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Zahra Aga Khan

Speech by Princess Zahra at Institutional Dinner in Karachi 2017-12-26

Princess Zahra speaking at the Dinner for the AKU Board of Trustees  2017-12-26
the.ismaili video

Speech by Princess Zahra at the Dinner organized by the National Council of Pakistan for the AKU Board of Trustees

Coming out of the last two days, I was actually on the phone with my brother this evening and Rahim and I were saying who could have guessed when we were 14 and 15 in 1985 where AKU would be today and what this institution has become.

Princess Zahra arrives in DaresSalaam 2019-03-08

Princess Zahra at Darkhana Jamat Khana, DaresSalaam, Tanzania  2019-03-08

2019, March 8: Princess Zahra Aga Khan has arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (here near Darkhana JK) for the Inauguration of the Phase II of the Aga Khan Hospital, tomorrow around 10 AM. Yesterday she had meetings in Nairobi , Kenya at the Aga Khan University Hospital.



Princess Zahra Aga Khan (UCA Trustee), at the Partnership Agreement with University of Cambridge seen with Dr. Shamsh Kassim-Lakha (Chairman, Board of Trustees, UCA), and Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi (Rector, UCA) and Prof. Stephen Toope (VC, University of Cambridge

Princess Zahra presented with Huffington Award by Asia Society Texas Center

Princess Zahra presented with Huffington Award by Asia Society Texas Center

On 10 October 2019, Princess Zahra, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Sara Boyden, was honoured with the Asia Society Texas Center’s Huffington Award in Houston, USA. Princess Zahra was honoured for her outstanding contributions that have furthered international understanding, uplifted lives, and advanced health and education through her work with the Aga Khan Development Network.

Princess Zahra arrives in Houston, Texas, to receive Huffington Award 2019-10-10

Princess Zahra Aga Khan is presented the Huffington Award by Nancy C. Allen, Honourary Co-Chair and Asia Society Center Board Me

Princess Zahra and her daughter, Miss Sara Boyden, arrived in Houston, Texas, earlier today at the invitation of the Asia Society Texas Center. Princess Zahra is being honoured with the Huffington Award at the annual Award Dinner being held later tonight.

She will be recognised for her outstanding contributions that have furthered international understanding, uplifted lives, and advanced health and education on a global scale through her work with the Aga Khan Development Network.

Princess Zahra inaugurates Phase II of The Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam 2019-03-09

The R.H. Kassim M. Majaliwa (MP), Prime Minister of the United Republic of #Tanzania, and Princess Zahra  2019-03-09

The Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam - Phase II will be inaugurated on Saturday 9 March 2019 in the presence of Princess Zahra and His Excellency, the Honourable Kassim M. Majaliwa (MP), Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Princess Zahra baptizes rhe new Azzura

Princess Zahra baptizes rhe new Azzura

Princess Zahra baptizes the new Azzura 2015-05-22

Princess Zahra attends Bamyan hospital inaugurated with Canada, France and AKDN support


standard hospital was inaugurated in central Bamyan province of Afghanistan after the project was completed with the support of the Canada, France, and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).

According to the local government officials, the hospital has been built and equipped with a total cost of $22.8 million. It is a 141-bed state-of-the-art hospital will transform the lives of 450,000 Afghans – many of them are women and children

Princess Zahra Aga Khan baptises the new Azzurra 2015-05-22

Princess Zahra Aga Khan baptizes new Azzurra 52 Super Series 2015

Azzurra’s baptism was held today in Valencia after the day’s races were over and the Princess Zahra Aga Khan did the christening. Ran is at the head of the provisional overall results while Azzurra is in fifth place.

Gov't cuts put onus on volunteers-1998-08-26

Zahra Aga Khan.jfif

The work of volunteers is becoming more important as governments do less and less in society, says one of the leaders of an international development network.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan, 27, is the oldest of three children of the Aga Khan, the wealthy developer and financier who is spiritual leader of the world's 15 million Ismaili Muslims.

Princess Zahra works on social welfare, women's activities and youth programs supported by the Aga Khan Development Network, a 30-year-old group of private, non-denominational international development agencies.


Princess Zahra Aga Khan receiving the BSHF/World Habitat Award in Kazan, 4 October 2006. From left, Hafiz Sherali, Chairman of t

Princess Zahra Aga Khan received the BSHF/World Habitat Award in Naples, Italy on October 2, and In Kazan on October 4.

Kazan, Russian Federation, 4 October 2006 - Princess Zahra Aga Khan today attended the World Habitat Day in Kazan and accepted a World Habitat Award on behalf of the Aga Khan Planning and Building Service (AKPBS). AKPBS was cited for its efforts to improve housing conditions in Pakistan through its Building and Construction Improvement Programme (BACIP).

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