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Mohamedali Hasham Noormohamed

From the collection of Mohamedali Hasham Noormohamed

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa 2024-02-19

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Princess Zahra visited the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa on the occasion of its 20th anniversary

At an elegant ceremony this morning on the coast of Kenya, Princess Zahra joined students, staff, and guests to celebrate the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa’s 20th anniversary.

Established in 2003, the school was inaugurated by Mawlana Hazar Imam and the former president of Kenya, the late Mwai Kibaki. It is the first in an integrated, global network of residential schools known as the Aga Khan Academies, with other campuses located in Hyderabad, India; Maputo, Mozambique; and Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Speech by Princess Zahra Aga Khan at the 20th anniversary of the Mombasa Aga Khan Academy 2024-02-19

Princess Zahra Aga Khan visits Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa on the 20th anniversary   2024-02-19

Princess Zahra speeech at the Mombasa Academy 20th anniversay
Feb 19, 2024, 6:46 PM


Respected representatives of the Ministry of Education, Kenya and the Mombasa County Department of Education,
Students, parents, staff, alumni of the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Friends of the Academy.

Good morning and welcome to this day of commemoration, celebration and hope.

Aga Khan University Celebrates Empowerment and Education: Over 700 Students Graduate Across Four Countries 2024-02-19

Aga Khan University Celebrates Empowerment and Education: Over 700 Students Graduate Across Four Countries

Aga Khan University marks a milestone as over 700 students graduate across Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Pakistan. With women comprising 70% of the graduating class, the ceremonies emphasized education, empowerment, and community service.

Aga Khan Hospital, Mombasa upgraded to better serve 1.2m 2024-02-20

During their visit, AFD Country Director Mr Bertrand Willocquet (right) and Princess Zahra Aga Khan expressed their satisfaction

Mombasa, Kenya, 18 February 2024 – Completed renovation of the Aga Khan Hospital, Mombasa marks a milestone in its ongoing commitment to provide quality health care to a population of nearly 1.2 million people. The refurbishment has transformed the 86-bed facility into a state-of-the-art 115-bed secondary hospital, offering comprehensive, integrated health services to the communities it serves.

The renovation project represents a total investment of $12.2 million, with significant support from Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

Aga Khan Academy sets IB exams record 2020-09-03

Alison Hampshire, Head of Academy at Mombasa's the Aga Khan Academy.
Allafrica.com, Nation.africa

Students at Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa have achieved record-breaking results in this year’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) amid the challenging Covid-19 learning period.

Top scorers have received admission call-ups to a number of prestigious universities including Yale and Cambridge. The students have further been offered over $7 million (Sh800 million) in university scholarships. The students attributed their success to hard work.

Prince Rahim & Princess Salwa visit Kenya and Tanzania 2020-03-05

Prince Rahim and Princess Salwa visit Serena Lodge in Arusha, Tanzania  2020-03-05

Prince Rahim accompanied by Princess Salwa visited the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa on March 4, 2020. They also visited the Serena Lodge in Arusha on March 5, 2020

Mombasa Academy 2020-03-04

Mombasa Academy  2020-03-04

Prince Rahim and Princess Salwa visit the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Kenya 2020-03-04

Circulars of The Religious Study Group Of Mombasa (Consolidated)

Publication Type  Article
Year of Publication  1959
Date Published  1959Mombasa
Authors  Mombasa Study Group
Key Words  Ismaili Studies Mombasa Study Group

Work for your dreams, Joho, Hensley urge budding basketballers at Aga Khan Academy - Mombasa

The Governor of Mombasa Hassan Ali Joho and National Basketball Association (NBA) agent, J.R. Hensley, visited the Aga Khan Acad

The Governor of Mombasa Hassan Ali Joho and National Basketball Association (NBA) agent, J.R. Hensley, visited the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa to meet the school’s girls and boys basketball teams in light of their numerous high-level achievements, most notably in the National Games and with the Giants of Africa basketball camps.

After watching the teams play, Joho and Hensley spoke to the teams about the importance of being active in sports while also striving to perform well in academics.

Speech His Highness the Aga Khan IV at the opening of a new £25,000 nursery school 1961-05-11

His Highness the Aga Khan IV

MAY 11, 1961

On May 11, 1961, in his first public engagement in Mombasa, His Royal Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan opened a new £25,000 nursery school.

Hazar Imam with Prince Amyn Mohammed in Mombasa

Hazar Imam with Prince Amyn Mohammed in Mombasa

Hazar Imam with Prince Amyn Mohammed in Mombasa, Kenya

Speech by H.H. The Aga Khan at the Foundation stone-laying ceremony of the residential campus, A.K. Academy, Mombasa 2007-08-15


The Honourable Professor George Saitoti,
Honourable Ministers,
Honourable Member of Parliament,
The Provincial Commissioner,
Your Worship the Mayor,
Distinguished Guests:

I am most grateful to all of you for joining in this celebration. It was just one month ago that my Golden Jubilee observances began. It seemed appropriate to mark this Jubilee year by visiting some of the places which have been most important to the story of the past half century.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan welcomes HE Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, to the launch of the cardiology prog

Princess Zahra Aga Khan welcomes HE Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, to the launch of the cardiology prog

Princess Zahra Aga Khan welcomes HE Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, to the launch of the cardiology programme at the Aga Khan Hospital, Mombasa.

AKDN / Aziz Islamshah


Aga Khan Hospitals Sign Ksh. 2.8 Billion Agreement With Agence Française de Développement (AFD) 2017-01-20

Honourable Hassan Ali Joho presides over the signing ceremony of US $19.5 million towards the improvement and expansion of the A

Aga Khan Hospitals Sign Ksh. 2.8 Billion Agreement With AFD

Coastweek--As part of one of the largest expansions of quality health care services in East Africa, the Aga Khan Development Network and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) have signed agreements for a total of US$19.5 million towards the improvement and expansion of the Aga Khan Hospitals in both Mombasa and Kisumu.

The total project cost is $27.8 million (over Kenyan Shilling 2.8 billion).

The balance investment of $8.3 million is a grant from the Aga Khan Development Network.

Aga Khan Academy, a Gateway For Students to Top Global Universities 2015-06-18

Visit to AKAHyd 201504-1.JPG

Coastweek-- The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa, (AKA, Mombasa) which opened just 10 years ago as the first in a global network of academies, has emerged as a gateway for East African students to the world’s top universities, with two thirds of the class of 2015 having been accepted to leading global institutions.

Of the 2015 graduates, a third have been accepted by the world’s Top 100 universities, as ranked by the 2014 Shanghai ranking system.


2008-08-15 Students of the Aga Khan Foundation's Madrasa programme sing a traditional Kiswahili song . Gary Otte
Press Release Kenya

The Aga Khan Foundation today marked the 25th anniversary of the Madrasa Early Childhood Development Programme in the presence of His Highness the Aga Khan, founder and Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and Chief Guest Kenya’s Minister for Science and Technology, Hon. Dr. Noah Wekesa.

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