2009-07-30 Forodhani Park
Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya and Prince Amyn Mohammad, joined H.H. The Aga Khan and President Amani Karume at the opening of the Forodhani Park, Zanzibar.
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2008-08-24 Syria
His Highness Prince Aga Khan, Head and Founder of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), arrived in Damascus on Sunday on a 6-day visit to Syria.
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Russia Will Help Syria Restore Palmyra Museum Artifacts Damaged by ISIS with AKF 2019-11-28
Posted November 29th, 2019 by librarian-hdIn a strategic move this week, the state Hermitage Museum announced that Russia has partnered with Syria to restore 20 cultural artifacts from the National Museum of Palmyra that ISIS attempted to destroy over the last four years. A coalition will also look at rebuilding the historic sites of Palmyra damaged or destroyed by ISIS forces.
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Descending the steps of the citadel, a 13th-century fortress in Aleppo, Syria.
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Aleppo, Syria, to Undergo Historical Restoration - 2010-04-19
Posted April 19th, 2010 by heritageIn this ancient fortress city in northern Syria, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited settlements, an ambitious restoration project is near completion in the Old City. Bloomberg is reporting that a master plan for development has been laid out for the next 15 years.
The most spectacular renewal is the Citadel castle: Workers cleared its deep moat, cleaned its formidable walls and removed tons of rubble. The work is backed by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, whose goal is to revitalize run-down communities and monuments.
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Aleppo, Syria, to Undergo Historical Restoration - 2010-04-19
Posted April 19th, 2010 by heritageIn this ancient fortress city in northern Syria, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited settlements, an ambitious restoration project is near completion in the Old City. Bloomberg is reporting that a master plan for development has been laid out for the next 15 years.
The most spectacular renewal is the Citadel castle: Workers cleared its deep moat, cleaned its formidable walls and removed tons of rubble. The work is backed by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, whose goal is to revitalize run-down communities and monuments.
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Aga Khan Helps Ravaged Syrian City Aleppo Regain Ancient Glory - 2010-04-16
Posted April 16th, 2010 by heritageApril 16 (Bloomberg) -- It’s hard to know which of history’s episodes was worse for Aleppo, an ancient fortress city in Syria’s north. Perhaps it was in the year 1400, when Tamerlane, the invading Mongol-Turkic chieftain, piled thousands of skulls at the town gates to persuade inhabitants to give up.
Or maybe the earthquake of 1136 that killed tens of thousands of inhabitants, or the massacre of Muslims by more Mongol invaders in 1260 or the 19th-century assaults by cholera and plague.
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