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University of Central Asia and UNICEF partner for a girls' hackathon 2023-04-23

UNICEF organized the EcoKyzdar (EcoGirls) Hackathon on "Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability" at UCA Campus
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - The University of Central Asia’s School of Arts and Sciences (UCA-SAS) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) organized the EcoKyzdar (EcoGirls) Hackathon on "Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability" at UCA Campus in Naryn on 15-16 April 2023. The Hackathon welcomed 49 girls from diverse backgrounds across Kyrgyzstan including students from UCA and other universities as well as members of UNICEF's "Girls in Science" programme.

Princess Zahra delivered a virtual address to the 2024 UCA Graduates

Watch this video!

UCA graduation on 15th June 2024: Princess Zahra Aga Khan, trustee, sent a virtual video address for the occasion. The University of Central Asia (UCA) School of Arts and Sciences celebrated its fourth cohort of graduates with simultaneous ceremonies at its Khorog, Tajikistan, and Naryn, Kyrgyzstan campuses

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan to the Graduating Class at the 2024 UCA Convocation 2024-06-15

Princess Zahra Aga Khan addressing virtually the 2024 UCA Graduates

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan (delivered virtually)
UCA Graduation 2024

Your Excellencies, Dr Dodurkul Kendirbaeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. Altynbek Ergeshov,
Governor of Naryn Oblast and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakshan, Autonomous Oblast,
Chairman Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and members of the Board of Trustees,
Acting Rector Christopher Gerry, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences,
Maxim Khomyakov and UCA faculty and staff,

Princess Zahra delivers virtual address to UCA graduates 2024-06-15

Princess Zahra delivers virtual address to UCA graduates 2024-06-15

In her virtual address, Princess Zahra Aga Khan encouraged the graduates to “play a central role in fostering a vibrant and more inclusive global knowledge society.”



Princess Zahra sends virtual message to University of Central Asia Naryn as campus celebrates its fourth graduation 2024-06-15

UCA graduates of School of Arts and Sciences

AKIPRESS.COM - The University of Central Asia’s (UCA) Naryn campus celebrated the graduation at its School of Arts and Sciences at an elegant ceremony in Naryn on 15 June, UCA said.



His Highness the Aga Khan, Chancellor of the University of Central Asia delivered a message which was read out by Princess Zahra, at the 2023 UCA Convocation


Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan to the Graduating Class at the UCA Convocation 2023-06-16

Watch this video!


Your Excellencies Imanaliev Kanybek Kapashovich, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Saibzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;
Altynbek Ergeshov, Governor of Naryn Oblast;
and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast;
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, and Members of the Board;
Maxim Khomyakov, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences;
Dr Sulaiman Shahabuddin, President of the Aga Khan University;
UCA faculty and staff;

Message from His Highness the Aga Khan, Chancellor of the University of Central Asia, at the 2023 UCA Convocation

His Highness The Aga Khan IV


Members of the Class of 2023, distinguished guests, faculty and staff, trustees, friends and supporters:

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, UCA Trustee at the 2023 UCA Convocation 2023-06-16

Princess Zahra Aga Khan, UCA Trustee, at the 2023 UCA Convocation AKDN / Iskender Ermekov


Your Excellencies Imanaliev Kanybek Kapashovich, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;

Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Altynbek Ergeshov, Governor of Naryn Oblast;

and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast;

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, and Members of the Board;

Maxim Khomyakov, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences;

Dr Sulaiman Shahabuddin, President of the Aga Khan University;

AKU, AKAH, UCA launch climate change documentary series for South, Central Asia 2020-10-15


KARACHI-In a bid to spotlight the dire consequences of climate change in Central and South Asia, the Aga Khan University (AKU), the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) and the University of Central Asia (UCA) launched a film series focusing on the catastrophic impact of the rapid melting of the world’s largest repository of ice outside the polar regions.

Tomsk State University: The University Of Central Asia Will Send Its Best Bachelors To TSU 2021-04-26

Tomsk State University

Tomsk State University and the University of Central Asia (UCA) have signed a collaboration agreement and immediately agreed that the strongest bachelor’s degree graduates of bachelor’s degrees from the university would come to Tomsk. UCA has campuses in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

Princess Zahra addressed the UCA Graduation June 18, 2022

Princess Zahra addressed the UCA Graduation June 18, 2022

On behalf of the Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan, Princess Zahra Aga Khan, who is also a trustee of UCA, conveyed a special message of congratulations to the graduates.


UCA and AKAH partner to promote development in Tajikistan 2020-07-30

UCA and AKAH partner to promote development in Tajikistan
The Times of Central Asia

DUSHANBE (TCA) — The University of Central Asia (UCA) and the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) in Tajikistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on July 27 to develop Khorog into a safe and resilient city, and collaborate on several educational initiatives, including research capacities of young and mid-career scientists and lecturers.

University of Central Asia Receives Long-Term OPIC Support to Complete Its Second Campus in Khorog, Tajikistan 2015-10-30

Aga Khan Development Network The Naryn Campus of the University of Central Asia | Aga Khan .

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The University of Central Asia (UCA) is rapidly progressing to complete the construction of its second campus in Tajikistan, scheduled to be ready by 2017, at a total capital layout of $94.4 million.

University of Central Asia and Cambridge to promote new academic partnership 2020-03-02

A landscape in the Naryn province, where the first of UCA's campuses was opened in 2016 Makalu
varsity.co.uk Varsity

Cambridge will share resources, conduct joint research and exchange resources with the University, which was founded by an international treaty in 2000

The University of Central Asia (UCA) and the University of Cambridge have agreed to partner to promote academic cooperation, collaboration in areas of joint research, student exchange, and to share educational materials.

University of Central Asia Signs Historic Partnership Agreement with University of Cambridge 2020-02-25

At the signing of the Partnership Agreement (L to R): Mr. Naguib Kheraj (UCA Trustee), Princess Zahra Aga Khan (UCA Trustee), Pr

The University of Central Asia (UCA) and the University of Cambridge signed a Memorandum of Understanding on February 25th 2020 to promote academic partnership, and collaborate in areas such as joint research, faculty and student exchange, as well as sharing of academic and educational material. The signing ceremony, at Cambridge’s Old Schools Building, was attended by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, Members of UCA’s Board of Trustees, the Rector and Deans of UCA, and senior representatives from Cambridge.



Princess Zahra Aga Khan (UCA Trustee), at the Partnership Agreement with University of Cambridge seen with Dr. Shamsh Kassim-Lakha (Chairman, Board of Trustees, UCA), and Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi (Rector, UCA) and Prof. Stephen Toope (VC, University of Cambridge

Milk processing workshop opened in Naryn by UCA and the Aga Khan Foundation 2020-02-20

From L to R: The milk processing workshop was officially opened by Nurbek Moldokadyrov, Mayor of Naryn town, and Emilbek Alymkul

AKIPRESS.COM - The University of Central Asia and the Aga Khan Foundation established a milk processing workshop at Naryn State University for its new undergraduate programme on “Production Technology and Processing of Agricultural Produce”.

The workshop will provide students with practical experience, help prepare qualified experts in milk-processing in Naryn region, as well as allow for commercial sale, enabling the workshop to become fully self-sustainable, UCA said.

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