Aga Khan's classy stayer Vazirabad the newest ambassador for French retraining of racehorses charity 2021-08-24
Posted August 25th, 2021 by librarian-hdThe Group 1 action at Deauville came to an end on Sunday with the twin highlights of the Morny and the Jean Romanet, but French racing's summer by the sea has at least one more gift to deliver in the shape of Saturday's Racehorse Retraining day.
It is fair to say France was a little late to the party when it came to a unified approach to aftercare, retirement planning and linking up with what is a voracious appetite in the wider equestrian population for sourcing horses once their first career is over.
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2021-06-20-chantilly Prix de Diane Longines
- 1804 reads
Hazar Imam attends the 2021 Prix du Jockey Club at Chantilly

Hazar Imam at Chantilly today for the 2021 Qatar Prix du Jockey. His horse Saiyadabad & Makaloun participated in the races. Saiydabad’s regular partner Christophe Soumillon has chosen to take the ride on fellow Aga Khan owned/bred Makaloun.
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Hazar Imam attended the Prix du Jockey event at the Hippodrome at Chantilly 1973-06-04
Posted February 16th, 2021 by librarian-hdKarim Aga Khan et La Bégum Salimah Aga Khan à l'occasion du Prix du Jockey Club, le 4 juin 1973 à l'hippodrome de Chantilly, France. (Photo by Jean Claude FRANCOLON/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
- 594 reads
Chantilly Chateau

Prince Karim Aga Khan, president of the Foundation for the preservation and development of the Chantilly estate on June 22, 2012 in Chantilly, France. (Photo by Philippe Petit/Paris Match via Getty Images)
- 2052 reads
The quiet revolutionary 1991-08-18
Posted August 8th, 2020 by librarian-hdThe quiet revolutionary
By Akbar S. Ahmed
The (Manchester) Guardian Weekly, August 18, 1991
Picture caption: The Aga Khan: paradox
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Simeen Scores in Prix de la Pistole at Chantilly 2020-05-13
Posted May 13th, 2020 by librarian-hdLope de Vega filly is now second favorite for the French One Thousand Guineas (G1).
he Aga Khan's Simeen is now just 5-1 for the Poule d'Essai des Pouliches (French One Thousand Guineas, G1) with Coral and Betfair after getting up under a hand ride from Christophe Soumillon in the Prix de la Pistole at Chantilly on May 13.
The daughter of Lope de Vega is now 3-for-3, and trainer Jean-Claude Rouget believes she has a big future, even though she has yet to contest a pattern race.
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A rare interview with the Aga Khan on poverty, climate change, and demystifying Islam 2017-07-11
Posted January 27th, 2020 by librarian-hdHis Highness Prince Karim, the Aga Khan, is many things.
“Virtually a one-man state,” as Vanity Fair once put it, he’s the spiritual leader of the world’s 15 million Shia Ismaili Muslims and a unique embodiment of the potential for East blending with West. He inherited from his Indian-born grandfather a dynasty that spans the Muslim world, but he is a British citizen, born in Switzerland, raised in Kenya, educated at Harvard, and lives in a French chateau.
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- 2441 reads
Aga Khan puts the fate of France’s Château de Chantilly in doubt 2020-01-17
Posted January 19th, 2020 by librarian-hdOne of France’s most renowned châteaux is facing an uncertain future after the Aga Khan announced the dissolution of the organisation he created to save it from ruin.
The spiritual leader of the world’s 15 million Ismaili Shia Muslims said he would wind up the foundation which has restored the Château de Chantilly, about 30 miles northeast of Paris, five years earlier than scheduled.
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Interview with Paul Chutkow - THE AGA KHAN'S VISION
Posted September 2nd, 2019 by librarian-hdTHE AGA KHAN'S VISION - To him, architecture is not the mother of the arts; it is the mother of civilization
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Princess Zahra attends the 2019 QIPCCO Prix du Jockey at Chantilly 2019-06-02
Posted June 4th, 2019 by librarian-hd2019, June 2: Princess Zahra was at the Prix du Jokey Club in Paris at Chantilly racetracks. Horses owned and bred by His Highness the Aga Khan and Princess Zahra Aga Khan have won 38 races in 2019
From: The Racing Post
Zarkallani was the surprise name to feature among 15 colts declared for Sunday's Qipco Prix du Jockey Club at Chantilly having broken his maiden just seven days prior to the Classic.
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Princess Zahra at the Qipcco Prix du Jockey, Chantilly 2019-06-02

Princess Zahra attended the Qipcco Prix du Jockey - also known as the French Derby - at Chantilly. Zallakhani with jockey Christophe Soumillon represented the Aga Khan's colours
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Restoration drama: visiting Château de Chantilly thanks in large part to the Aga Khan 2019-05-28
Posted May 28th, 2019 by librarian-hdFrance’s finest princely apartments at the Château de Chantilly are open to the public for the first time, thanks in large part to the Aga Khan
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Jockey Christopher Soumillon and Darsi pose with H.H. The Aga Khan right, after they won the Prix du Jockey Club at Chantilly racetrack, north of Paris, Sunday June 4, 2006
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Hazar Imam with Princess Zahra at the Prix de Diane in Chantilly 2018-06-17

His Highness the Aga Khan with his daughter Princess Zahra attending the Prix de Diane in Chantilly, France 2018-06-17
- 9795 reads
Happy 81st Birthday Hazar Imam
- 13245 reads