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Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan to the Graduating Class at the 2024 UCA Convocation 2024-06-15

Princess Zahra Aga Khan addressing virtually the 2024 UCA Graduates

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan (delivered virtually)
UCA Graduation 2024

Your Excellencies, Dr Dodurkul Kendirbaeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. Altynbek Ergeshov,
Governor of Naryn Oblast and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakshan, Autonomous Oblast,
Chairman Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and members of the Board of Trustees,
Acting Rector Christopher Gerry, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences,
Maxim Khomyakov and UCA faculty and staff,

Prince Rahim Aga Khan made an impromptu speech at the Islamabad Serena Hotel 2024-06-14

Prince Rahim awarded the Nishan-I-Pakistan from President Asif Ali Zardari   2024-06-07
Heritage Society Collection

Prince Rahim Aga Khan's week long visit in the Northern Areas of Pakistan culminated by a Diner at the Serena where he made a 45 second impromptu speech.
Islamabad, Pakistan

June 11, 2024

I know that Hazar Imam, my father, will be very happy to hear about the progress being made here.

And, of course, he will be interested to hear about the challenges that we still face because, of course, there are always challenges.

Speech by Princess Zahra at the opening of the Cancer Centre in Tanzania 2024-05-02

Princess Zahra Aga Khan   2024-05-02
video the.ismaili

Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, Honorable Minister, Cher Ambassador,

It is such a pleasure to be here today.

On behalf of the Aga Khan Health Services and Aga Khan University, it's not often that we get to inaugurate this kind of investment.

I think that Dr. Heiss and my colleagues would all tell you that the overall AKDN health system, whether it's this year, I believe we'll see about 12 million patients around the world, inpatient and outpatient.

We work in about a dozen countries, including Afghanistan, including Pakistan.

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the AKU Global Convocation, Nairobi, Kenya 2024-02-17

Princess Zahra Aga Khan speaking at the 2024 AKU Global Convocation held in Nairobi  2024-02-17


Our Chief Guest, Honourable Ezekiel Machogu, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of Kenya,
Chairman and Members of the Kenya University Council and Uganda Council, Chairman
and Members of the AKU Board of Trustees,
Vice-Chancellor and President Suleiman Shahabuddin,
Provost Deans, Faculty, Alumni, Staff and Generous Supporters of AKU,
Parents, Family Members, Distinguished Guests, and most importantly, the members of
the Class of 2023.

Good afternoon, Hamjambo, and welcome to the Aga Khan University's 2024 Convocation.

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 20th anniversary of the Mombasa Aga Khan Academy 2024-02-19

Princess Zahra Aga Khan visits Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa on the 20th anniversary   2024-02-19

Princess Zahra speeech at the Mombasa Academy 20th anniversay
Feb 19, 2024, 6:46 PM


Respected representatives of the Ministry of Education, Kenya and the Mombasa County Department of Education,
Students, parents, staff, alumni of the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Friends of the Academy.

Good morning and welcome to this day of commemoration, celebration and hope.

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 2023 Global Pluralism Award 2023-11-14

Princess Zahra Aga Khan addresses the guests and participants at the 2023 Global Pluralism Award ceremony

VIDEO: https://ismaili.net/timeline/2023/2023-11-14-gcp-speech-princess-zahra.m...


Your Excellencies, distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of His Highness the Aga Khan and the entire Board of the Global Centre for Pluralism to the 2023 Global Pluralism Award.

Speech by Prince Amyn Aga Khan at the Topping Out ceremony held at the construction of the Ismaili Center, Houston 2023-10-23

Prince Amyn addresses the audience during a luncheon celebrating the topping out of the Ismaili Center.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support we have received for this project.

This includes the steadfast backing from the State of Texas, Mayor Turner, the City of Houston and its residents, including those in attendance here today.

As we share this moment today, in your eighth and final year as Mayor of Houston, I want to express to you on behalf of myself personally and on behalf of the Ismaili community, that the legacy you leave in the City of Houston and the State of Texas will be celebrated for decades to come.

Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan III at the General Assembly of the League of Nations, Geneva 1934-09-27

His Highness Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III
League of Nations

The President
His Highness The Aga Khan, first delegate of India, will address the Assembly.

Historic occasion

Speech by Prince Amyn Muhammad at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat on the occasion of the 25th anniversary 2023-07-12

Prince Amyn Aga Khan
video the.ismaili

May I extend a very warm welcome to you to the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat for this evening’s reception.

It is very special for us to be able at last to host you in this beautiful building and to welcome you to the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat, which has been designated by my brother, His Highness the Aga Khan, as the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat.

Message from His Highness the Aga Khan, Chancellor of the University of Central Asia, at the 2023 UCA Convocation

His Highness The Aga Khan IV


Members of the Class of 2023, distinguished guests, faculty and staff, trustees, friends and supporters:

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, UCA Trustee at the 2023 UCA Convocation 2023-06-16

Princess Zahra Aga Khan, UCA Trustee, at the 2023 UCA Convocation AKDN / Iskender Ermekov


Your Excellencies Imanaliev Kanybek Kapashovich, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;

Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Altynbek Ergeshov, Governor of Naryn Oblast;

and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast;

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, and Members of the Board;

Maxim Khomyakov, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences;

Dr Sulaiman Shahabuddin, President of the Aga Khan University;

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan inaugurates construction of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Kampala, Uganda 2023-04-27

Princess Zahra Aga Khan and First Lady Janet Museveni

(partial speech from video)

Princess Zahra Aga Khan made the following remarks in Kampala, Uganda on the occasion of the construction of the Aga Khan University Hospital
(source: video)

April 27, 2023

Reporter - "Princess Zahra said the 60 acres of land, a donation from the government, is a gesture that will not be taken for granted and will ensure the facilities are operational in the next two years."

Princess Zahra at the opening of the Aga Khan Polyclinic in Zanzibar 2023-04-25

Princess Zahra Aga Khan, speaking at the opening of the Outreach Health Centre in Zanzibar AKDN / Akbar Hakim


Your Excellency Mariam Mwinyi, First Lady of Zanzibar;
Honourable Simai Mohammed Said, Minister of Tourism and Heritage;
Your Excellency Nabil Hajlaoui, Ambassador of France to Tanzania;
Honourable Hassan Khamis Hafidh, Deputy Minister of Health;
Madame Robert, Director for Tanzania of the Agence Française de Développement;
Distinguished Guests, Ladies, Gentlemen and Friends,

This project is quite wonderful. It’s wonderful to see a building with the history of this building have a new life, going back to its original purpose.

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan during the AKU Founder's Day and 40th Anniversary celebrations 2023-03-18

Princess Zahra Aga Khan addressing the gathering at the AKU Founder's Day   2023-03-18

March 18, 2023

In her address to the gathering, Princess Zahra Aga Khan delivered a message from Hazar Imam – Chancellor and Founder of the Aga Khan University – on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary celebration of the Aga Khan University a three-fold celebration: AKU’s 40th anniversary; the inaugural Founder’s Day commemoration; and the success of AKU’s Class of 2022.. Shamiyana structures were set up at AKU’s campus in Karachi — and across similar stages at AKU’s campuses in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Kampala.

Karachi, Pakistan

Message from Hazar Imam, on the occasion of the AKU Founder's Day and 40th Anniversary celebration 2023-03-18

Graduates receiving their diplomas from the Chancellor of the Aga University Pakistan in 1994

Message by Chancellor His Highness The Aga Khan (Convocation today).


Forty years ago, the Aga Khan University received its Charter from the Government of Pakistan as a vast crowd of well-wishers looked on. It was a truly historic occasion – the kind that comes only a few times in one's life. It filled my heart and the hearts of many others with joy and pride.

Speech by Prince Rahim Aga Khan at the World Government Summit Dubai 2023-02-13

Prince Rahim addresses World Government Summit in Dubai   2023-02-13
Islamabad Post


Your Highnesses,

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Speech by Prince Rahim Aga Khan at the Kusi Ideas Festival 2022 2022-12-08

Prince Rahim Aga Khan addressed the Kusi Ideas Festival remotely

December 8, 2022
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to congratulate the Nation Media Group on holding this fourth edition of the global award-winning Kusi Ideas Festival.

Since it was founded by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1959, during the struggle for independence and Pan-Africanism, the Group’s path has been closely entwined with the history of Kenya, of East Africa and of the African continent.

Speech by Prince Hussain Aga Khan at AKU President’s Challenge for Climate Solutions 2022-12-02

Prince Hussain at the London Exhibion

Speech by Prince Hussain Aga Khan
At the Aga Khan University, Pakistan

December 2022

First and foremost, I want to applaud everyone who participated in the President’s challenge for climate solutions.

Climate change is a subject that we hear about constantly. It is on the front page of newspapers. It is the subject of films, television shows and books. It is discussed by world leaders at high-profile events and by millions of people on social media. Yet the volume of attention still exceeds the appetite for action.

Speech by Prince Rahim Aga Khan at the Inauguration of the Aga Khan Academy Maputo 2022-03-20

Prince Rahim Aga Khan addressing guests at the inauguration of the Aga Khan Academy Maputo on 19 March 2022. AKDN / Akbar Hakim


Your Excellency, President Nyusi, Republic of Mozambique

Your Excellency, President Marcelo of the Portuguese Republic

Your Excellency, President Chissano

Honourable ministers and excellencies

Students, parents, and staff of the Aga Khan Academy

Todo protocol compredo

Ladies and gentlemen

Speech by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan - Earth on the Market 2002-12-19

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

Despite all the hype, the UN-sponsored world summit on sustainable development in South Africa in August could not introduce any real constraints because they would have meant re-examining globalisation. So could sustainable development just be a pretext for maintaining a growth that must be, by nature, destructive to the environment?

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