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Prince Aly Khan

Prince Aly Khan rides escalator at United Nations building. 1958

Prince Aly Khan rides escalator at United Nations building.  1958

1958 Press Photo Prince Aly Khan rides escalator at United Nations building. Prince Aly Khan was the Permanent Representative at the UN for Pakistan

Pakistan's New Permanent Representative Aly Khan Aga Khan to UN Presents Credentials

Pakistan's New Permanent Representative Aly Khan Aga Khan to UN Presents Credentials

Ambassador Aly Khan, the new Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, is seen here (right) as he presented his credentials today to U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. 1958-03-04


Prince Aly khan seen with Alijah N.M. Budhwani - Editor of 'Ismaili Aftab'

Prince Aly khan seen with Alijah N.M. Budhwani - Editor of 'Ismaili Aftab'

His Serene Highness Valiahad Prince Aly Salomone Khan with the Editor of 'Ismaili Aftab' Alijah N.M. Budhwani

Prince Aly Khan sent this message:To Alijah Budhwani

With my sincere good wishes

Aly S. Khan

In memory of our beloved Prince Aly Khan and Prince Sadruddin

In memory of our beloved Prince Aly Khan and Prince Sadruddin

In Memoriam: Prince Aly Salomone Aga Khan & Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan - 2 brothers. Both were sons of our beloved 48th Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah.
Today May 12th, we honor the lives of Prince Aly Khan (father of Mawlana Hazar Imam) and Prince Sadruddin for their many contributions to the jamat and for world peace. Prince Aly Khan passed away in 1960 and Prince Sadruddin passed away in 2003

Aly Khan, Un Prince Au Coeur D'Or


Un très bel article avec PHOTOS INÉDITES, dans lequel Prince Aly Khan incarne le véritable esprit de l’Islam, que ce soit en temps de guerre ou en temps ordinaire. Sa mort prématurée fut une perte inestimable pour les Ismailis et l’humanité.

Téléchargez la version PDF de l'article dans l'attachement ci-dessous.

Aly Khan, Prince au Cœur d'Or (Version Française)

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2022
Authors  Mawjee, Nargis
Volume and Pages  11
Publisher  The Heritage Society
Key Words  Ismaélien; Prince Aly Khan; Aga Khan

Aly Khan, A Prince with a Golden Heart


a unique article with EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS, in which Prince Aly Khan exemplifies the true spirit of Islam, whether in wartime or in ordinary times. His untimely death was an inestimable loss to the Ismailis and humanity.

Download PDF of the article from the link BELOW.

Aly Khan, A Prince With A Golden Heart

Publication Type  Article
Year of Publication  2022
Date Published  12/2022
Authors  Mawjee, Nargis
Original Publication  Online
Pagination  11
Publisher  The Heritage Society
Key Words  Prince Aly Khan; Ismaili; Aga Khan; Hero

Birthday of our beloved Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Birthday of our beloved Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Prince Aly S. Khan was born in Torino (Turin) Italy on June 13, 1911. He was the eldest son of our 48th Holy Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah. His mother was Cleope Teresa Magliano

In remembrance of our beloved Princes Aly Khan and Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

In remembrance of our beloved Princes Aly Khan and Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

May 12 1960 In remembrance of Prince Aly Khan who passed away in a tragic car accident in Suresnes, France. His brother Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan also passed away on the same date in 2003

Opening Ceremony of the Prince Aly Boys' Academy, Karachi 1970-02-08

Hazar Imam accompanied by Begum Salimah performing the Opening Ceremony of the Prince Aly Boys' Academy, Karachi
Ismaili Mirror 1973

During His 1970 visit to Pakistan Hazar Imam performed the opening ceremony of the Prince Aly Boys' Academy in Karachi, Pakistan.

The work on establishing the Prince Aly Boys' Academy started in 1960 by Ismaili volunteers of the Ismailia Youth Services (I.Y.S) on the same pattern as the Mohammadi Girls' Academy .

Speech extracts during the laying of the foundation stone of the Prince Aly Boys Academy, Pakistan 1964-12-12

Prince Aly Boys' Academy, Pakistan
Ismaili Mirror 1973

Extract of speech by Hazar Imam during the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Prince Aly Boys Academy in Karachi, Pakistan:

Let Me say to begin with, how proud I have been to visit the Girls' Academy and to see that what had been my hope and prayer four years ago has actually been realized. Not only is the Academy in a magnificent state of upkeep, but the children look very happy indeed.

Lecture by His Serene Highness Prince Aly Khan under the chairmanship of His Worship the Mayor, 1951-01-30

Prince Aly S. Khan

Lecture by His Serene Highness Prince Aly Khan under the chairmanship of His Worship the Major, councillor Abdulkarim M.L.C., Vice - President of the Dar es Salaam Cultural Society.January 30, 1951

It is indeed ironical that here, in Dar es Salaam, "Haven of peace", I must speak of war.

Prince Aly Khan at the stables

Prince Aly Khan at the stables

Prince Aly Khan, an accomplished horse jockey, seen at the stables. He had a great love for horses and horse-racing

Islam – The Religion of Equality — Prince Aly Khan 1958-05-27

Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Speech by H. R. H. Prince Aly Khan

Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the Council of Islamic Affairs,

New York, May 27th 1958.

The late Prince Aly Khan (d. 1960) was the father of the present Aga Khan (IV), and eldest son of the previous Aga Khan (III) — who was also the Chairman of the League of Nations (1933 – 1936).

Mr. Chairman, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you very much for the honour you have done me by inviting me to be your guest at this luncheon and for the kind words you have said about me.

Prince Aly S. Khan father of our beloved Hazar Imam

Prince Aly S. Khan father of our beloved Hazar Imam

In memory: our beloved Prince Aly Salomone Khan passed away May 12, 1960, Hospital Foch, Suresnes, France. He was born in Turin, Italy in June 13, 1911 to Mowlana Aga Sultan Muhammad Shah and Princess Cleope Teresa Maglione. Prince Sadruddin, brother of Prince Aly Khan also passed away on the same day - May 12 - in 2003

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah had symbolic weighing ceremony in Cairo, Egypt 199-02-23

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah with Begum Mata Salamat and Prince Aly Khan  at the Semiramis Hotel in Cairo, Egypt

L'Aga Kahn III pesé symboliquement (symbolic weighing ceremony) en présence de sa femme la bégum Om Habibeh Yvette Labrousse, et Prince Aly Salomone Khan le 23 février 1955 à l'hôtel Semiramis au Caire, Egypte. (Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

H.S.H. The Prince with the Thana Council

Prince Aly Khan visits Yeravda Palace in Poona

Photo taken at Yeravda Palace, (Poona) of H.S.H. Prince Aly Khan, Beloved 'Vali Ahad' of Mowlana Hazar Imam with the members of the Ismailia Council of Thana. Mr. Kassamali Fatehali, president of the Council is seated on the right of the Prince

Prince Aly Khan at Ismaili Youth Sports 1944-02-10

H.S.H. Prince Aly Khan watching Ismaili Youth Sports with Chairman Gulamali G. Merchant
ISMAILI publication Bombay Sunday 12 March 1944

Under the auspices of Young Ismailis Brotherhood, various sports were arranged by Young Ismailis Youth Sports at the Cooperage in the immediate presence of H.S.H. Prince Aly Khan on 10th February 1944. The beloved Valiahad is seen watching the various sports with Chairman Gulamali G. Merchant B.A., LL.B

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