Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the foundation ceremony of the first purpose built Jamatkhana in Lisbon 1996-12-18
Posted December 1st, 2020 by librarian-hdFoundation Stone-Laying Ceremony of the Centro Ismaili Lisbon, Portugal
Thursday, December 18th, 1996
Your Excellency, Mr President of the Republic
Your Excellency, the Representative of the President of Parliament
Your Excellency, the Representative of His Excellency the Prime Minister
Your Worship, the Mayor of the City of Lisbon
Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests.
We are all, Mr President, deeply honoured by your presence here today at an occasion that is as significant as it is historic for the Ismaili Muslims worldwide and for myself.
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- 802 reads
The Aga Khan and Portugal’s golden real estate market! 2020-01-20
Posted February 12th, 2020 by librarian-hdThe reasons for Portugal’s emergence as the most attractive property market in Western Europe are not hard to fathom
Portugal’s golden visa program has been a spectacular success from Cape Town to Dubai, Karachi to Montreal
The Aga Khan has moved the Imamate’s Secretariat from Aiglemont, France to Lisbon, an event that has stimulated great buying interest
The end of rent controls was the catalyst to attract foreign investors, as well as tax breaks
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- 1837 reads
‘the living sea’ and ‘among the giants’ by Prince Hussain Aga Khan 2019-10-04
Posted October 4th, 2019 by librarian-hdMORE:
the living sea captures the fragility of our oceans with immersive underwater photography
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- 4230 reads
Forbes article on economic impact of Diamond Jubilee ceremonies in Portugal
Posted July 30th, 2019 by librarian-hdAga Khan IV, the spiritual leader of the Nizari Ismailis, brought his millions to Portugal, where he now lives without paying taxes. The Aga Khan Foundation Portugal, the 24th largest nationwide, is just one of the ends of his philanthropic empire that spends more than 500 million Euros per year.
By David Almas
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- 5233 reads
7th Annual Pluralism Lecture held in Lisbon, Portugal 2019-06-11
Posted June 12th, 2019 by librarian-hdLisbon, Portugal, 11 June 2019 - In delivering the seventh Annual Pluralism Lecture, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed addressed the links between pluralism and development, highlighting the dangers posed by growing inequalities.
“Inequality is at extraordinary levels and is growing, both within and between our countries. After a decade of decline, the number of chronically hungry people in our world recently began to rise again – despite there being abundant food for everyone.”
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- 3629 reads
Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the Aga Khan Music Awards, Lisbon 2019-03-31

Remarks by Hazar Imam at the Aga Khan Music Awards in Lisbon, Portugal on the final day prize-giving ceremony 2019-03-31
- 4593 reads
Aga Khan Music Awards, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon review: Impeccably organised and presented
Posted April 4th, 2019 by librarian-hdThe awards draw on the inspirational work of the Aga Khan Music Initiative, which was originally created to revive the traditional musics of Central Asia
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- 2854 reads
Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the Lisbon Aga Khan Music Awards 2019-03-31
Posted April 4th, 2019 by librarian-hdBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
Your Excellency, President of the Republic, Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa,
Your Excellency, Vice-President of the Parliament, Mr. Jorge Lacão,
Madame Isabel Mota, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation,
Members of Government and of Parliament,
Diplomats, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure - and a great honour - to welcome all of you who have come to this exceptional venue tonight, on this extraordinary occasion.
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- 5459 reads
Aga Khan Music Awards 2019-03-29
Posted March 30th, 2019 by librarian-hdWhen
29 March 2019 – 31 March 2019
All Day
Edifício Sede – Grande Auditório
Av. de Berna, 45A , Lisboa
217 823 700
Google Maps »
Access for ticket holders only. Tickets are free and will be distributed from 10:00 of the same day (max. 2 tickets per person and limited to the capacity of the hall
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- 2516 reads
Hazar imam arrives in Lisbon for Music Initiative Performances

Hazar Imam arrives in Lisbon, Portugal for the Aga Khan Music Initiatuve Performance 2019-03-29
- 8219 reads
Aga Khan Music Awards laureates, finalists announced
Posted March 23rd, 2019 by librarian-hdLaureates will share a $500,000 prize fund, and will also collaborate with the music awards to expand the impact of their work and develop their careers
The Master Jury of the Aga Khan Music Awards has announced laureates and finalists for the Awards’ inaugural cycle.
The music awards were established by His Highness the Aga Khan to recognize creativity, promise, and enterprise in music performance.
Laureates will share a $500,000 prize fund, and will also collaborate with the music awards to expand the impact of their work and develop their careers.
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- 2505 reads
Aga Khan Music Awards
Posted March 23rd, 2019 by librarian-hdThe Aga Khan Music Awards recognise outstanding creativity, promising talent and initiative in the fields of performance, creation, education, preservation and musical revitalisation in societies where Muslims have a significant presence. Awarded by the Aga Khan Music Initiative, prizes will be presented during a three-day free-entry ceremony that includes concerts, competitions and conferences.
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- 7221 reads
Posted March 3rd, 2019 by librarian-ldThe Aga Khan Foundation, which is involved in the fields of health care, education and rural development, chiefly in Asia and Africa, has now been registered in Portugal, Mowlana Hazar Imam announced during His Silver Jubilee Visit to that country in February, 1983.
The Foundation has branches and affiliates in Kenya, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Britain, Canada and the United States.
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- 2179 reads
Speech of Mowlana Hazar Imam made a the Key of the City of Lisbon presentation ceremony 1996-12-17
Posted February 12th, 2019 by librarian-hdYour Worship the Mayor,
City Councillors,
Honoured guests,
Citizens of Lisbon.
It is with a sense of profound privilege and great personal honour that I accept the "Freedom of the City" which you have so graciously bestowed upon me today. I am most sincerely grateful that the city fathers have chosen this particular occasion to accord me this distinction.
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- 3343 reads
Hazar Imam establishes the Global Seat of Imamat in Lisbon, Portugal 2018-07-11

His Highness the Aga Khan establishes the Global Seat of Imamat in Lisbon, Portugal in 2018 during His Diamond Jublilee celebrations
- 3382 reads
Prince Amyn Aga Khan presents 200,000 euros to acquire Sequeira masterpiece ‘Adoration of the Magi’ securing Portuguese cultura
Posted October 3rd, 2018 by librarian-hdLISBON (March 16, 2016): In a special ceremony, Prince Amyn Aga Khan presented a check for 200,000 euros to António Filipe Pimentel, the Director of the National Museum of Ancient Art (MNAA) in the presence of Portuguese Minister of Culture, João Soares, towards the crowd-funding campaign “Let’s put Sequeira in the right place” to acquire masterpiece painting by Portuguese artist – Domingos António de Sequeira.
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- 4421 reads
Hazar Imam arrives for lunch with Prince Amyn and Portugal's Government Leaders 2018-010

Hazar imam attended a lunch meeting with Portuguese Government Leaders in Foz, Lisbon during His Diamond Jubllee visit to Portugal
- 3403 reads
Masterpieces from the Aga Khan Museum at Portugal’s Assembly of the Republic 2018-07-11
Posted July 19th, 2018 by librarian-hdToronto, Canada, 11 July 2018 - To mark His Highness the Aga Khan’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations taking place in Lisbon, the Aga Khan Museum has loaned a special exhibition of 17 artifacts to Portugal’s Assembly of the Republic. The exhibition is titled Ideals of Leadership: Masterpieces from the Aga Khan Museum Collections and includes captivating folios and colourful ceramics as well as exquisitely decorated wood and steel artifacts from Mughal, Ottoman, Persian, and Chinese empires dating from the 10th to the 19th centuries.
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Diamond Jubilee Celebrations for Global Jamat in Lisbon, Portugal July 5 to 11, 2018
Posted July 11th, 2018 by librarian-hdTens of thousands of Ismailis from all over the world gathered in Lisbon, Portugal for a week of celebrations to commemorate a once in a lifetime event of the Diamond Jubilee of our 49th Holy Imam Mawlana Shah Karim Al-Husayni who is the 5th Imam in our history to celebrate 60 years on the throne of Imamat.
The event was situated in FIL (Feira Internacional De Lisbon) during the week starting July 5th 2018 and reaching the high mark of Holy Deedar on July 11th 2018.
Members of Noorani family also visited the exhibition sites and the performances by various Ismaili artists.
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- 9548 reads
Hazar Imam in Portugal for the AKAA Awards 2013

His Highness the Aga Khan and Portuguese President Cavaco Silva arrive at the Castle of São Jorge in Lisbon for the presentation ceremony for the 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
AKDN / Gary Otte
- 11614 reads