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Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan-2003-05-13


Mediating between East and West, and bringing an environmental conscience to the affairs of the UN

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan


Free-Market Failures OPINION: Economic fundamentalists have been on a rampage. It's time to stop them-1998-10-12


So the economic paradise promised by unlimited, uninhibited, inescapable global free trade has proved illusory. President Clinton acknowledges that world finance is in the worst shape since the Depression. The International Monetary Fund doesn't have enough money to keep bailing out nations hit by the crisis. In Asia, the backlash is getting ugly as people who were promised riches suddenly find themselves poor--and turn on the nearest targets at hand to vent their anger. We've seen violence against the Chinese in Indonesia and political turmoil in Malaysia.

Spirituality & Science The need for togetherness, by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan -1996-09-26

GLOBE International

"The last of fools is he who indifferently asserts and denies...", prophetically wrote Dante, who probed all man's afflictions, at the dawn of the XIVth Century. Modern society is imbued with a tragic lack of self-confidence and afraid of appearing moralizing or oppressive. In this climate, absolute truth is seldom taken seriously.


Prince Sadrudin

The Bellerive Foundation is an officially recognised N.G.O. presided by Prince Sadrudin Aga Khan involved in numerous public interest projects. The Bellerive Foundation has made it's presence felt in many parts of the world. One such project is the "Conservation of the Alps". The following are edited remarks made by Prince Sadrudin at a meeting of leaders from international organisations, governments, industry, tourism and N.G.O. with scientists, media and students in Geneva, 28/2/89.



Professor Gilbert Murray OM, was of the founder members of the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief and one of its trustees in 1942. In 1950 he made the first Weeks's Good Cause Appeal for the Committee, which raised jus under $18,000.



There is a well-known story that after preaching at St. Paul’s Knightsbridge, Tom Corbishley could not resist joining the Protestant congregation in taking Holy Communion. This impulsive act, which typified Tom Corbishley’s commitment to and enthusiasm for the Ecumenical movement, inevitably invited a reprimand from Cardinal Heenan; his letter to Father Corbishley began "I write neither in sorrow nor anger, BUT..."


The Last Word: Sadruddin Aga Khan-2002-09


Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan doesn’t look much like a fire-breathing ecowarrior. With an Iranian passport, an American education, a Geneva address and a long career as a U.N. diplomat, he’s not the sort of man one expects to rage about man’s inhumanity, the spooky power of multinational corporations or the toothlessness of many U.N. institutions. But he does.

Hidden secrets of the universe-1998-01-24


While the outside may be simple, the rooms inside are crammed with exotic bibelots, orchids, oriental rugs and textiles. But then Prince Sadruddin is the younger son of Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah, Aga Khan III - the Imam, or leader of the Ismaili Shia Muslims. Their family's bloodline can be traced back to the Prophet.

U.N - WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - Question-Answer/mini interview-1991-02-18

Kansas City Star

Turgut Ozal is the president of Turkey. Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, a Geneva-based leader of the Ismaili Muslims, a sect scattered from Iran to Pakistan, is the special representative of the secretary general of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs relating to issues arising from the Iran-Iraq War. Ozal's statement and the * question-and-answer exchange that follows with Aga Khan took place in Davos, Switzerland, during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.


International Herald Tribune

Coordinateur pour les Nations Unies de l'aide humanitaire et économique en Afghanistan depuis mai 1988. Consultant spécial et chargé de mission auprès du Secrétaire général de l'Organisation des Nations Unies depuis 1978. Rapporteur de la Commission des droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies sur les questions des personnes déplacées (1981). Haut Commissaire adjoint (1962-1965) puis Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (1965-1977).

Refugees Interview with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan - 1988-09-01


Following the historic agreement signed in Geneva on 14 April 1988 between Afghanistan and Pakistan, on 11 May the UN Secretary General appointed Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan to the position of Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan. Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, who held the post of UN High Commissioner for Refugees from 1966 to the end of 1977, granted this exclusive interview to REFUGEES in September 1988, in which he defined his aims and priorities.

Recent Articles

Anniversary of deaths of Prince Aly Khan and Prince Sadruddin 2015-05-12


This day of May 12th marks the sad passing away of Prince Aly Solomon. Khan (father of our Hazar Imam) and Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan (half brother of Prince Aly Khan)

Prince Aly S. Khan
Born: June 13, 1911, Turin, Italy
Died: May 12, 1960, Suresnes, France
Children: Aga Khan IV, Yasmin Aga Khan, Prince Amyn Muhammad
Spouse: Rita Hayworth (m. 1949–1953), Joan Yarde-Buller (m. 1936–1949)
Parents: Aga Khan III, Cleope Teresa Magliano
Grandchildren: Rahim Aga Khan, Zahra Aga Khan, More

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan
Born: January 17, 1933, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nanterre, France

Benazir pays tribute to Aga Khan-2003-05-17


Benazir Bhutto, the Pakistan People’s Party chairperson, has said that Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan will be mourned not only by his family, friends and the Ismaili community but also by “the larger world where he was well known and respected”.

In her condolence letter to the late prince’s widow, Ms Bhutto wrote: “So many will mourn the passing of a sensitive man of enormous intelligence, understanding and compassion. I will mourn him for all those reasons. I will mourn him too as a good friend of my family over many decades.” —Staff Report

A Man For All Nations-2003-05-13

The Observer Review

On a clear day, with binoculars, you can look across lake Geneva from Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan's office to the towers of his seventh century Chateau Bellerive, at least you could until yesterday, when he resigned after 12 years as UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Outside are well-kept lawns, winding paths, splendid great evergreens. It all seems a million miles away from the squalor and misery one associates with the very word refugee.

On Prince Sadruddin, from Memoirs-2003-05-13

The Memoirs of Aga Khan., pg 268

...Meanwhile, My ordinary life outside politics had continued tranquilly and eventfully. My wife, Princess Andree, had through-out the exhausting and protracted sessions of the first two Round Table Conferences been of quite invaluable support and help to Me. For the Conferences had a circumambience of hospitality and sociability, parties, receptions, and dinners innumerable, at which My wife was My constant, graceful, and accomplished partner. In January 1933 My second, son, Sadruddin, was born in the American Hospital at Neuilly, just outside Paris.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan-2003-05-13


People sign a condolence book dedicated to the memory of Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, at Aga Khan's residence Chateau de Bellerive above Geneva, Switzerland, Thursday, May 15, 2003. Aga Khan, the former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and uncle of the spiritual leader of the Shiite Muslim Ismaili community, has died at the age of 70 on May 12, 2003, in a hospital in Boston, USA, after a long illness.

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