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Boudh Awtar

Pir Sadardin
Buddh Avtaar - Buddh Avataar

Translation & Transcription

Boudh Awatar - Traduction

Boudh Awtar


Granth de Pir Sadardin

522 versets




1. La neuvième Manifestation divine fut Boudh

Elle apparut sous forme moghole (à vérifier)

2. Le visage laid, les jambes déformées, sache-le

L'invité (Diwan) avait des sandales aux pieds

3. Armé d'un couteau, d'un poignard, d'une épée,

L'arc et la flèche prêts à être utilisés

4. Purulent et lépreux était Son corps

Personne ne s'en approchait

5. Une odeur pestilentielle . Ou "forte puanteur" ou "odeur nauséabonde" émanait de Son corps

Boudh Awtar - Transcription Francaise

Boudh Awtar

1. Nawmoun roup hari Boudh awtàr

Mougli roup dhariyo mouràr

2. Moukh tchantchà pag wànkà jànr

Pagé kosh pahéré diwànr

3. Chouri katàri bàndhé tarwàr tir

Kamàn bàndhi tcharàwé ho mir

4. Girt kod sharir wahé

Pàsé koy oubhonaw rahé

5. Dourgandh gandhàwé sharir

Éso roup dhariyo jagdish

6. Éwo roup dhariyo jadourày

Pàndwo né dhàré potà jày

7. Pàndaw jyàn hom jagan karé

Tyàn béthà Bràhmanr wèd otcharé

8. Tyàré làgiyo kaljoug né douàpour outariyo

Déw rakhisar thàm chori gayà

Buddh Awtar - Translation

Boudh Awtar

1. The Ninth Divine Manifestation was Budh
He appeared in the guise of a Moghol

2. Know that with His ugly face and deformed legs
The Diwan (guest) was sandalled

3. He was equipped with a knife, a dagger, a sword
A bow and an arrow ready to be used

4. His body was purulent and leprous
Nobody would come near Him

5. A nauseating smell was emanating from His body
Such was the form under which God appeared

6. Such was the body in which the Miracle Accomplisher (1) decided to reveal Himself
He had come to (meet) the Pandaw

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