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Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan to the Graduating Class at the 2024 UCA Convocation 2024-06-15

Princess Zahra Aga Khan addressing virtually the 2024 UCA Graduates

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan (delivered virtually)
UCA Graduation 2024

Your Excellencies, Dr Dodurkul Kendirbaeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. Altynbek Ergeshov,
Governor of Naryn Oblast and Mirzonabot Alisher Khudoberdi, Governor of Gorno-Badakshan, Autonomous Oblast,
Chairman Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and members of the Board of Trustees,
Acting Rector Christopher Gerry, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences,
Maxim Khomyakov and UCA faculty and staff,

Princess Zahra delivers virtual address to UCA graduates 2024-06-15

Princess Zahra delivers virtual address to UCA graduates 2024-06-15

In her virtual address, Princess Zahra Aga Khan encouraged the graduates to “play a central role in fostering a vibrant and more inclusive global knowledge society.”



Princess Zahra sends virtual message to University of Central Asia Naryn as campus celebrates its fourth graduation 2024-06-15

UCA graduates of School of Arts and Sciences

AKIPRESS.COM - The University of Central Asia’s (UCA) Naryn campus celebrated the graduation at its School of Arts and Sciences at an elegant ceremony in Naryn on 15 June, UCA said.

President Sadyr Japarov receives Prince Rahim Aga Khan 2024-02-29

President Sadyr Japarov receives Prince Rahim Aga Khan
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - President Sadyr Japarov today received Prince Rahim Aga Khan, the eldest son of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan and member of the Board of the Aga Khan Development Network, president's press service reported.

During this meeting, views were exchanged about cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and Aga Khan Development Network in the field of education, ecology and green economy.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan's Kyrgyzstan Visit Boosts Bilateral Ties and Sustainable Development 2024-02-29

Prince Rahim met with Asein Isayev, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic  2024-02-29

Prince Rahim Aga Khan's visit to Kyrgyzstan marks a milestone in AKDN's collaboration for socio-economic and educational enhancement. A beacon of hope for sustainable development.

Aga Khan Foundation acquires 6% of KICB shares 2023-02-03

Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development acquired 6% of shares of Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank from several shareholders: - 2% of shares from International Finance Corporation - 2% of share from German Investment and Development Corporation (DEG) - 2% of shares of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Tomsk State University: The University Of Central Asia Will Send Its Best Bachelors To TSU 2021-04-26

Tomsk State University

Tomsk State University and the University of Central Asia (UCA) have signed a collaboration agreement and immediately agreed that the strongest bachelor’s degree graduates of bachelor’s degrees from the university would come to Tomsk. UCA has campuses in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

Address by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 2022 UCA graduation ceremony 2022-06-22

Princess Zahra addressing the the UCA Class of 2022 in Naryn  2022-06-22

Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim

Your Excellency the Governor of GBAO, Alisher Mirzanobot,

Your Excellency the Governor of Naryn, Sabyrkul Ashimbaev,

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, and Members of the Board,

Rector Sohail Naqvi,

Dean Maxim Khomyakov and the Faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences,

Generous donors and friends of UCA around the world,

Parents and family members,

Distinguished guests,

And dear graduates of the class of 2022,

Parents and family members,

Distinguished guests,

And dear graduates of the class of 2022,

Address by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 2022 UCA graduation ceremony 2022-06-22

On behalf of the Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan, Princess Zahra Aga Khan conveyed a special message of congratulations to

Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim

Your Excellency the Governor of GBAO, Alisher Mirzanobot,

Your Excellency the Governor of Naryn, Sabyrkul Ashimbaev,

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, and Members of the Board,

Rector Sohail Naqvi,

Dean Maxim Khomyakov and the Faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences,

Generous donors and friends of UCA around the world,

Parents and family members,

Distinguished guests,

And dear graduates of the class of 2022,

University of Central Asia holds graduation ceremonies in Naryn and Khorog 2022-06-18

Sumaino Shakarbekova, the valedictorian of the class of 2022, speaking at the Graduation

AKIPRESS.COM - The graduation ceremonies at the two campuses at Naryn and Khorog on June 18 brought together parents, faculty and many distinguished guests who came to congratulate the students for their academic achievements, and promises of successes yet to come.

Princess Zahra addressed the UCA Graduation June 18, 2022

Princess Zahra addressed the UCA Graduation June 18, 2022

On behalf of the Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan, Princess Zahra Aga Khan, who is also a trustee of UCA, conveyed a special message of congratulations to the graduates.


$6.5 million initiative launched in Naryn to strengthen resilience to external shocks 22-05-28

AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - The Aga Khan Development Network and the Naryn authorities formally launched an innovative five year initiative to strengthen the resilience of Naryn town to external environmental and economic shocks, AKDN said.

The Naryn Urban Resilience Programme, with a total budget of US$ 6.5 million, financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Aga Khan Foundation, aims to enhance the capacity of the Naryn Municipality to use advanced town planning techniques to inform infrastructure investments and community engagement efforts.

Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the the first Convocation of the University of Central Asia 2019-06-19

His Highness the Aga Khan delivering a virtual address at the University of Central Asia’s first-ever convocation 2021-06-19


Your Excellency President Rahmon

Your Excellency President Japarov

Honourable Ministers

Honourable Governors

Chairman Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and Members of the Board of Trustees

Rector, Deans, Faculty and Staff of the University

Parents, supporters, and distinguished guests and Graduates

AKDN Representative presents copies of credentials to Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan 2022-03-09

Dr. Barkat Fazal, the incoming Diplomatic Representative of AKDN presents credentials to Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - Dr. Barkat Fazal, the incoming Diplomatic Representative of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in the Kyrgyz Republic, presented copies of his credentials to Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev earlier today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bishkek.

The two sides discussed on-going collaboration between the AKDN and the Kyrgyz Republic in various sectors, including education, access to financial services, rural development, and culture, as part of their efforts to improve the quality of life of the peoples in the country.

Government of Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation launch Women's Health Programme in Kyrgyzstan 2021-11-16

Davlatsulton Dorgabekova, the CEO of the Aga Khan Foundation in the Kyrgyz Republic meets Mr. Jalalidin Rakhmatullaev Deputy Min
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - Global Affairs Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation have launched the five-year “Foundations for Health and Empowerment” Programme to strengthen the delivery of quality, gender-responsive, and inclusive health services for women, girls, adolescents, their families and communities.

Aga Khan Foundation helps teachers raise children's health literacy in Kyrgyzstan 2021-10-25

Teachers undergo training by AKF in Chui, Naryn, Osh and Batken oblasts from October 7 to 23.
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) conducted a training for more than 100 teachers from about 50 secondary school and kindergartens in Chui, Naryn, Osh and Batken oblasts from October 7 to 23.

The training was organised as part of AKF’s Schools 2030 initiative with support from its Local Impact Project. The aim of this initiative is to form and develop hygiene life skills in general education and preschool educational institutions to create a friendly and safe educational environment and prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the first-ever Convocation of the University of Central Asia 2021-06-19

His Highness the Aga Khan delivering a virtual address at the University of Central Asia’s first-ever convocation on 19 June. Th


Your Excellency President Rahmon

Your Excellency President Japarov

Honourable Ministers

Honourable Governors

Chairman Dr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha and Members of the Board of Trustees

Rector, Deans, Faculty and Staff of the University

Parents, supporters, and distinguished guests and Graduates

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