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AKU wins award of excellence for disruptive education 2022-05-17

Tuesday, 2022, May 17
pakobserver.net Pakistan Observer
AKU wins Zairi Award.jpeg
By News desk -May 17, 2022

The Aga Khan University (AKU) has won the Award of Excellence for Disruptive Education of the prestigious and competitive Zairi International Award in Higher Education, 2022.

Thirtyone countries participated at the MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum in Dubai, UAE and thehonour to their organization has been received by Prof. Tashmin Khamis and Ms. Azra Naseem.

The Award of Excellence for Disruptive Education considers innovative higher education institutions that stand out in their approach to shaping and envisioning the future of higher education to meet the challenges ahead. The competitive award was received by AKU&39s Professor Tashmin Khamis, Vice Provost, Quality, Teaching and Learning and Ms. Azra Naseem, Director, Blended and Digital Learning on the auspicious occasion of Pakistan Day on 23rd March – the only university in Pakistan that has received this prestigious award. Prof. Khamis works towards AKU&39s mission to promote global best practices in quality, teaching and learning which supports excellence in academic programmes to ensure students have a strong learning experience during their academic years.

“The panel recognizes Aga Khan University&39 innovation and impact in three areas: peer-ledtransformation of teaching practices; professionalizing teaching and rewarding excellence; anddigital disruption for transformative teaching,& quot; said the award organizers.

The Zairi Award is international recognition of outstanding performance for higher education institutions aroundthe world in research, digital transformation, community engagement.

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