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Russia Will Help Syria Restore Palmyra Museum Artifacts Damaged by ISIS with AKF 2019-11-28

 Arch of Triumph, one of the jewels in the architectural crown of Roman-era buildings in Palmyra.
ArtfixDaily News Feed™

In a strategic move this week, the state Hermitage Museum announced that Russia has partnered with Syria to restore 20 cultural artifacts from the National Museum of Palmyra that ISIS attempted to destroy over the last four years. A coalition will also look at rebuilding the historic sites of Palmyra damaged or destroyed by ISIS forces.



Children present His Highness the Aga Khan with flowers upon his arrival in Syria. Syrian Minister for Tourism, Sadallah Agha Al-Qala (Courtesy Minister) is overlooking.
AKDN / Gary Otte

Syria’s ancient Aleppo souk poised to regain its bustle 2019-03-11

Restoration works began on the Aleppo souk after Syrian authorities signed a partnership agreement with the Aga Khan Foundation

Aleppo: On the domed roof of a historical market in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, architect Bassel Al Daher moves between workers painstakingly working to erase the scars of war.

Men wearing vests and helmets repair parts of the roof still bearing visible traces of the four-year-long battle for the former rebel stronghold.

They cover its charred surface with a fresh coat of white paint as part of a wider effort to rehabilitate the Saqatiya market, or souk in Arabic.

Hazar Imam

Hazar Imam

Hazar Imam meets with religious leaders in Damascus 2004-02-15

Aleppo's reconstruction 'deserves international resources'

leppo's once-vibrant souk, being cleared of debris in February 2017, two months after Syrian government forces retook the city f
www.theartnewspaper.com The Art Newspaper

ga Khan Trust for Culture calls for condemnation of destruction to be reinforced by help on the ground

Aleppo souq and Umayyad mosque reconstruction begins

UNESCO World Heritage sites of the souq, minaret and Umayyad mosque.

PALERMO - While the war continues in Syria, with regime bombing on besieged Eastern Ghouta and clashes between the Turkish army and the Kurdish YPG in the north, reconstruction has begun in Aleppo. A group of Italian engineers and experts have been transferred to the Syrian city to work with locals and teach them the necessary skills to restore the UNESCO World Heritage sites of the souq, minaret and Umayyad mosque.

Salamiyah, Syria is playing host to a unique kind of contemporary art exhibition. 2017-11-28

Sperflex Equipment at Salamiyeh Hospital

Superflex’s Conceptual Hospital Exhibition Gets Put to Life-Saving Use—in a Syrian Operating Room
Victims of the raging civil war in Syria are undergoing surgery assisted by a work of conceptual art.

quote 484

And I am only one individual, but I hope that there will be thousands of other people who will join me in recognising that we have to be proud, we have to be illustrative, we have to articulate the greatness of our histories. And within that greatness, Syria has a unique position

Aga Khan Museum in Canada hosts exhibition entitled ‘Syria is a Live History’ 2016-10-19

Aga Khan Museum Toronto exhibits

Director-General of Antiquities and Museums Dr. Maamoun Abdulkarim has given a lecture about Syrian heritage during the opening ceremony of an exhibition opened on October 15th in Toronto in Canada under the title “Syria is a Live History”.

He focused on the Syria heritage damaged during the foreign-backed terror war being waged on Syria and the measures adopted by the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) to protect historic sites in cooperation with civil community.

Statement by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference 2016-02-04



Co-hosts of the Conference on Supporting Syria and the Region,


Ladies and gentlemen,

I thank the co-hosts for organising this much needed initiative to deepen the understanding of, and garner international support for the peoples of Syria, Alongside all those present here today, I am deeply distressed over the indiscriminate and widespread devastation of life and property, including that of irreplaceable cultural assets which are the manifestation of Syria’s stunningly rich pluralistic history.

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