FAITHFUL TO THE MAN AND THE PLACE - Interview of Mata Salamat 1992-04-23
Posted April 20th, 2021 by librarian-hdJust before leaving Aswan to spend the summer in Cannes, Princess Yvonne Aga Khan, wife of the late Aga Khan gave a rare interview to YOUSSEF EL-DEEB
Shortly before his death in 1957, Sultan Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili sect of Islam, chose as his resting place a solitary sand dune on the West Bank of the Nile at Aswan. Princess Yvonne Agha Khan, known as the Begum, a French national and the Sultan`s third wife, has cared for this tomb ever since, staying at their house nearby for six months of the year and spending the summer at their villa in Cannes.
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- 633 reads
Interview of Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan by Annick Billard of
Posted April 12th, 2021 by librarian-hdInterview with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan By Annick Billard (Courtesy Refugees - November 1988) Following the historic agreement signed in Geneva on 14 April 1988 between Afghanistan and Pakistan, on 11 May, the U.N. Secretary General appointed Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan to the position of Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan.
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- 536 reads
Interview with Roger Priouret for the French magazine <i>L'Expansion'Face to Face with the Aga Khan 1975-03-01
Posted February 18th, 2021 by librarian-hdFACE TO FACE WITH THE AGA KHAN
MARCH 1975
I expected the Aga Khan to be a Parisian at heart, like his grandfather and father before him, with "high society" manners, living in luxury and idle for most of the time.
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- 3137 reads
Hidden secrets of the universe-interview with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan June Ducas about his art collection, now on show at the
Posted December 19th, 2020 by librarian-hdIf ever East meets West, it could be said to do so at Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan's 17th-century home, the Château de Bellerive on the shores of Lake Geneva. Flanked by two square towers, the
stone façade of the château with its tiled roof, wooden shutters and arched doors of studded oak is austere but arrestingly beautiful.
While the outside may be simple, the rooms inside are crammed with exotic bibelots, orchids, oriental
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- 932 reads
The Critical Time - interview to 'Al-Mostakbul' newspaper of Cairo, Egypt.
Posted December 2nd, 2020 by librarian-hdTHE CRITICAL TIME
DECEMBER 20, 1986
The Aga Khan
Who is this man called the Aga Khan? One question among dozens of others which invaded my mind while on my way to meeting that "man-riddle" who has pre-occupied the Western world for many years as no other Muslim leader did before him, and stimulated in it as much curiosity as romantic, imperialistic feelings since the days of the British Raj in India and the legends of the Maharajas and Sultans in the days of a thousand and one nights.
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- 11169 reads
H.H The Aga Khan Interview on CNN: Building boom in the Middleast
Posted November 29th, 2020 by librarian-hdH.H The Aga Khan Interview on CNN: Building boom in the Middle East
Doha is a city that welcomes a slower pace – despite its breakneck pace of development – and it is where I sat down with the Aga Khan, the Imam of the largest branch of the Ismaili followers, for an exclusive interview. The window of time was limited – 10 minutes to be precise – but precious in its outcome.
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- 682 reads
Interview - Salimah, Princesse des enfants de Tahiti
Posted November 1st, 2020 by librarian-hdPour la troisième année consécutive, la princesse Salimah Aga Khan a fait le voyage à Tahiti, pour rendre visite au village d'enfants dont elle est la marraine. Une action humanitaire qui a vu le jour au moment où sa vie prenait une nouvelle direction.
"Lorsque l'ombre de la nuit, Déchire mon coeur d'enfant, Dans le noir, la solitude qui m'attend, Et pourtant tu est là près de moi, Très chère maman, belle princesse, Ton amour est une caresse, J'ai besoin de toi, oui de toi".
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- 1266 reads
Interview CTV Television Network
Posted October 29th, 2020 by librarian-hdNovember 13, 1978.
Q. As spiritual leader of the world's 20 million Ismailis, the Aga Khan is a direct descendant of Mohammed. As a political and a social leader He is a man of enormous wealth and responsibility. The Aga Khan is a friend of the Shah of Iran. Many of His followers live there. I asked Him in Ottawa yesterday what someone in his situation might do when a country such as Iran is thrown into the turmoil and crisis.
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- 3862 reads
Aga Khan Speaks Out on Understanding of Muslims 2006-09-25
Posted September 29th, 2020 by librarian-hd
The Aga Khan is a Muslim leader of global stature who rarely appears on the airwaves. He usually prefers to keep his distance from the media — not least because the press has generally proved more interested in his race horses and immense wealth than his humanitarian work.
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- 717 reads
Prince Sadruddin: Interview with The Unesco Courier 1991-05-01
Posted September 6th, 2020 by librarian-hdUNESCO Courier May 1991.
Courier: You have been associated with the United Nations system for many years. Did you feel a vocation to serve the UN?
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- 1661 reads
BBC Radio 4 Interview, Michael Charlton (London, United Kingdom) 1979-09-06
Posted August 31st, 2020 by librarian-hdMichael Charlton: Your Highness, how did the Ismaili sect acquire its importance in the first place?
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- 2884 reads
The quiet revolutionary 1991-08-18
Posted August 8th, 2020 by librarian-hdThe quiet revolutionary
By Akbar S. Ahmed
The (Manchester) Guardian Weekly, August 18, 1991
Picture caption: The Aga Khan: paradox
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A rare interview with the Aga Khan on poverty, climate change, and demystifying Islam 2017-07-11
Posted January 27th, 2020 by librarian-hdHis Highness Prince Karim, the Aga Khan, is many things.
“Virtually a one-man state,” as Vanity Fair once put it, he’s the spiritual leader of the world’s 15 million Shia Ismaili Muslims and a unique embodiment of the potential for East blending with West. He inherited from his Indian-born grandfather a dynasty that spans the Muslim world, but he is a British citizen, born in Switzerland, raised in Kenya, educated at Harvard, and lives in a French chateau.
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- 2446 reads
Interview with Paul Chutkow - THE AGA KHAN'S VISION
Posted September 2nd, 2019 by librarian-hdTHE AGA KHAN'S VISION - To him, architecture is not the mother of the arts; it is the mother of civilization
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- 4137 reads
‘There’s hope.’ Princess Yasmin Aga Khan opens up about her mother Rita Hayworth and Alzheimer’s disease
Posted April 4th, 2019 by librarian-hdWhen Hollywood star Rita Hayworth was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1981 at the age of 62, her daughter Princess Yasmin Aga Khan took on the role of her conservator.
In addition to caring for her mother, Princess Yasmin, who is a half-sister of the Ismaili Muslim spiritual leader, the Aga Khan, also became an early spokesperson for those with Alzheimer’s, bringing public attention to a neurodegenerative disease that few openly discussed.
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- 3807 reads
His Highness the Aga Khan's interview with Henri Weill from La Cohorte 2019-01-29
Posted March 9th, 2019 by librarian-hd(Interview on 29 January 2019)
In 1957, the Aga Khan succeeded his grandfather as the leader of the Ismailis. He is the 49th Imam of a community estimated at between 12 and 15 million believers living in 25 countries. Prince Karim Al-Husseini (his birth name) created the Aga Khan Development network (AKDN), committed to development in the world, regardless of whether there is a community in the country in question. Grand Croix of the Legion of Honour, this discreet man, aged 82 years old, welcomed us for one of his rare French interviews in his property in Gouvieux, Oise.
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- 6345 reads
Posted March 5th, 2019 by librarian-hdA rare portrait of an intent young ruler who rejects the temptations of an idle life in order to carry on his dynasty's sporting tradition. He runs a huge racing stable, is building a vast Mediterranean resort and skis with Olympic skill
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Interview on Radio Pakistan 1960-10-29
Posted February 23rd, 2019 by librarian-hd• 29 October 1960
• Interview to Radio Pakistan
• Source : Speeches book II – pg 47 – 50
(In September / October 1960 His Royal Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan toured whole of Pakistan for about 40 days. At the conclusion of this tour, he gave an interview to the Radio Pakistan’s representative and explained how it is possible to live a modern life and at the same time a religious life.
His message to the world’s largest Muslim State, Pakistan was “Islam and Work”)
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- 4143 reads
Interview on Special Train called the ‘Aga Khan Express’ in West Pakistan
Posted February 22nd, 2019 by librarian-hdIn September/October 1960, His Royal Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan toured all over Pakistan. Many foreign and local correspondents and photographers accompanied him on this colourful tour made in a Special Train called the ‘Aga Khan Express’ in West Pakistan. In the northern-most picturesque part known as Hunza Valley, His Royal Highness went in jeep and on horse-back. In East Pakistan the tour was done mostly by air and river transport.
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- 2960 reads
Press Interview in Iran 1959-11-01
Posted January 1st, 2019 by librarian-hdPress Interview in Iran
November 1st , 1959
Source: Speeches II (pg 5 – 7)
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- 4966 reads