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President Amadou Toumani Touré and His Highness the Aga Khan announced the creation of an Urban Park in Bamako. [Photos] [ALBUM Mali_A] 2008-04-25
- 2012 reads

Hazar Imam visits Mali for the opening of the Grand Mosque of Mopti 2008-04-23
- 4906 reads
Hazar Imam in Mali

His Highness the Aga Khan and President Amadou Toumani Touré of Mali review a model of the Bamako Park project with Luis Monreal, Director General of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
AKDN/Gary Otte
- 14229 reads
Hazar Imam is awarded the Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali by President Amadou Toumani Touré during a state b

His Highness the Aga Khan was awarded the Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali by President Amadou Toumani Touré during a state banquet at the President’s Palace at Koulouba.
AKDN/Gary Otte
- 13337 reads
Speech (in French) by H.H. The Aga Khan at the Inauguration of the Bamako Park in Mali 2008-04-25
Posted April 25th, 2017 by librarian-hdBismillah-hir-Rahmanir-Rahim,
Son Excellence Monsieur le Président de la République,
Monsieur le Premier Ministre,
Messieurs les Ministres,
Excellences, Messieurs les Représentants du corps diplomatique et des organisations internationales accréditées au Mali,
Monsieur le Maire de Bamako,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
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- 4867 reads
Presentation of the title of Honorary Citizen of the Islamic Community of Timbuktu and an Honorary Doctorate from the University
Posted April 24th, 2017 by librarian-hdBismillahh-ir-Rahmanir-Rahim
Minister, General Kafougouna Koné,
Regional Governor, Colonel Mamadou Togola,
Mayor Ould Mahmoud,
Imam ben Essayouti of the Djingareyber Mosque,
Imams of the Sankoré and Sidi Yahya Mosques,
Grand Qadi of Timbuktu,
Honoured guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow me first of all to thank Minister Koné, Mayor Said Ould Mahmoud, and Imam ben Essayouti for their very kind words.
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- 8091 reads
Hazar Imam in Mali
- 12348 reads
Hazar Imam in Mali
- 11524 reads
A new airline in Mali 2005-02-25
Posted February 18th, 2017 by librarian-hdBamako, Mali, 25 February 2005 - The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), which forms part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), will boost the commercial aviation sector in West Africa with the creation of a new national airline in partnership with the Mali government and private investors.
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- 3985 reads
Posted July 10th, 2007 by heritageA Collaboration Agreement was signed by the director of the National Museum of Mali, Samuel Sidibé, and the director general of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), Luis Monreal. The agreement, signed in the presence of His Excellency Cheik Oumar Sissoko, Minister of Culture for Mali, aims to provide the Museum with a new information technology system, as well as improving the conservation facilities of its collections.
- 5719 reads