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Following the signing of the agreement H.H. The Aga Khan and Foreign Minister Luis Amado shake hands. Photo: Ricardo Oliveira and Nuno Saraiva




H.H. The Aga Khan is welcomed by Foreign Minister Luis Amado at the Portuguese Ministry of State and Foreign Affairs. Photo: Ricardo Oliveira and Nuno Saraiva




His Highness the Aga Khan being greeted by His Eminence D. Jose Policarpo, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon and Chancellor of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP).


Aga Khan elogia papel de Portugal no Mundo - 2009-05-08


O Príncipe Aga Khan incentivou os portugueses a exercerem "a sua influência global no Mundo a favor dos países em desenvolvimento, usando o que de melhor têm, o vosso conhecimento". O líder máximo dos muçulmanos ismaelitas falava na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa onde foi, hoje, homenageado.
Alexandre Coutinho

Adriano Moreira, vice-presidente da instituição e presidente da Classe de Letras (à esq.), o Príncipe Aga Khan e Arantes e Oliveira, presidente da Academia das Ciências
Alberto Frias

International agreement signed between the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat - 2009-05-08


8 May 2009 — An historic international agreement was signed between the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat on matters relating to religion, cooperation, culture and education. The agreement was signed by Foreign Minister Luis Amado and Mawlana Hazar Imam at the Portuguese Ministry of State and Foreign Affairs.

Palavras do Presidente da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - 2009-05-08


Palavras do Presidente da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Professor Eduardo Romano de Arantes e Oliveira, proferidas no dia 8 de Maio de 2009, na Cerimónia da Investidura de Sua Alteza, o Príncipe Aga Khan, como Membro Estrangeiro da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

Senhor Prof. Adriano Moreira, Presidente da Classe de Letras e Vice-presidente da Academia das Ciências;
Senhores Ministros da Defesa e da Cultura
Senhores Reitores;
Eminentes Académicos;
Senhores Professores e homens de Cultura e de Ciência;
Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores:

Remarks by the President of the Academy of Sciences at the Investiture Ceremony - 2009-05-08


Your Highness, Prince Aga Khan;
Mr. Vice President, and President of the Class of Humanities of the Academy of
Sciences of Lisbon, Prof. Adriano Moreira;
Your Excellencies, the Ministers of Defense and Culture;
Eminent Rectors;
Eminent Academicians;
Professors and persons of Culture and Science;
Ladies and Gentlemen;

On the day of the first visit of Prince Aga Khan to an Academy that was wise enough to elect him as one of its members, it is my honor and pleasure to greet His Highness on behalf of the Institution.

Your Highness

Remarks by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Academy of Sciences, in Lisbon, Portugal - 2009-05-08

The President of the Academy of Sciences, Professor Arantes e Oliveira, speaking at the Investiture Ceremony of His Highness as

Professor Oliveira,
Minister of National Defence, Mr Nuno Severiano Teixeira,
Minister of Culture, Mr Pinto Ribeiro,
Apostolic Nuncio, Rino Passagata,
Members of the Academy,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is an immense honour for me to be here today and to have been admitted to the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. It reminds me of the day on which I was given an honorary doctorate from the University of Evora. And I do not want to let this occasion pass, without recollecting that very, very special day.

Aga Khan in Lisbon for Talks with Cardinal Patriarch and Foreign Minister - 2009-05-08


Lisbon, Portugal, 8 May 2009 - His Highness the Aga Khan made a one-day visit to Portugal to meet with the His Eminence D. Jose Policarpo, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon and Chancellor of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP), and Portugal's Foreign Minister, Luis Amado, amongst other senior officials.

H.H. The Aga Khan Visits Officials in Portugal and is Honoured - 2009-05-08


Prince Aga Khan visited Portugal for a meeting with the Foreign Minister Luis Amado and the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, D. José Policarpo. On this occasion an agreement was signed on religion, education and culture, followed by a working lunch. In the afternoon, Prince Aga Khan was honored at the Academy of Sciences.

Lisbon Jamatkhana, Portugal

JK in Lisbon is very central. The area is known as Laranjeiras (of course in Lisbon). Just ask the táxi drive to take you to Centro Ismaili in lisbon and if someone says that they do not know where it tell them that is adjacent to Loja do Cidadão in Laranjeiras. Duá time (other tna special festivities) is Always at 7:30 p.m every day of the week.

Speech by H.H. Aga Khan at Institutional Dinner, Lisbon - 2008-07-13

His Highness the Aga Khan receives a guard of honour upon his arrival in Lisbon. To receive him was Alberto Costa, Portugal’s Mi
AKDN Golden Jubilee DVD - Visit to Portugal

Speech By His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan
Lisbon, Portugal
Institutional Dinner

July 13, 2008

Darbar with the Jamat was held earlier the same day.

After a variety show presented by the youth of the Portugal Jamat and presentation of gifts by the leaders – a silver filigree piece depicting a16th century caravel (sailing ship), Hazar Imam made the following remarks.

I would like to tell you how immensely happy I am to have been here tonight and to have celebrated with you this Jubilee visit to Portugal.

Interview of H.H. The Aga Khan by P2, Portugal - 2008-07


The Western world should accept that Islam does not separate the world from

He considers himself a spiritual leader as opposed to a powerful
businessman. He is interested in fighting poverty by promoting
self-sufficiency to people and culture. He believes that calling upon faith
in conflict situations affects all religions. The Aga Khan, spiritual leader
of the Ismaili Muslims, 71 years of age, rarely gives interviews. During his
passage through Lisbon, some days ago, he spoke to P2.

*By António Marujo and Faranaz Keshavjee*

H.H. The Aga Khan in Portugal - 2008-07-10

H. H. the Aga Khan Visited Portugal at the Invitation of the Government as part of his Golden Jubilee year. He met with many officials and with the ismaili community.


Watch this video!

2008, July 21 - Portugal: Interview of H.H. the Aga Khan


Lisbon Jamatkhana, Portugal

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