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100 schools to benefit from Aga Khan project 2021-05-26

Pupils of St Peters Primary School, Katwe, Kampala, attend lessons at the school on March 10, 2020. PHOTO/JAMES KABENGWA.
Daily Monitor Uganda

The Schools2030 project is aimed at empowering schools to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), aimed at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education thereby promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. Ms Janat Namatovu, the AKF Schools2030 project coordinator, explained that the project is aimed at supporting teachers through “human centred design thinking” approach.

Aga Khan Preschool named most nature-friendly preschool in Gujarat by Education World India 2021-04

The Aga Khan Preschool, Thorala, teaches children about being mindful of their environment through fun activities (photo taken p

The Aga Khan Preschool in Thorala, in Rajkot, Gujarat, won two awards from EducationWorld India for being the most Nature-Friendly Preschool in the Gujarat State and the seventh most Nature-Friendly Preschool in India.

Govt likely to hand over new schools to Aga Khan Board 2018-07-06


KARACHI: With its failure to properly run the newly established 50 English medium schools with Cambridge International Examination (CIE) system in the province, the Sindh government is likely to handover these schools to the Aga Khan Board to ensure quality education to the students, it was learnt on Thursday.

In this regard, an initial consultation has been made while the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Sindh government and Aga Khan Board will be signed very soon after which the control of these CIE schools is to be given to Aga Khan Board, sources told Pakistan Today.

Aga Khan Academy to enter final phase, with construction begins this year

Hazar Imam in Bangladesh to lay the foundation of the Aga Khan Academy in Dacca  2008-05-20

The Academy in Dhaka will eventually be part of a network of 18 centres of educational excellence in a total of 14 countries across Africa, Central and South Asia and the Middle East.

The Aga Khan laid a foundation stone for Bangladesh’s first Aga Khan Academy on May 20, 2008, during his Dhaka visit.

The schools will use the International Baccalaureate curriculum and admit students on the basis of their academic potential rather than their ability to pay.

Aga Khan Academy Dhaka wins award for best ‘Future Education Project’

Concept art of the Aga Khan Academy planned for construction in Dhaka in 2018 CourtesY

Pegged to be situated on a 20-acre site near the centre of Dhaka, the academy’s plan draws inspiration from historic educational institutions

Designs for the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka (a state-of-the-art,1200-student residential school planned for the capital) won the award for best ‘Future Education’ project at the World Architecture Festival 2017, held from November 15-17 in Berlin, Germany.

The award recognises the excellence of the school’s design as well as the project’s intention to generate a positive social impact.

Tanzania: Aga Khan Network Earns Govt Praise in Education

The Aga Khan University Board of Trustees with the Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan during their meetings in Tanzania.  AKD

Kilwa — The government has lavished praise on the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for implementing effectively an education initiative under a project dubbed Strengthening Education Systems East Africa (Sesea).

The implementation of the project started in 2012 with a purpose of building capacity to pre and primary school teachers on how best they can prepare teaching aid, monitoring and assess academic performance of their pupils.

The project intends to reach 187,344 teachers in the East African countries out of which Tanzania will have 69,515 female teachers as beneficiaries.

H.H. The Aga Khan meets with President Museveni of Uganda

H.H. The Aga Khan meets with President Museveni of Uganda

H.H. The Aga Khan meets with President Museveni of Uganda 2005-03-21

Princess Zahra Aga Khan in DaresSalaam 2015-06-25

Princess Zahra Aga Khan in DaresSalaam 2015-06-25

Pricess Zahra arrives in DaresSalaam 2015-06-25

H.H. The Aga Khan arrives in Naryn 2014-11-02

H.H. The Aga Khan arrives in Kyrgyz Republic
[Kabar News and AKIpress]

H.H. The Aga Khan arrived in the Kyrgyz Republic for a four day visit in the country. He was received by the Kyrgyz Minister of Education, Kanat Sadykov. During this visit, His Highness will travel to Naryn, where he will review progress on the construction of UCA’s main campus and brief provincial and local leaders on developments, including the opening of the Naryn campus which will admit its first undergraduate students in September 2016.

Do Business and Islam Mix? Ask Him 2007-07-08

The Aga Khan congratulating graduates of a midwife training course in Afghanistan that was sponsored by the Aga Khan Development
The New York Times

He is a moderate Muslim religious leader and a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He is also a twice-married jet-setter, and he owns hundreds of racehorses, valuable stud farms, an exclusive yacht club on Sardinia and a lavish estate near Paris.

Aga Khan Development Network

Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad, India to Be Inaugurated 2013-09-20

2013-09-20 1619.jpg

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, September 2013 - The Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad is a new, not-for-profit school situated on a 100-acre campus near the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. It will be inaugurated by the Union Minister of Human Resources and the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh in the presence of His Highness the Aga Khan, founder and Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network.



Your Excellency President Rakhmonov, Your Excellency Deputy Chairman Koimdodov for the Majlisi Olli, Your Excellency Chairman Nyazmamadov, Your Excellency the Mayor, distinguished guests.

We gather this afternoon to open the first formal educational program undertaken by the Aga Khan Development Network in Central Asia. I thank you President Rakhmonov for your kind words on this special occasion and for your encouragement.

Kibaki urges AKDN support on education and health - 2009-07-28

His Highness the Aga Khan meets with Kenya's President, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki. 2017-07-28
Sunday Nation

In Summary

President thanks The Aga Khan for his contribution to Kenya’s development.


President Kibaki has urged The Aga Khan Development Network to continue supplementing government efforts in the education and health sectors.

The President said the government will support the AKDN's efforts especially in empowering farmers through the Network’s value addition to farmers' output.

He made the remarks when he met The Aga Khan at his Harambee House office on Tuesday.

President Kibaki outlined the government’s commitment to empowering farmers in the rural areas.


H.H Aga Khan IV with President Museveni of Uganda

The President Museveni was on Saturday presiding over the silver jubilee of the school at the school's grounds near Mbarara municipality. The ceremony was attended by his Highness, the Aga Khan.

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has commended the administration of St. Joseph's Vocational School for supporting the Government policy by offering science-oriented subjects that are marketable.

Museveni and the Aga Khan, the spiritual leader of the Ismailia community, later held a meeting at the State Lodge in Mbarara, according to a statement issued by the presidential press unit.

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