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Yacht Club Costa Smeralda Sporting Season set to launch 2021-05-25

 Sail World Princess Zahra Aga Khan and YCCS Commodore Riccardo Bonadeo
www.sail-world.com Sail World

The conference to present the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda's sporting calendar and the competitive programme of the Young Azzurra team took place this morning.

For the first time, the traditional YCCS event was held online, with a live stream from the Azzurra Lounge at the Club's Porto Cervo headquarters which, in addition to members, was open to all journalists, guests and supporters wishing to take part. A recording of the event will remain available on the YCCS YouTube channel.

Prince Aly Khan in Loving memory

Prince Aly Khan in Loving memory

Prince Aly Khan born in Turin (Torino) Italy on this day of June 13, 1911. He was the father of our beloved Hazar Imam Shah Karim and the eldest son of our 48th Imam Aga Sultan Muhammad. His mother was Cleope Teresa Maglione

Luciano Bennetton And The Aga Khan Museum Partner Create Cultural Dialogues 2019-11-29

Luciano Benetton, Founder Imago Mundi and Prince Amyn Aga Khan, Chair of the Aga Khan Musem, The Aga ... [+]Marco Pavan

What does it mean when you are asked - "where are you from?" This often innocuous question provides information to identify the historical background of a person but, more often than not, also pigeon-holes migrants based on biases and stereotypes.

Prince Aly S. Khan born June 13 1911

Prince Aly S. Khan born June 13 1911

June 13 marks the birthday of Prince Aly Soloman Khan born in Turin, Italy the eldest son of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah. His mother was Princess Teresa Magliano

Prince Rahim launches Air Italy's inaugural flight from Toronto to Milan

Prince Rahim launches Air Italy's inaugural flight from Toronto to Milan

Meridiana, an airline based in Sardinia, launched its bid on Monday to become Italy's leading carrier with a new name: Air Italy.



Mayor of Parma, H.H. The Aga Khan at Palazzo della Pilotta Islamic Arts Treasure Show 2007-03-30

Birthday of Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Birthday of Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Prince Aly Salomone Khan - born in Turin, Italy 13 June 1911

Birthday of Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Prince Aly Khan was born in Turin (Torino) Italy on June 13, 1911. His mother was Cleope Teresa "Ginetta" Magliano.

In 1939, Prince Aly Aga Khan joined the French Foreign Legion and served with its cavalry division in Egypt and the Middle East. In 1940, he joined the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry, becoming a lieutenant colonel in 1944. That same year, he participated in the Allied landing in the south of France with the United States Seventh Army, serving as a liaison officer with the rank of captain; for this, he was made an officer in the Legion of Honor in 1950.

Aga Khan demands urgent action to restore man-nature balance

H.H. The Aga Khan IV

The love and the sense of urgency to the environment around us is what shared the one who organized and participated in the first edition of the One Ocean Forum. 

Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Prince Aly Salomone Khan

Our beloved Prince Aly Salomone Khan father of our Hazar Imam passed away May 12, 1960

Princess Zahra Aga Khan Christens the TP52 Azzurra 2011-05-18

Princess Zahra.jpg

Azzurra, the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda's new TP52 which is set to compete in the prestigious Audi MedCup circuit, was today officially baptised by godmother Princess Zahra Aga Khan. During the ceremony a second Audi-sponsored vessel, the French-German collaboration All4One, was also present together with special guest, actor Jean Reno. After t the traditional photographs taken, the crew of Audi Azzurra Sailing Team boarded the boat for some sailing on the waters off Cascais.

Splendori a Corte Exhibition 2013-03-30

2013-03-30 Splendori a corte Exhibition
The Aga Khan Museum Home

On 30 March 2007, His Highness the Aga Khan and Mr. Elvio Ubaldi, Mayor of Parma, inaugurated “Splendori a Corte”, an exhibition of rare art and manuscripts from the Aga Khan Museum collections, at the Palazzo della Pilotta in Parma.

Splendori a CorteIn addition to the exhibition, the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, in collaboration with the Teatro Regio di Parma and Parma Capitale della Musica, presented a programme of sacred music from Central Asia.

Splendori a Corte Exhibition 2013-02-17

Sacred Art and Music of the Muslim World in Parma, Italy

Inauguration by His Highness The Aga Khan speech at "Splendori a Corte", an exhibition of rare art and manuscripts from the Aga Khan Museum collection, being shown until 3 June 2007 at the Palazzo della Pilotta (Parma, Italy)

Inauguration speech at "Splendori a Corte", an exhibition of rare art and manuscripts from the Aga Khan Museum collection, being shown until 3 June 2007 at the Palazzo della Pilotta (Parma, Italy)

30 March 2007

H. H. The Aga Khan WITH HIS ROYAL GUEST - 1967-08-19

Britain's Princess Margaret with the Aga Khan, August 18th, at his vacation resort.  1967-08-18

The ceremonial award of 'Sailing Races' held in Sardinia (Italy) on 19-8-67 was attended by Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret who is seen here in conversation with Mowlana Hazar Imam during the ceremony.

Source: Ismaili Prakash (November 11, 1967)

SARDINIA TO PARIS - 1972-07-01


Sardinia with its open blue skies and deep emerald water front, was the venue of the meeting the Pakistan delegation had with Mowlana Hazar Imam in July 1972.
The delegation was called to Sardinia to submit their recommendations for new appointments for Hazar Imam's gracious consideration, and nomination. The new nominations were to be made for various Social and Welfare Institutions of our Jamat including the Executive Officers, from all over West Pakistan under the jurisdiction of Namdar Federal Council for Pakistan.

President Musharraf engagements in Rome - 2004-09-28


Federal Information Minister Shaikh Rasheed briefed media about the engagements of President Pervez Musharraf regarding his offical visit to Rome Tuesday.He said President Musharraf held one-and-an-half hour meeting with President Carlo Ciampi of Italy in Rome and discussed matters of mutual interest.
The President would address an investment conference in Rome later today.
He would also hold a meeting with Aga Khan. Meanwhile, official talks between the President and Italian Prime Minister would be held on Wednesday.


www.agi.it AGI Online

Tomorrow at 9.30am the Alitalian board will meet to decide on the agreement with Meridiana. The order of the day for the meeting does not give any information, but according to national newspapers, the airline managed by Francesco Mengozzi is interested in buying a significant share holding, thus assuming control of management. According to some leaks, the Aga Khan, who holds 80 pct of share capital intends to cede control of the airline only in case of sale, also spread out, of his entire share package (the remaining 20 pct is in the hands of his employees).


pakistantimes.net Pakistan Times Foreign Desk

Pakistan and Italy have agreed to block the expansion in number of permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to ensure equality of nations in the world body.
Addressing a joint media conference with the Italian President in Rome after their one-on-one meeting, the President said Pakistan and Italy are in total consonance on the issue of expansion of UN Security Council.


La guida degli ismailiti: non c' è un conflitto di civiltà bens

Aga Khan, A University on the Roof of the World. - TAJIKISTAN: AGA KHAN TO LAY CORNERSTONES OF CENTRAL ASIA UNIVERSITY - 2004-07-05


L'Aga Khan ha deciso di costruire un'universita' internazionale per le popolazioni montanare centro-asiatiche del Pamir e del Karakorum. L'ultramiliardario, leader della comunita' dei musulmani ismailiti noto in Italia per aver creato l'impero turistico della Costa Smeralda, posera' domani la prima pietra del nuovo complesso su un'altura non lontano da Dushambe, la capitale tagika, tra vallate ancora percorse da carovane di cammelli e contadini a dorso di mulo. 2004-07-06 - 12:02:00

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