Mata Salamat Aga Khan
- 12755 reads
Aga Khan University media school to open this month

Aga Khan University Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan (left), with university President Firoz Rasul when he officiated the university’s 15th graduation ceremony in Nairobi on March 2, 2015. PHOTO | BILLY MUTAI
- 13296 reads
Aga Khan in Al Ain for architecture awards 2016-11-06
Posted February 20th, 2017 by librarian-hdAL AIN // "The holy Quran commands humankind to shape our earthly environment as good stewards of the divine creation."
So said Prince Karim Aga Khan – the 49th hereditary Imam of the world Shia Imami Ismaili community and a spiritual leader who claims direct descent from the Prophet Mohammed – on Sunday night at a moonlit ceremony at Al Jahili Fort, Al Ain.
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- 4591 reads
Posted February 20th, 2017 by librarian-hdYour Excellencies, Your Worship the Mayor, Representatives of International Agencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a special occasion for me to be amongst such distinguished representatives of government, non-governmental and private agencies here today; special because my family and I are deeply involved in social welfare and I particularly appreciate being amongst those who commit their time, resource and effort for the benefit of mankind. I hope you will not think it presumptuous of me to offer some thoughts on questions with which we are all concerned.
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- 8977 reads
Posted February 20th, 2017 by librarian-hdYour Excelency,
The Honourable Senator Perrault,
The Honourable Mrs. Grace McCarthy,
Deputy Premier of British Columbia,
Your worship The Mayor of Burnaby,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today is a particularly significant and, indeed, happy occasion for the Ismaili Community in Canada and for my wife and for me.
I am most grateful to, Your Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor, for honouring us with Your presence and for performing the Foundation Ceremony of the Burnaby Jamat Khana.
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- 6163 reads
Mawlana Hazar Imam and Brown University President Christina Paxson meet at President's House.

Mawlana Hazar Imam and Brown University President Christina Paxson meet at President's House. 2014-02-19
- 13143 reads
His Highness the Aga Khan addresses the gathering at the 2004 Aga Khan Award for Architecture

His Highness the Aga Khan addresses the gathering at the 2004 Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) ceremony, held at Humayun's Tomb in Delhi. Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh looks on.
AKDN / Gary Otte
- 12957 reads
Imam Shah Ismail
Our 6th Holy Imam Shah Ismail reigned for 10 years from A.H. 148 to 158. He was also known as "Al Maktoum". His mother's name was Fatimah. She was also known as Husayni. During Imam Shah Ismail the Imamat moved from Arabia to Salamiya in Syria
- 2040 reads
A new airline in Mali 2005-02-25
Posted February 18th, 2017 by librarian-hdBamako, Mali, 25 February 2005 - The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), which forms part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), will boost the commercial aviation sector in West Africa with the creation of a new national airline in partnership with the Mali government and private investors.
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- 3985 reads
Kampala Serena hotel will spur tourism investment 2004-11-02
Posted February 17th, 2017 by librarian-hdKampala, Uganda, 11 February 2004 – Serena Tourism Promotion Services (a subsidiary of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development) has signed a thirty-year lease concession agreement with the Government of Uganda and agreed to invest US$18 million investment for extensive refurbishment and upgrading of the former Nile Hotel which will re-open in September 2005 as the Kampala Serena Hotel.
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- 5253 reads
Speech by H.H. The Aga Khan at the Official opening of the Kampala Serena hotel
Posted February 17th, 2017 by librarian-hdBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
Your Excellency President Museveni of the Republic of Uganda
The Right Honourable Prime Minister
Honourable Ministers
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Distinguished Guests
What an immense privilege it is to be present at this great beginning - the inauguration of what has instantly become one of Africa's finest hotels, the Kampala Serena. And what a joy it is to share in this moment with all of you - the people who made it possible.
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- 5949 reads
President Museveni and Aga Khan inaugurate Kampala Serena hotel 2006-11-10

His Highness the Aga Khan and His Excellency President Museveni walk to the conference centre for the official opening ceremony.
AKDN/Gary Otte
- 12749 reads
Hazar imam at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1959

Aga Khan IV receiving a gift of Trinitite while visiting the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
At right is Dr. Thomas L. Shipman of the Laboratory's Health Division.
Date 27 November 1959
- 13076 reads
If you travel the developing world, you see poverty is the driver of tragic despair
If you travel the developing world, you see poverty is the driver of tragic despair, and there is the possibility that any means out will be taken,” he says in a telephone interview from Paris. By assisting the poor through business, he says, “we are developing protection against extremism
- 1813 reads
Do Business and Islam Mix? Ask Him
Posted February 16th, 2017 by librarian-hdHE is a moderate Muslim religious leader and a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He is also a twice-married jet-setter, and he owns hundreds of racehorses, valuable stud farms, an exclusive yacht club on Sardinia and a lavish estate near Paris.
He has poured money into poorer, neglected parts of the world, often into businesses as basic as making fish nets, plastic bags and matches, while also teaming up with private-equity powerhouses like the Blackstone Group on a huge $750 million hydroelectric system in Uganda.
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- 6285 reads
H.H. The Aga Khan meets with Muslim leaders in Damascus 2004-02-15
- 12801 reads
Hazar Imam meets with Prime MInister of India Rajiv Gandhi at a Luncheon 1989-02-14

Hazar Imam meets with Prime MInister of India Rajiv Gandhi at a Luncheon 1989-02-14
- 12473 reads