Hazar Imam in Portugal

His Highness the Aga Khan and Portugal’s Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Rui Machete sign a landmark agreement establishing a formal Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in Portugal.
AKDN / Gary Otte
- 12528 reads
President of the Portuguese Republic, visits the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon
Posted June 3rd, 2017 by librarian-hdHis Excellency Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Portuguese Republic, visited the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon on 29 April 2017, where he received a warm welcome from hundreds of members of the Portuguese Jamat.
Ismaili Girl and Boy Scouts lined a red carpet at the entrance of the Ismaili Centre, where President Marcelo was greeted upon his arrival by Rahim Firozali, President of the Ismaili Council for Portugal, Nazim Ahmad, Diplomatic Representative of the Ismaili Imamat to the Portuguese Republic, and senior officials of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat.
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- 4447 reads
Posted July 29th, 2015 by librarian-umedThis Agreement establishes the privileges, immunities and facilities extended by the Portuguese Republic to the Ismaili Imamat.
The Portuguese Republic shall ensure the conditions for the establishment of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat within its territory as well as for the exercise of its functions , in accordance with the present agreement
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- 5581 reads
Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat 2009-05-08
WHEREAS the 1976 Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and the Religious Freedom
Act enshrine, and Portugal acknowledges, the social importance of the religious
phenomenon, the commitment to the principle of non discriminatory treatment for the
different churches and religious communities and the need to establish enabling conditions
for all citizens to enjoy the freedom of conscience and the right to freely practise religion
and worship;
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- 4938 reads
Universidades vão tirar "amplo partido" de acordo com Aga Khan - 2015-06-03
Posted June 4th, 2015 by librarian-umedEnglish Google Translation below text
Universidades vão tirar "amplo partido" de acordo com Aga Khan
É uma das maiores agências privadas para o desenvolvimento em todo o mundo. Sede formal do Ismamat Ismaili passará a funcionar em Portugal e inclui um investimento na investigação académica
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- 5320 reads
Posted June 2nd, 2015 by librarian-umedEnglish translation on Google - see below text!
O Ministro de Estado e dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Rui Machete, recebe no dia 3 de junho, pelas 13h25, o líder da Comunidade Ismaili, Príncipe Aga Khan, para um almoço de trabalho seguido da assinatura do acordo entre a República Portuguesa e o Imamat Ismaili.
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- 4877 reads
Aga Khan admite investir em Portugal nos próximos cinco anos 2015-06-02
Posted June 2nd, 2015 by librarian-umed02/06/2015 - 17:18
See English google translation below the Portuguese text
Áreas de aposta serão saúde e protecção social. No nosso país ficará, também, a residência oficial do príncipe.
O príncipe Aga Khan admite investir na saúde e em serviços de protecção social em Portugal. O PÚBLICO sabe que no discurso que o líder da comunidade Ismaili profere ao princípio da tarde desta quarta-feira no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, após a assinatura do acordo que estabelece a sede global da sua comunidade em Portugal, essa questão será referida.
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- 6663 reads
Remarks by His Highness the Aga Khan at the North-South Prize Ceremony, Senate Hall, Parliament, Lisbon 2014-06-12
Posted January 2nd, 2015 by librarian-ldBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
President of the Republic of Portugal
President of the Parliament
Secretary-General of the Council of Europe
Government Ministers and Members of Parliament
President of the Portuguese Parliament’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Chair of the Executive Committee of the North‐South Centre
Fellow laureate, Suzanne Jabbour
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a singular pleasure for me to be here with you and to tell you how deeply honoured I am by this remarkable award.
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- 10408 reads
Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Award Ceremony for the 12th Cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2013-09-06
Posted October 14th, 2013 by librarian-hdBismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim
Your Excellency President Cavaco Silva
Your Excellency Vice-Prime Minister Paulo Portas
Honourable Mayor António Costa
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a special joy for me to welcome you this evening, and to thank you for being a part of this most auspicious ceremony, in this most appropriate place.
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- 7532 reads
Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Award Ceremony for the 12th Cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Lisbon 2013
Posted September 10th, 2013 by librarian-hdSpeech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Award Ceremony for the 12th Cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture – Lisbon, September 6, 2013
06 September 2013
Please also see: AKAA Press Material, Press Release in English.
Your Excellency President Cavaco Silva
Your Excellency Vice-Prime Minister Paulo Portas
Honourable Mayor António Costa
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
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- 6863 reads
20 Projects Shortlisted for US$ 1 million Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Posted May 7th, 2013 by librarian-hdLisbon, 30 April 2013 – The shortlist of nominees for the 2013 cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture was announced today at the Palacio das Necessidades (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The 20 nominees for the US$ 1 million prize range from a modern high rise apartment block to the revival of traditional building techniques. Shortlisted projects, which are selected by an independent Master Jury, are located in Afghanistan, Austria, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand and Yemen. The shortlist includes:
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- 8958 reads
The Aga Khan in Portugal - 2008-07-10
Posted April 20th, 2010 by heritage2008, July 10: Portugal visit of H.H. The Aga Khan for Golden Jubilee from 10th to 14th July 2008.[Photos and News of the visit]
- 6866 reads
H.H. The Aga Khan in Lisbon - 2009-05-07
Posted April 20th, 2010 by heritageThursday, 7 May 2009 -Lisbon, Portugal: Prince Aga Khan coming in Portugal for meeting with the Foreign Minister Luis Amado and the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, D. José Policarpo. On this occasion an agreement will be signed on religion, education and culture, to be followed by a working lunch. In the afternoon, Prince Aga Khan will be honored at the Academy of Sciences. - [More]
- 7218 reads
The Aga Khan meets with José S
Posted April 20th, 2010 by heritage2008, July 11: The Aga Khan (R), the spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslim sect, shakes hands with Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Socrates before their meeting at San Bento palace in Lisbon July 11, 2008. REUTERS/Nacho Doce (PORTUGAL) - [More Photos][More] [Forum section.]
- 4781 reads
Jose Sócrates recebe Aga Khan - 2008-07-12
Posted April 20th, 2010 by heritage2008, July 12: Notícia Manuel de Almeida/Reuters - 12 Julho 2008 - 00h51 - EncontroJosé Sócrates recebe Aga KhanJosé Sócrates encontrou-se ontem em Lisboa com Aga Khan, líder da comunidade muçulmana ismaelita. Portugal assinou um acordo de cooperação com a rede Aga Khan para o desenvolvimento
- 5359 reads
Aga Khan and President Sampaio Speak on Faith and Civil Society-1998-07-11
Posted November 20th, 2009 by librarian-apThe role of faith organizations in addressing development challenges and the principles underlying Portugal's draft law on religious freedom could yield model legislation for a more ethnically and religiously diverse Europe. Portugal's President Jorge Sampaio and His Highness the Aga Khan, Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims, today echoed this shared sentiment at the inauguration of a landmark building for cultural and social interaction in the centre of Lisbon.
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- 3759 reads
Aga Khan opens Ismaili centre in Lisbon-1998-07-11
Posted November 20th, 2009 by librarian-apPrince Karim Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the world's Shia Ismaili Moslems, on Saturday opened a $30 million Ismaili centre in Lisbon to promote economic and social development programmes and cultural activities.
The building, which combines Islamic and Iberian architectural styles and is decorated with hand-painted tiles, has a prayer hall for Portugal's Shia Ismaili Moslems.
It also has classrooms, meeting rooms and exhibition spaces.
A similar centre is located in central London.
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- 4585 reads
Speech of His Highness the Aga Khan at the inauguration of the Lisbon Ismaili Centre-1998-07-11
Posted November 18th, 2009 by librarian-apYour Excellency Mr. President of the Republic,
Your Excellency the President of the Parliament,
Your Excellency the Representative of the Prime Minister,
Your Worship the Mayor of the City of Lisbon,
Your Excellencies,
Distinguished Guests,
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- 5785 reads
El acto tuvo lugar en el palacio de Belén, en Lisboa El AGA KHAN-1998-07-11
Posted November 18th, 2009 by librarian-apDurante una ceremonia celebrada en el palacio lisboeta de Bélen, el Presidente Jorge Sampaio de Portugal condecoró al príncipe Karim Aga Khan con la insignia de la Gran Cruz del Mérito. Al solemne acto asistieron la esposa del Presidente portugués, Maria José Ritta, y la del Aga Khan, Begum Inaara.
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- 6167 reads