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USAID, Aga Khan Foundation, and IPS(WA) Team Up to Use Technology to Improve HIV/AIDS 2016-06-27

Foreign Minister Youssouf Bakayoko and His Highness the Aga Khan during the renditions of the Nashid-al-Imamah and the national

Press Release

For Immediate Release
June 27, 2016
Press office: +233 (030) 274-1599
Cell phone: +233 (024) 432-5978
Email: dbuyse@usaid.gov

USAID, Aga Khan Foundation, and IPS(WA) Team Up to Use Technology to Improve HIV/AIDS Care in Côte d’Ivoire

Abidjan – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), and the Industrial Promotion Services of West Africa (IPS(WA)) announce a groundbreaking and innovative public-private partnership that will promote telemedicine to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

AGA KHAN Investisseur dans les pays en voie de développement.

Son Altesse L'Aga Khan


Son Altesse l`Aga Khan devint l`Imam des musulmans shiites ismailis le 11 juillet 1957, à l`âge de 20 ans. Il succédait à son grand-père, Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan. Il est le 49e Imam des musulmans shiites ismailis et un descendant direct du prophète Muhammad (la paix soit avec lui) par le biais de son cousin et gendre Ali et sa fille Fatima, l`épouse de Ali.

Not only can we transport ourselves in a few hours to any spot on the planet, we can also transport our words and our values

Not only can we transport ourselves in a few hours to any spot on the planet, we can also transport our words and our values, our songs and our dreams, our newspapers and our films, our money and our credit, our books and even our libraries to any part of the world — in a fraction of a second

H.H. The Agakhan speaks at the Commonwealth Press Union Conference in Cape Town, South Africa

His Highness the Aga Khan delivering a speech at the Commonwealth Press Union Conference held in Cape Town.

Mr Chairman,
My Lords,
Distinguished guests,
Members of the Commonwealth Press Union,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an enormous pleasure for me to join you today. I only wish I could have attended all of your sessions, for your programme touches on many subjects which are of great interest to me, and your speakers have included an impressive array of distinguished personalities.

In fact, as I looked at the long list of those who have already come to this podium, I wondered whether you would have any capacity left to absorb whatever I might say!

Prince Rahim & Princess Salwa with Princes Irfan and Sinan

Prince Rahim & Princess Salwa with Princes Irfan and Sinan

Prince Rahim & Princess Salwa with Princes Irfan and Sinan 2017-03-03

Indeed, the revelation of Islam - my faith - looks upon freedom from hunger, provision of appropriate shelter and clothing, secu

Indeed, the revelation of Islam - my faith - looks upon freedom from hunger, provision of appropriate shelter and clothing, security against fear for one's safety, good health, learning and wisdom, and generation of wealth as a blessing to strive for, and to share in the creation of an equitable order of peace and harmony.

Some may ask if preserving the material evidence of our past influences the future positively, helps us live together in peace,

Some may ask if preserving the material evidence of our past influences the future positively, helps us live together in peace, and improve the quality of life.

I believe the answer is a confident yes. But there is a paradox.

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Royal Toledo foundation award ceremony 2006-03-02

His Highness the Aga Khan makes his acceptance remarks at the Royal Foundation ceremony in Toledo.

Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim

Your Majesty,
Mr. Chairman and Distinguished Members of the Foundation Board,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of all the award recipients, including the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, it is my privilege to thank the Royal Toledo Foundation for its generosity in recognizing their efforts as contributing to the preservation of historic, cultural and artistic heritage.

We are particularly honoured by the presence of Your Majesty among us this evening.



Hazar Imam in Nairobi Kenya for the AKU Convocation 2015-03-02



Hazar Imam with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada 2014-02-28

Sir Aga Khan bridge on River Indus inaugurated at Jhirk

Sir Aga Khan Bridge at Jhirk Pakistan


The longest bridge on the Indus River in Pakistan, the 1.7 kilometre-long Sir Aga Khan Bridge, was inaugurated by Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at Jhirk-Mulakatiar on Monday.

He said the PPP was the first government to take up the issue of providing clean drinking water to the people of Sindh.

Islam is not a faith of pain

Islam is not a faith of pain. It is not a pain of suffering. It is a faith in which the individual who is happy in his life thanks God for that blessing

Hazrat Imam Taqi Muhammad

Our 9th Holy Imam Taqi Muhammad ascended the throne of Imamat in Salamiya, Syria in A.H. 212. He was fondly known by the people as Muhammad al-Habib. At this time the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad was Al-Mamun who searched extensively for the Imam but without success

Hazrat Mowlana Imam Wafi Ahmad

Our 8th Holy Imam Wafi Ahmad ascended to the throne of Imamat in A.H. 197. He was also known as Jafar al Musdak. His mother's name was Fatima and she was the daughter of Sarah who was the sister of the Amir of Ray Ishaaq bin Abbas

Imam Muhammad bin Ismail

Our 7th Holy Imam Muhammad bin Ismail ascended the throne of Imamat in A.H. 158 at the age of 26. He had one brother named Ali bin Ismail. Imam Muhammad bin Ismail spent his youth in Medina with his grandfather Imam Jafar as-Sadiq

Today in the Occident, the Muslim world is deeply misunderstood by most. The West knows little about its diversity, about the re


Today in the Occident, the Muslim world is deeply misunderstood by most. The West knows little about its diversity, about the religion or the principles which unite it, about its brilliant past or its recent trajectory through history.

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan in Ivory Coast 1998-03-07

Hazar Imam in Ivory Coast

(Google translation after speech in French)

Fin de la visite officielle du Prince Aga Khan en Côte d'Ivoire


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