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L'Europe et L'Islam, Prince Aga Khan; Dr. Zaki Ali , Geneve, p.PAGES: pp76 Fr.3, (Submitted)
The Prince Aga Khan: an Authentic Life Story, Shah, Sirdar Ikbal Ali. , London, p.PAGES: 249 pp., (Submitted)
In Press
Al-Ghazali’s turning point: on the writings on his personal crisis, Hozien, Muhammad , (In Press)
Al-Azhar au service de l'Islam depuis le khalife Al-Mu'izz jusqu'au président G. A. Nasser, El-Baquri: See Baquri. , Cairo, p.SERIES: Mill. du Caire ; PAGES: pp.45-46, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28058.pdf 
Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani: Intellectual Missionary, Walker, Paul. , p.SERIES: Encycl. Iranica I, fasc. 4 ; PAGES: pp. 396-398, (In Press)
An Interpretation of Fatimid History, Lewis, Bernard. , p.PAGES: pp. 287-295, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28827.pdf 
Commentaire de la Qasida ismaélienne d'Abu'l Haitham Jorjani attribuée à Mohamed b. Sorkh de Nishapour, Corbin, Henri. , Paris, p.PAGES: 120 pp., (In Press)
Cairo as Center of the Ismaili Movement, Stern, S. M. , p.PAGES: pp. 437-450., (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28860.pdf 
Description de l'Egypte d'après le `Safar-Nameh' de Nasir-Khosraw, Khachab, Yahya el-. , p.PAGES: 277-278, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28100.pdf 
Djawdhar, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (new) II ; PAGES: p. 491, p.503, (In Press)
Huitième centenaire d'Alamût, Corbin, Henri. , France, p.PAGES: 285-304, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28138.pdf 
Imperial and Urban Art in Islam; the Subject Matter of Fatimid Art, Grabar, Oleg. , p.PAGES: pp. 173-189, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28952.pdf 
La contribution des Fatimides à la philosophie islamique, Ben Milad, Mahjoub. , (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28164.pdf 
La fondation du Caire et la renaissance de l'humanisme arabo-islamique au IVe siècle, Blachère, Régis. , p.PAGES: pp. 95-96, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28172.pdf 
La Gamaliya depuis un siècle, Berque, J.,; al-Shakkal. , p.PAGES: pp. 67-72, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28174.pdf 
La situation économique du Caire et ses relations extérieures au temps des Fatimides, Zbiss, Slimane-Mostafa. , p.PAGES: pp. 473-474, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28188.pdf 
La vie littéraire en Egypte depuis la fondation du Caire jusqu'à la fin de la période mameluke-circassienne, Sakka, Moustafa el-. , p.PAGES: pp. 413-441, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28353.pdf 
Les Arabes de Sicile et l'influence qu'ils ont exercée en Egypte sous les Fatimides, Rizzitano, Umberto. , p.PAGES: p. 383, (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28395.pdf 
L'itinéraire du Caire, Kaak, Osman Hafez al-. , p.PAGES: 253 ff., (In Press)    Download:  NODE 28442.pdf 
On the Ismailis in Greater Badakshan Historical Growth and Current Status., Daya, Mehmood. , Milwaukee, (In Press)    Download:  node-29037-Ismailis of Badakshan, by Daya, M.pdf 
The Founding of Cairo, Cresswell, K. A. C. , (In Press)    Download:  NODE 29184.pdf 
The Ismailis Sect in London (Religious Institutions and Social Change), Clarke, P. B. , p.SERIES: Religion, (In Press)    Download:  node-29221-The Ismaili Sect in London, Rel. Inst. & Soc Change by Clarke. P.pdf 
The Shiah Doctrine of Imamate, Donaldson, D. , p.SERIES: M.W. XXI ; VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: 14-23, (In Press)    Download:  node-29284-The moslem World.THE SHIAH IMMAMATE BY DWIGHT M. DONALDSON.pdf 
The Revolt of the Agha Khan Mahalatti and the Establishment of the Nizari Imamat in India., Eboo, Nadia. , (In Press)    Download:  NODE 29277.pdf 
Al Hamidi, Madelung, Wilferd. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: p.134,p.137, (In Press)
Ataya, wasaya fara'id nel Kitab al-iqtisar de Qadi an-Nu'man., Lo-Jacono, Cl. , Milan, p.PAGES: Pp. 445-457, (In Press)
Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i, Stern, S. M. , (In Press)
Ali b. Hanzala, Poonawala, Ismail K. , (In Press)
Ali b. Muhammad, Poonawala, Ismail K. , (In Press)
Al Sh'ia ou l'idée théocratique., Nader, Albert. , (In Press)
Al-Khuds, Goitein, Solomon D. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: V, (In Press)
Ancien Multan, Foucher. , p.VOLUME: In the Woolner Commemoration Volume, (In Press)
Anthologie Arabe, Humbert. , (In Press)
Abu Ya'qub al-Sidjzi, Stern, S. M. , p.PAGES: pp. 160 & 164, (In Press)
Aga Khan, Gibb, Hamilton A. R. , p.SERIES: s.v., E.I. ; VOLUME: (new) I ; PAGES: p.264,p.245, (In Press)
Al-Amir bi Ahkam Allah, Stern, S. M. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: p.440,p.452, (In Press)
Alamut, Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: p.352, p.363, (In Press)
Al-Azhar, Jomier, J. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: pp.813-821, pp.837-843, (In Press)
Al-'Aziz Bi'llah, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: pp.823-825, pp.846-848, (In Press)
Al-Darazi, Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: p.136, p.140, (In Press)
Al-Hakim Bi Amrillah, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: III ; PAGES: pp.79-84, (In Press)
Ali b. Hatim, Madelung, Wilferd. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: p.137, (In Press)
Al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din Ahmad b. `Abd Allah,, Bruijn, J. T. P. de. , p.SERIES: E.I. ; VOLUME: V ; PAGES: pp. 166-167; pp. 164-165, (In Press)
Amr, Pines, Shlomo. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: English, pp. 449-450; French, p. 462, (In Press)
Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i, Stern, S. M. , (In Press)
A Hindu-Muslim synthesis, Sikand, Y. , (In Press)
A Collection of Fatimid Manuscripts., Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , (In Press)
A Forgotten Old French Version of The Old Man of The Mountain, Runte, Hans R. , (In Press)
A Note on Fatimid-Saljuq Trade., Scanlon, G. T. , (In Press)
A Shi'ite Creed, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , Calcutta, p.SERIES: I.R.A. ser. 9. ; PAGES: xiii and 144 pp., (In Press)
A Study of Some Aspects of English Education with a View to Improve Ismaili Education in East Africa., Peermohamed, B. , (In Press)
A Theological Miscellany, Tritton, A. S. , (In Press)
Abbadan, Stern, S. M. , (In Press)
Abd Allah b. Maymun, Stern, S. M. , (In Press)
Abd Allah b. Saba', Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , (In Press)
Abdallah b. Maymun al-Qaddah, Halm, Heinz. , p.PAGES: pp. 182-183, (In Press)
Abdan b. al-Rabit, Madelung, Wilferd. , (In Press)
Abu Hatem Razi, Halm, Heinz. , (In Press)
Abu Hatim al-Razi, Stern, S. M. , (In Press)
Abu Hatim ar-Razi, Hamarneh, Sami. , (In Press)
Abu Sa'id Jannabi, Madelung, Wilferd. , (In Press)
Abu'l Haytam Gorgani, Corbin, Henri. , p.PAGES: p. 317, (In Press)
Abu'l-Hasan Khan Mahallati., Busse, Heribert. , p.PAGES: p.310, (In Press)
Abu'l-Khattab, Sachedina, A. , p.PAGES: p.329-330, (In Press)
Account of the Deeds of the Fatimi Dynasty., Hammad, Ibn. , Algers, (In Press)
Aga Khan - Ismaili - Imam - Shi'a, Walker, Paul. , New York, (In Press)
Aklaq-e-Naseri, Wickens, G. M. , p.PAGES: p.725, (In Press)
Al Mansur, Marçais, G. , p.SERIES: M.W. XLIX, (In Press)
Al Mu'izz li Din Allah, Gibb, Hamilton A. R. , p.SERIES: s.v., E.I., (In Press)
Ala'-al Dawla 'Ali, Bosworth, Clifford E. , p.VOLUME: Encycl. Iranica I ; PAGES: p.772-773, (In Press)
Ala'-al-Din Mohammad, Lewis, Bernard. , p.VOLUME: Encycl. Iranica I ; PAGES: p.870, (In Press)
Al-Afdal b. Badr al-Djamali, Wiet, G. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: pp.215-216, (In Press)
Al-Djannabi, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: pp.452-454, p.464, (In Press)
Al-e Bavand, Madelung, Wilferd. , p.VOLUME: I ; PAGES: pp.747-753, (In Press)
Al-Kahira, Rogers, J. M. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; PAGES: p.4, (In Press)
Al-Ka'im, Dachraoui, Farhat. , p.PAGES: pp.458-460, 851-853, pp.503,871-872, (In Press)
Allah, Gardet, Louis. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new) ; VOLUME: I ; PAGES: pp. 406-407; French, p. 426, (In Press)
Al-Mustansirbi Allah, Gibb, Hamilton A. R. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new), (In Press)
Al-Shahrastani, Vaux, B. Carra de. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new), (In Press)
Al-Sijistani and his Kitab al-Maqalid., Poonawala, Ismail K. , Brill, p.PAGES: Pp. 274-283, (In Press)
Al-Tussi, Nasir al Din,, Strothmann, Rudolf. , p.SERIES: E.I. (new), (In Press)
An Early Fatimid Lustre Bowl., Pinder-Wilson, R. , Berlin, (In Press)
An Outline of the Political Philosophy of the Rasa'il Ikhwan al Safa, Enayat, Hamid. , p.SERIES: I.C.I.C ; PAGES: 23-50, (In Press)
Asas, Goldziher, Ignaz. , p.SERIES: s.v., ; VOLUME: E.I., (In Press)
Aspects of Isma'ili Theology: The Prophetic Chain and the God Beyond Being, Madelung, Wilferd. , p.SERIES: I.C.I.C. ; PAGES: pp. 51-66, (In Press)
Assassins, Thatcher, G. W. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.B., (In Press)
Assassins, Margoliouth, D. S. , p.SERIES: s.v., (In Press)
Abbasid and Fatimid Political Relations during the Buhawid Period, Abou Said, A. C. , (In Press)
Abbasid and Fatimid Political Relations during the Buhawid Period, Abou Said, A. C. , (In Press)
A History of the Ismaili Community in Tanzania., Walji, Shirin R. A. , (In Press)
A Political Study of Egypt and Syria under the Early Fatimids 358/968-386/996., Le Tourneau , (In Press)
Batiniyya, Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (new) ; PAGES: pp. 1098-1100, (In Press)
Bab, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: s.v.(new) II ; PAGES: p.830, p.853, (In Press)
Bardjawan, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (new) II ; PAGES: p.1041, p.1073, (In Press)
Batiniyya, Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (new) ; PAGES: pp. 1098-1100, (In Press)
Badr al-Djamali, Becker, Carl H. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (new) I ; PAGES: pp. 869-870., (In Press)
Batiniya, Vaux, B. Carra de. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (old) I., (In Press)
Bohoras, Arnold, Thomas Walker, Sir. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: E.I. (old)., (In Press)
Changement politique et littérature eschatologique dans le monde musulman, Abel, Armand. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: pp. 23-43, (In Press)
Contribution à la vie religieuse en Ifriqiya ziride., Idris, Hady Roger. , p.PAGES: Pp. 342 ff., (In Press)

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