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Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the 7th Annual Pluralism Lecture 2019-06-11

His Highness the Aga Khan delivers remarks at the 2019 Annual Pluralism Lecture to introduce Deputy Secretary-General of the Uni

Ms. Mohammed,
Your Excellency, the President of the Assembly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you, on behalf of the Board of the Global Centre for Pluralism, to the 2019 Pluralism Lecture here at the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon.

7th Annual Pluralism Lecture held at Lisbon Ismaili Centre 2019-06-11

His Highness the Aga Khan delivers remarks at the 2019 Annual Pluralism Lecture to introduce Deputy Secretary-General of the Uni

The Annual Pluralism Lecture 2019 will take place on 11 June in Lisbon, where Mawlana Hazar Imam is expected to introduce this year’s speaker, Amina J. Mohammed. The event is anticipated to begin at 7:00 PM UTC+1, and will be webcast at the.ismaili/live.

Hosted by the Global Centre for Pluralism, the Annual Pluralism Lecture provides an opportunity to learn from individuals whose work has made a practical difference in the world. The 2019 lecture will explore the connections between pluralism and global efforts to advance peace, justice, and sustainable development.

7th Annual Pluralism Lecture held in Lisbon, Portugal 2019-06-11

Hazar Imam with Princess Zahra at the 7th Annual Pluralism Lecture held at the Lisbon Ismaili Centre  2019-06-11

Lisbon, Portugal, 11 June 2019 - In delivering the seventh Annual Pluralism Lecture, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed addressed the links between pluralism and development, highlighting the dangers posed by growing inequalities.

“Inequality is at extraordinary levels and is growing, both within and between our countries. After a decade of decline, the number of chronically hungry people in our world recently began to rise again – despite there being abundant food for everyone.”

Remarks by His Highness the Aga Khan during Presentation to the Keys of the City of Porto

His Highness the Aga Khan delivers remarks upon having received the Key to the City of Porto. AKDN / 4See  2019-05-02

Your Worship the Mayor,
Honourable Guests,

I would like to begin my comments this afternoon by saying how touched I am by the recognition that you have given to me this afternoon.

In my work I look at peoples from all environments — cities, rural urban areas, deserts, industrialised areas — and I look at how people live, and I ask myself, “How can we improve the living conditions of people in all these environments?”

Address by the Mayor of Porto during Presntation of the Keys to the City to Hazar Imam

The Mayor of Porto Mr Rui Moreira addresses the gathering on the occasion of the presentation of the Keys to the City of Porto t

Your Highness, the Prince Aga Khan,
Prince Amyn Aga Khan,
President of the Porto Municipal Assembly,
Councillors, other elected representatives,
Commander Nazim Ahmad, Diplomatic Representative of the Ismaili Imamat in Portugal,
All other members of the delegation of His Highness the Aga Khan,
Members of the Parliament of the Consular Corps, civil, military, and the religious authorities,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Your Highness, your presence today in the Porto city is, for us, a moment of joy, not only for us who are here gathered together, but for the city.

His Highness the Aga Khan conferred with the Keys of the City of Porto 2019-05-02

The Mayor of Porto Mr Rui Moreira presents His Highness the Aga Khan with the Keys to the City of Porto AKDN / 4See  2019-05-02

Porto, Portugal 2 May 2019 – The Mayor of Porto Mr Rui Moreira today conferred His Highness the Aga Khan with the Keys to the City of Porto. The presentation occurred in the presence of His Highness’s brother Prince Amyn Aga Khan, the President of the Municipal Assembly of Porto, Mr Miguel Pereira Leite as well as a distinguished audience which included members of the diplomatic corps, government and parliament representatives, cultural leaders and civil society representatives as well as representatives from the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).

Speech by Mr Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, 2019-04-13

Mr Carlos Moedas, the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, delivering the keynote address in Lisbon, 2019

Your Highness the Aga Khan, thank you very much
Princess Zahra Aga Khan
My dear friend, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Paulo Portas
Chairman Haile Debas
President Firoz Rasul, thank you for your introduction
My dear friend, Ambassador Nazim Ahmad, always a great friend for a long time and a great man
Honourable Trustees of the Aga Khan University

Dear Friends

Thank you so much for inviting me tonight. I have, let me tell you, a huge admiration, a huge admiration for your community, Your Highness, and for your leadership.

Aga Khan University celebrates partnerships in Lisbon with Portuguese universities on research and development .2019-04-13

Hazar Imam with AKU Board of Trustees, leaders of the Jamat and AKDN and Portuguese universities  delegates   2019-04-13

t a special dinner hosted in Lisbon on 13 April 2019, the Aga Khan University (AKU) celebrated its partnership with Portuguese universities on research and development initiatives. The event was attended by Mawlana Hazar Imam and Princess Zahra.



Mawlana Hazar Imam attended an event to celebrate the Aga Khan University's partnerships in Portugal, at which Mr Carlos Moedas, the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation (left), delivered the keynote address. 2019-04-17


Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the Aga Khan Music Awards, Lisbon 2019-03-31

Watch this video!

Remarks by Hazar Imam at the Aga Khan Music Awards in Lisbon, Portugal on the final day prize-giving ceremony 2019-03-31



A commemorative stamp was unveiled on the occasion of the Aga Khan Music Awards by His Highness the Aga Khan, (second right) Isabel Mota, left, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation, Prince Amyn Aga Khan, (second left) and Francisco Lacerda, CEO of the CTT (Portuguese Postal Services). PHOTO | AKDN | AKBAR HAKIM

Aga Khan Music Awards, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon review: Impeccably organised and presented

Badiaa Bouhrizi, laureate in the domain of Social Inclusion, performing at the gala concert on 31 March ( AKDN / Bruno Colaço )

The awards draw on the inspirational work of the Aga Khan Music Initiative, which was originally created to revive the traditional musics of Central Asia

Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan at the Lisbon Aga Khan Music Awards 2019-03-31

Mawlana Hazar Imam delivers remarks at the inaugural Aga Khan Music Awards, held at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portuga


Your Excellency, President of the Republic, Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa,

Your Excellency, Vice-President of the Parliament, Mr. Jorge Lacão,

Madame Isabel Mota, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation,

Members of Government and of Parliament,

Diplomats, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure - and a great honour - to welcome all of you who have come to this exceptional venue tonight, on this extraordinary occasion.

Speech by Prince Amyn Aga Khan at the Aga Khan Music Awards in Lisbon 2019-03-29

Prince Amyn Aga Khan delivers his remarks at the inauguration of the Aga Khan Music Awards AKDN / Akbar Hakim

Madame President of the Gulbenkian Foundation, Ms. Isabel Mota,
Honorable members of the Government, of Parliament, State Authorities, and Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen

Aga Khan Music Awards 2019-03-29


29 March 2019 – 31 March 2019
All Day
Edifício Sede – Grande Auditório
Av. de Berna, 45A , Lisboa
217 823 700
Google Maps »
Access for ticket holders only. Tickets are free and will be distributed from 10:00 of the same day (max. 2 tickets per person and limited to the capacity of the hall

Hazar imam arrives in Lisbon for Music Initiative Performances

Hazar imam arrives in Lisbon for Music Initiative Performances

Hazar Imam arrives in Lisbon, Portugal for the Aga Khan Music Initiatuve Performance 2019-03-29

Forbes Portugal - Major Fundacoes de Portugal

His Highness The Aga Khan IV
Forbes Portugal

Aga Khan IV, the spiritual leader of the Nizari Ismailis, brought his millions to Portugal, where he now lives without paying taxes. The Aga Khan Foundation Portugal, the 24th largest nationwide, is just one of the ends of his philanthropic empire that spends more than 500 million Euros per year.

By David Almas

Sacred millionaire

Aga Khan IV, 82, is a multimillionaire and a philanthropist. The Aga Khan Foundation Portugal, which he established in 1996, was valued at over 31 million Euros in 2017.

Aga Khan Music Awards laureates, finalists announced

Afghan rubâb player Homayoun Sakhi (center) percussionist Salar Nader, and Chinese pipa player Wu Man, at the Aga Khan Music Ini

Laureates will share a $500,000 prize fund, and will also collaborate with the music awards to expand the impact of their work and develop their careers

The Master Jury of the Aga Khan Music Awards has announced laureates and finalists for the Awards’ inaugural cycle.
The music awards were established by His Highness the Aga Khan to recognize creativity, promise, and enterprise in music performance.

Laureates will share a $500,000 prize fund, and will also collaborate with the music awards to expand the impact of their work and develop their careers.

Aga Khan Music Awards

Hazar Imam with Prince Amyn and Prince Hussain at the inaugural Music Awards in Lisbon  2019-03-28

The Aga Khan Music Awards recognise outstanding creativity, promising talent and initiative in the fields of performance, creation, education, preservation and musical revitalisation in societies where Muslims have a significant presence. Awarded by the Aga Khan Music Initiative, prizes will be presented during a three-day free-entry ceremony that includes concerts, competitions and conferences.

Speech by Mowlana Hazar Imam at the Evora University Symposium 2006-02-12

His Highness speaking at the International Symposium at the University of Evora, Photo Gary Otte   2006-02-12

President Sampaio,
Rector Manuel Patricio,
Professor Adriano Moreira,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a great honour to be invited here today to address this esteemed audience on such a relevant topic. Our title speaks of societies which are at once plural and peaceful—a goal which is important but also elusive. For even our best efforts to combine stability with modernity seem to be constantly disrupted.

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