His Highness the Aga Khan visits Alberta and British Columbia 2018-10-15
conferred highest academic honours from leading canadian universities in unprecedented joint ceremony
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2015-05-25 Toronto Park and Protocol
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2010-05 Canada
Friday, May 28, 2010, His Highness the Aga Khan will participate in the Foundation Ceremony with several members of his family: Prince Amyn, Prince Rahim, Prince Husayn, Princess Khaliya, to mark the beginning of the development of the Ismaili Centre, the first-ever Aga Khan Museum for Islamic Art and Culture, and their Park, in Toronto's Don Mills area
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Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat: Album
"The Delegation will serve a representational role for the Imamat and its non-denominational, philanthropic and development agencies which constitute the Aga Khan Development Network – the AKDN. An open, secular facility, the Delegation will be a sanctuary for peaceful, quiet diplomacy, informed by the Imamat’s outlook of global convergence and the development of civil society.
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2008-12-06 Canada Delegation
Exclusive Photos of the Opening of the delegation building
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Toronto - Wynford Park
Album for Wynford Park, housing the Toronto High Profile Jamatkhana and Aga Khan Museum.
- 34955 reads