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Hazar Imam discusses with President Hosni Mubarak the plans to develop Cairo's largest park

His Highness The Aga Khan with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt

President Hosni Mubarak today discussed with His Highness the Aga Khan an integrated plan for development of Cairo's largest park, and innovative cultural restoration and economic revitalisation projects being undertaken by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in the capital's historic old city.

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah had symbolic weighing ceremony in Cairo, Egypt 199-02-23

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah with Begum Mata Salamat and Prince Aly Khan  at the Semiramis Hotel in Cairo, Egypt

L'Aga Kahn III pesé symboliquement (symbolic weighing ceremony) en présence de sa femme la bégum Om Habibeh Yvette Labrousse, et Prince Aly Salomone Khan le 23 février 1955 à l'hôtel Semiramis au Caire, Egypte. (Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Cairo, 2 May 2015 – Restoration of the 14th century Amir Aqsunqur “Blue Mosque” in Al-Darb al-Ahmar has been completed by the Ag

Cairo, 2 May 2015 – Restoration of the 14th century Amir Aqsunqur “Blue Mosque” in Al-Darb al-Ahmar has been completed by the Ag

H.H.The Aga Khan speaking in Cairo for the Restoration of the 14th century Amir Aqsunqur “Blue Mosque” in Al-Darb al-Ahmar

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan - Cairo - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK - 2005-03-25


Bi-'smi Llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim
Madame Mubarak, Excellencies, Honoured Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Twenty-one years ago we had a vision that launched us on a journey of inquiry, exploration and discovery that took us through some 1,000 years of history of this extraordinary city.

It was a journey in which we engaged with historians, archeologists, architects and horticulturalists. We worked with engineers, statisticians, sociologists and urban planners. We met with neighbourhood residents and businessmen, artisans and entrepreneurs, young people and old.

Cairo - "From the Pages of Glorious Fatimid History"

The history of Cairo dates back to about B.C. 5000 when King Mina united Upper and Lower Egypt and chose Memphis as the capital of the New Kingdom. Memphis survived several dynasties and invaders and finally was rebuilt in 969 A.D., by Jawhar al-Siqily, of the army commanders of the Fatimid Caliph al-Muiz Ladin Allah, and given the modern name of Cairo.

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