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Princess Zahra inaugurates Aga Khan Health Centre in Aliabad 2024-05-23

Princess Zahra inaugurates Aga Khan Health Centre in Aliabad   2024-05-23

Princess Zahra yesterday attended the inauguration of the purpose-built Aga Khan Health Centre in Aliabad, a new facility that aims to boost the quality of healthcare in the region.

Equipped with the latest medical technologies and staffed by highly trained healthcare professionals, the new centre is a major step forward in the infrastructure of Aliabad and the surrounding area, bringing timely and effective medical services closer to the community.

Kal Jug (Present Era)

The eschatology (the end of the world) is variously described in the world religions. The pre-primeval period means the era of nothingness or zero period, which is termed Sunka’l in the ginans. It is also known as Karann (Arabic Kiran). The Muslim thinkers mentioned that there were four kirans, the 1st lasted for 24,18,000 years, the 2nd 18,29,000 years, 3rd 12,22,000 years and 4th 8,25, 000 years, while according to the ginans, there were 8,00,000 karanns.

Road to Toronto

Watch this video!

Video displays the excerpts of speech by His Highness The Aga Khan. Also the museum's collections that are shown around the world

PIR HASAN KABIRDIN The Saviour of countless souls

Portrait Ismaili Pir Hassan Kabirdin

“Pir Hasan Kabirdin, The Saviour of countless souls” volume 12 - English & French pdf Nargis Mawjee Printed in Canada © 2023

Born in Sabzwar, Persia, Pir Hasan Kabirdin– also known by the name of Pir Hasan Shah – was the 27th Pir since Prophet Muhammad according to our previous dû’â, and the eldest son of Pir Sadardin.


Genealogy of Pir Hasan Kabirdin - Chart page 3
Biography with the story of the famous Turban page 4-5
Farmân by Mawlana Islam Shah to Pir Hasan Kabirdin when Imam was giving him the throne of Pirâtan page 5

PIR HASAN KABIRDIN The Saviour of countless souls

Publication Type  Article
Year of Publication  2023
Authors  Nargis Mawjee
Alternate Title  Pir Hasan Kabirdin, vol. 12 English/French PDF - 2023
Volume  12
Pagination  15
Publisher  The Heritage Society
Key Words  Pir; Imam; Ismaili; Kabirdin; Ginan

The Genealogy of the Imams since Creation based on the Ghat Pat-ni Dua written by Pir Sadardin (1300-1400 AD)

Book Page Reference: 

1) A MUST READ. This "Volume 1: Basis of the Ismaili Doctrine" by Nargis Mawjee explores in depth the Ismaili doctrine + the genealogical tree of the Ismaili Imams since the creation as recorded by Pir Sadardin in his Asal Ghat Pat ni Dua, the 3 time daily prayer recited by Ismailis during 6 centuries in jamatkhana until 1957.

DE LA HIÉROHISTOIRE Portrait de Henry Corbin

Publication Type  Book
Year of Publication  2016
Authors  Daniel Proulx
Key Words  Henry Corbin; Ismaili

Aga Khan Trust for Culture Restores the "Blue Mosque" in Cairo 2015-05-02

H.H. The Aga Khan speaking at the Blue Mosque" restoration ceremony in Cairo  2015-05-02

Cairo, 2 May 2015 – Restoration of the 14th century Amir Aqsunqur “Blue Mosque” in Al-Darb al-Ahmar has been completed by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) as part of the larger Al-Darb al-Ahmar Urban Regeneration Programme.

The Minister of Antiquities, Mamdouh El Damaty, and the Governor of Cairo, Galal Said, joined His Highness the Aga Khan in marking the occasion at the Mosque.

AKDN Photo

Aleppo Governor Meets Agha Khan - 2004-10-31

www.sana.org/english/headlines/31-10/aleppo_governor_meets_agha_khan.htm www.sana.org/French/Titres/31.10/maire_d'Alep%20-%20rencontre.htm

Aleppo?s Governor Ossama Adi on Sunday conferred with Emir Rahem Agha Khan, Member of the Economic Committee at Agha Khan Foundation for Development, on cooperation areas with Agha Khan Foundation in the fields of tourism, culture and preserving human heritage.During the meeting, Governor Adi talked about the projects being implemented in cooperation with the Foundation in Aleppo?s old city to rehabilitate and enhance it through offering small loans to families, in addition to the works of restoration in Aleppo?s famous Citadel.

Opening of 5-star Kabul Serena Hotel - AFGHANISTAN OPENS LUXURIOUS SERENA HOTEL - 2005-11-08


President Karzai
Your Excellencies
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my immense happiness and privilege to welcome you all as we celebrate the inauguration of one of Kabul's restored landmarks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those professionals, architects, construction trades, staff and volunteers who have worked so hard, under so many constraints, to build this hotel and prepare it for today's opening.

La Grande Mosquée de Mahdia - ALEPPO GOVERNOR MEETS AGHA KHAN - 2004-10-31

www.sana.org/english/headlines/1%2011/prime_minister.htm Damascus

Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Ottri on Monday received Rahim Agha Khan, Son of His Highness Prince Karim Agha Khan.The two sides reviewed programs and activities of the Agha Khan Network for developing cooperation between the Network and Syria in the fields of financing and establishing projects for preservation of archeological sites, rural development projects and small loans, in addition to other development cultural and tourist projects.
The two sides also discussed establishing a project for culture and tourist marketing in Damascus.

Aga Khan visits Mali - AGA KHAN VISTS MALI - 2003-10-12

Practical ways in which a shared social ethic can revive hope and create peace

On 12th of October 2003, H.H. The Aga Khan visited Mali. The highlight of the trip was His visit to the Djingarey Ber Mosque in Timbuktu and the Ahmed Baba Centre known for its collection of 20,000 Arabic manuscripts. H.H. made some remarks in French to the television crew during this visit. Here is the transcription and its English translation.

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