Sat Gur-ji mileaa 1
Eji Evaa ttaaddhaa ttaaddhaa je lonnidhaa het,
maan here pavan jarukhe ghannaa 2
Eji Aavo ruddo sansaar leraddie jaay,
udhaare dekhi tame kaany daro 3
Eji Tame chho maaraa vijeaa gunn-naa vir,
gaatthere vonnaa vannaj kem karo 4
Eji Jenire samar nahi saath,
tenire beddi paar kem lange 5
Eji Maaraa moman bhaai tame samar lejo saath,
satire maaraa tame paar lango 6
Eji Dhan dhan tenu parivaar,
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- 12957 reads
Saachaa meraa Khalak
Eji Sachaa meraa khaalak sirjannhaar,
aape upaayaa Shaah dhandhukaar 1
Eji Nabi Mahammad khudaa kaa piaaraa,
Nabi Mahammad kun aayaa pukaaraa 2
Eji En pukaare kun iyun farmaayaa,
chin maattidhaa bhut sadhaayaa 3
Bhut sadhaayaa tis ruh sadhaayaa,
vann vann ruh iss andhaar kotthi 4
Eji Vehere baanaa e taak tamaaraa
sachaa meraa khaalak maan hamaaraa. 5
Eji Sachaa meraa khaalak behet ki joli,
ginaan mahaaras Pir Shams ki boli 6
- 16700 reads
Aaj te amar aaviya
Eji Aaj te amar aaviaa,
ane bhale padhaariyaa bhagavaan;
kaame kaaje je jiv bhulaa,
teno *ello gayo avtaara ji 1
*ello - pronounced "ero"
Eji Ek chandan paase li(n)b chhe,
te maae sugandh bahu apaar ji;
tene-re paase polaa vaansaddaa,
te maanhe sugandh nahin lagaar ji 2
Eji Tem-re tame lok chho,
baavaa be-imaani ne vaari-e;
Gur-gat maanhe jaai ubhaa rahi-e,
e to kidhaa karatap parkaasi-e 3
Eji Gali-naa vastra vege vaari-e,
sri Bharam aasanne peri nav avi-e;
tethi dev lok alagaa chhe,
bhaai gali gandhi-ne ttaalli-e 4
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- 22406 reads