Speech by Prince Sadrudin UN High Commissioner for Refugees, at the European Consultative Meeting, 1968-04-01
Posted April 26th, 2021 by librarian-hdMr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I assumed office as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at the beginning of this year. One of the first tasks to which I had to turn my attention was the problem faced by European governments with regard to the increased number of refugees and asylum-seekers moving into European States. One aspect of this phenomenon has been the fact that, in recent years, the majority of asylum-seekers entering Europe are from non-European countries far away from the region.
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Aga Khan Preschool named most nature-friendly preschool in Gujarat by Education World India 2021-04
Posted April 25th, 2021 by librarian-hdThe Aga Khan Preschool in Thorala, in Rajkot, Gujarat, won two awards from EducationWorld India for being the most Nature-Friendly Preschool in the Gujarat State and the seventh most Nature-Friendly Preschool in India.
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“I would like to congratulate Aga Khan University Hospital for being the first CAP accredited laboratory in Pakistan. We know that the journey has been a long one but we are sure and certain that the benefits of our accreditation and your continual desire to improve your services, your performance, your accuracy, your reliability, and your precision, will benefit the patients in Pakistan”
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The recognition of private sector capabilities, which in the past have often been considered politically unacceptable in developing countries, is extending into the sphere of social institutions. More and more countries are questioning why it was ever necessary to nationalise competent private schools and medical facilities. In Pakistan, for example, private schools are now being returned to their former owners.
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In the Third World we are not talking about saving for refrigerators or cars. We are talking about the ability to buy proper clothing and to send children to primary school, to live in a house - however primitive - not in a hovel. We are talking about improvements which do not require large amounts of money but do require a genuine understanding of the impediments to improving the quality of life of rural people.
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Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at Luncheon by AKDN in Ottawa 1983-04-27
Posted April 23rd, 2021 by librarian-hdSPEECH BY HIS HIGHNESS PRINCE KARIM AGA KHAN
APRIL 27 1983
Honourable Ministers, Your Excellencies, My Lord Chief Justice, Distinguished Guests.
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Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away 1997-04-25
Posted April 21st, 2021 by librarian-hdIN MEMORY: 1997, April 25: Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away. It was a sad event and we felt we should do a Gallery in her honour. You can access it in the link bellow:
Princess Tajudaulah (JOAN VISCOUNTESS CAMROSE) married Prince Aly Khan on May 18, 1936 in Paris in the presence of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, Princess Andree and Lady Aly Shah. She was born Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller on April 22 1908
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Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away 1997-04-25
Posted April 21st, 2021 by librarian-hdIN MEMORY: 1997, April 25: Princess Tajudaullah, mother of Mowlana Shah Karim and Prince Amyn and wife of Prince Ay Khan, passed away. It was a sad event and we felt we should do a Gallery in her honour. You can access it in the link bellow:
Princess Tajudaulah (JOAN VISCOUNTESS CAMROSE) married Prince Aly Khan on May 18, 1936 in Paris in the presence of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, Princess Andree and Lady Aly Shah
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Oh yes. He is always with me, He doesn't leave me. I am thinking of him all the time. As long as you live and you are thinking of someone he is alive. When you die, he will die. Because he is in me, he lives with me. Now it's 35 years (since his death) and I am very grateful that he left me the possibility to build this mausoleum. I am very proud.
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FAITHFUL TO THE MAN AND THE PLACE - Interview of Mata Salamat 1992-04-23
Posted April 20th, 2021 by librarian-hdJust before leaving Aswan to spend the summer in Cannes, Princess Yvonne Aga Khan, wife of the late Aga Khan gave a rare interview to YOUSSEF EL-DEEB
Shortly before his death in 1957, Sultan Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili sect of Islam, chose as his resting place a solitary sand dune on the West Bank of the Nile at Aswan. Princess Yvonne Agha Khan, known as the Begum, a French national and the Sultan`s third wife, has cared for this tomb ever since, staying at their house nearby for six months of the year and spending the summer at their villa in Cannes.
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H.H. The Aga Khan, Mowlana Shah Karim signed Accords with the Governments of Kenya and Uganda 1992-04-22
Posted April 19th, 2021 by librarian-hd1992, April 22: 5-day visit to Uganda and Kenya. H.H. The Aga Khan, Mowlana Shah Karim signed Accords with both Governments. The Accords acknowledge the Aga Khan Development Network's contribution in the region. At the signing ceremony in Nairobi, President Moi of Kenya commended the institutions of the Development Network for actively serving Kenya in the fields of education and health for more than 50 years. "They were among the pioneers who opened up their institutions to people of all races and religion long before independence" Moi said.
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And I am happy to tell you that it is My intention to develop a permanent base here in Singapore. And that is also the reflection of the success of the Jamat. Your standing, your leadership, your credibility, the relations that you have built. This is what makes these constructs a reality for Me to work with.
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Speech by Hazar Imam at the Institutional Dinner in Singapore 2012-04-02
Posted April 18th, 2021 by librarian-hdSingapore April 2 2012
President Bana, Leaders of the Jamat
I would like first of all to express My very warm gratitude for this wonderful visit to the Far East.
Recent times have been difficult in the Muslim world. They have been difficult in Africa, they have been difficult for some of our Jamats. And in looking at this background, I ask myself where do we find partners? Partners to work with us, partners where we can share thinking, partners where we will find human resources who will work with us.
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Aga Khan visits Singapore 2012-03-31
Posted April 18th, 2021 by librarian-hd31 March - 2 April 2012 - His Highness the Aga Khan paid a working visit to Singapore from 31st March to 2nd April 2012 during which he held discussions with the country's President, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam and its Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong. The Aga Khan also met with Singapore’s Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, and with senior representatives from
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Qutub Shahi Tombs: 60 pc renovation work completed, a unique heritage park on card 2021-04-16
Posted April 17th, 2021 by librarian-hdHyderabad: The 16th Century Qutub Shahi Tombs are one of the main tourist attraction in the city. A heritage park is being added as a new chapter to this attraction.
The unique heritage park is likely to come up on 106 acres of land with the joint efforts of Aga Khan Foundation, Heritage Telangana and Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
A project is underway to preserve and restore 40 tombs, three mosques, seven wells, and other buildings. The first phase of this grand program of repair and renovation has been completed in 2018 and now the last phase of this program is underway.
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Pakistan High Commission Canada, AKDN Canada to assist businessmen to invest in Pakistan
Posted April 13th, 2021 by librarian-hdPakistan High Commission in Ottawa Canada and Agha Khan Development Network in Canada will work together to further promote, motivate and facilitate Canadian and expatriate Pakistanis to invest in Pakistan and coordinate efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
This was decided during a virtual meeting between Pakistan High Commissioner in Canada Raza Bashir Tarar and, Diplomatic Representative Aga Khan Development Network Dr Mahmoud Eboo in Canada.
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Hazar Imam arrived in Canada for official visit
Posted April 13th, 2021 by librarian-hdMowlana Shah Karim and Begum Salimah arrive in Ottawa, received by Chief Protocol Officer Mr. L.H. Amyot, the Honorary Secrectary of the Admin. Committee for Ottawa Mr Azeem Motani and his wife Noorjehan. They came as guests of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. To commemorate the occasion, the My Flag was flown over Rideau Gate, the hotel where Hazar Imam and the Begum stayed
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People are much more interested in war than in peace. It is always so much easier for the media to focus on conflict, suffering, bombs, mines, struggle and resistance, than on reconstruction and relief. They only highlight these subjects when things go wrong, when food stocks lie rotting in ports, or when they arrive too late. Rarely do we hear about the positive aspects of reconstruction. This is precisely why my job
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Interview of Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan by Annick Billard of
Posted April 12th, 2021 by librarian-hdInterview with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan By Annick Billard (Courtesy Refugees - November 1988) Following the historic agreement signed in Geneva on 14 April 1988 between Afghanistan and Pakistan, on 11 May, the U.N. Secretary General appointed Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan to the position of Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan.
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Recent events oblige us to reflect on how environmental pollution and the resulting climate change are heavily affecting the ecosystem of our lives. I am referring to the latest fiery hurricanes, including Irma, who also hit our winter office at Virgin Gorda and had a devastating impact on the Caribbean populations.
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