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Tasbih Recitation and Meanings

Allahuma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Aale Muhammad
(O Allah! Let thy peace be on Muhammad and his progeny)
Recite as many times as you can to help any issues you may have. Salawat will help you with all of them.

Ya Allah, Ya Wahhab, Ya Ali, Allahus-Samad
(O! Allah, O! Bestower, O! Ali The Most High, O! Allah)
(33 Times at the times of sleeping)
Recite for happiness in this world and thereafter, for increase
In belief, for barakat, for peace, for goodness

Ya Waliyyul Hasanaat
(O! Doer of Good)
(101 Times Anytime)

Hazar Imam at the 14 cycle of the AKAA in Kazan, Tatarstan Soviet Republic

thumbnail unavailable

Hazar Imam giving closing remarks at the Architectural Awards ceremony in Kazan, Tatarstan 2019-09-14

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Evora University Symposium

His Highness the Aga Khan arrives at the University of Évora , Portugal and is greeted by Professor Adriano Moreira, Manuel Ferr

President Sampaio,
Rector Manuel Patricio,
Professor Adriano Moreira,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a great honour to be invited here today to address this esteemed audience on such a relevant topic. Our title speaks of societies which are at once plural and peaceful—a goal which is important but also elusive. For even our best efforts to combine stability with modernity seem to be constantly disrupted.

Jamat Khana Tur Jaal

In Brep valley of Chitral, in province of KPK of Pakistan. This valley consist more then 1500 population.

All the population practice Ismaili faith of Islam. There are more then 19 Jamat khanas in the village. The name are as follow:

01-Jamlasht Jamat khana No. 01
02-Jamlasht Jamat khana No. 02
03-Jamat Khana Tur Jaal
04-Jamat Khana Qasimandeh
05-Jamat Khana Ataqleghandoor
06-Jamat Khana Deh No. 01
07-Jamat Khana Deh No. 02
08-Jamat Khana Dock
09-Jamat Khana Karimabad (Hone)
10-Centre Jamat khana Brep
11-Jamat khana Rustamandeh
12-Jamat Khana Rateni

Quranic recital

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 15:00 minutes (6.87 MB)

Asma Al Husna - 99 Names of Allah

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 3:16 minutes (1.5 MB)


MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 15:39 minutes (7.17 MB)


MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 8:47 minutes (4.02 MB)

Quranic Recital

MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 8:33 minutes (3.92 MB)


MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 10:43 minutes (4.91 MB)

Ya Imami Ya Imami


Ya Imami Ya Imami
Anta Dhukhari Wamurami
Anta Nurun Fi Fuadi
Anta Nurun Fi Fuadi
Anta Ushqi Wa Hiyami
Anta Ushqi Wa Hiyami

Kullu Man Walal-Imama
Nala Majadan Wa Salama
Wartaqa Lil Hubbi Hamma
Samiqan Alil Maqami
Samiqan Alil Maqami

Ya Wasiyal e Anbiyai
Ya Salilal-Awsiyai
Laka Hubbi Wawalai
Laka Hubbi Wawalai
Wasalati Waduai
Wasalati Waduai

Kullu Man Walal-Imama
Nala Majadan Wa Salama
Wartaqa Lil Hubbi Hamma
Fi Majalatil-Wafai
Fi Majalatil-Wafai

Here is a translation:

Qasida by 'Ali Qasim:

1. O my Imam, O my Imam
You are my Treasure, You are my Purpose,


MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 8:47 minutes (4.02 MB)

Ziyarat-e-Maiyat -

MP3 Stereo 8kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 10:43 minutes (4.91 MB)

Dua with phrase by phrase English translations -

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 22:06 minutes (10.12 MB)

Dua with phrase by phrase Gujrati translations -

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 22:43 minutes (10.4 MB)

Dua -

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 8:13 minutes (3.76 MB)

99 Names of Allah (Asma al-Husna) -

MP3 Stereo 11kHz 64Kbps (CBR) 3:16 minutes (1.5 MB)

literature_link: ASMA AL-SIFAT

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fyzee Collection of Ismaili Manuscripts

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1965
Authors  Gorianwala, Mu'izz.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: 172 pp.
Publisher  University of Bombay
Place  Bombay
Key Words  English; Arabic; Bibliography

DETAILS: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fyzee Collection of Ismaili Manuscripts. Bombay: University of Bombay, 1965. 172 pp. English and Arabic.

Salwat at Darbar - 2008

MP3 Mono 22kHz 32Kbps (CBR) 9:18 minutes (2.13 MB)

Allahuma Salli Allah Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammad

Dua 03 - 2008

MP3 Mono 22kHz 32Kbps (CBR) 6:47 minutes (1.56 MB)

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