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United States of America

Lansing Area Jamat Khana

Opens 3 days a week and on the days of festivals (Chandraat, Khushhali)
Dua time
Friday - 7:45 PM
Weekend- 7:00 pm
Festival on weekend - 7:30PM

Portland Jamatkhana

There are more than 100 Ismailis that live in Portland, Oregon and many have been here over 30 years.

If anyone is visiting, passing through or residing in Oregon and wants directions, help or other information you can also contact: malikpirani@hotmail.com

Volunteers pack over 80,000 meals for food bank

I-CERV volunteers, in collaboration with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Feeding Children Everywhere, held a food packing ev

At the I-CERV 60 for 60 Day of Service, over 500 Ismaili Muslim volunteers, ages eight years and above, assembled 80,000 meals for Atlanta’s children and seniors in need.

The event was hosted by the Aga Khan Council for the Southeastern United States in collaboration with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Feeding Children Everywhere on Nov. 19 at the Ismaili Jamatkhana in Norcross. The 60 for 60 Day of Service honored His Highness the Aga Khan’s 60 years of spiritual leadership and service to humanity and celebrated
Thanksgiving with the less fortunate.

Aga Khan Foundation Holds Second Biennial Gala // Raises 2.5 Million Dollars

Prince Amyn Aga Khan speaking at the AKF Gala in New York  2017-11-20

SOURCE Aga Khan Foundation
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network, hosted its second biennial gala on Wednesday, November 15th at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, raising 2.5 million dollars.

Citation from State of New York to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of H.H. The Aga Khan IV

Citation from State of New York to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of H.H. The Aga Khan IV

The Executive Chamber of the State of New York issues a Citation to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of His Highness the Aga Khan's ascension to the throne of Imamat

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the acceptance of the Asia Game Changers Lifetime Achievement Award

His Highness speaks at the Asia Society Game Changers Lifetime Achievement Award 2017-11-01

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the acceptance of the Asia Game Changers Lifetime Achievement Award
At Cipriani, New York City, NY
November 1st 2017

Let me begin by expressing my deep gratitude and my humility in receiving this wonderful award.

When my grandfather died in 1957, I was twenty years old. I was a student at Harvard and I had to make a choice as to how I could combine my continuing education and the institutional responsibility that I had.

Hazar Imam receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from Asia Society at Cipriani in New York 2017-11-01

Hazar Imam receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from Asia Society at Cipriani in New York 2017-11-01

His Highness The Aga Khan speaking at the Lifetime Achievement Dinner hosted by the Asia Society in New York 2017-11-01


His Highness the Aga Khan honoured with Lifetime Achievemnet Award from Asia Society 2017-11-01

His Highness The Aga Khan IV

2017 Awardees
November 1, 2017 • New York City

On August 8, 2017, Asia Society announced this year's recipients of the Asia Game Changer Awards, which recognize those making a transformative and positive difference for the future of Asia and the world. Asia Society is proud to partner with Citi to honor these extraordinary individuals and organizations, continuing a tradition begun with the inauguration of the Asia Game Changer Awards four years ago.

Aga Khan receives Champion for Global Change Award

Honourees and Special Guests at the 2017 United Nations Global Leadership Dinner – from left to right: Daniel Craig, Agnès Marca

NEW YORK: Upon receiving the ‘Champion for Global Change’ award at the United Nations Foundation’s Global Leadership Dinner in New York, His Highness the Aga Khan suggested that the question was not whether government action or private enterprise was more effective, but rather how these sectors can become effective partners in the quest for development.

“The partnerships that will most dramatically change the world are those in which all three components—private, public and civil society institutions—can connect in all-embracing common efforts,” he said.

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the United Nations Foundation Award

His Highness the Aga Khan speaking at the 2017 United Nations Global Leadership Dinner. Diane Bondareff / UN Foundation  2017-10

President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcák,
Secretary-General António Guterres,
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed,
Former Secretary-General Kofi Annan,

The many Permanent Representatives in attendance,
Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you so much Kofi Annan for your generous words of introduction. There is no person alive today who has made a greater contribution to world peace than you, and thanks are due to you from all around the world.

Letter of sincere appreciation and warm wishes in recognition of His Highness the Aga Khan.from New York City Public Advocate

Public Advocate for the City of New York's Letter of Appreciation and best wishes for Diamond Jubilee to H.H. The Aga Khan

October 18, 2017

Dear friends,

As the New York City Public Advocate, I am pleased to write this letter of sincere appreciation and warm wishes in recognition of His Highness the Aga Khan.

8 hours ago UN Foundation Honors His Highness The Aga Khan

8 hours ago UN Foundation Honors His Highness The Aga Khan

Former United Nations Secretary-General and current United Nations Foundation board member Kofi Annan and His Highness the Aga Khan at the 2017 Global Leadership Awards Dinner

Aga Khan visits UNHCR headquarters to discuss enhanced cooperation

His Highness the Aga Khan meets with UNHCR Antonio Guterres at UNHCR Headquarters.  UNHCR / Susan Hopper   2017-10-18

From the UNHCR Press Release:
Geneva, Switzerland, 6 November 2015 - His Highness the Aga Khan, visited UNHCR headquarters today to meet UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres and discuss past and future cooperation in emergency operations around the world.

UNHCR staff greeted the Aga Khan before he held private talks with Guterres followed by a meeting with senior UNHCR officials on the long-standing partnership between the Aga Khan Development Network and the UN refugee agency.

His Highness The Aga Khan recognized as Champion for Global Change by UNA-USA and the United Nations Foundation 2017-09-12

H.H. The Aga Khan with former Secretary-General of United Nations Kofi Annan

In recognition of the role individuals, organizations, and corporations play in supporting the work of the United Nations to advance global peace and prosperity, UNA-USA and the United Nations Foundation honor recipients of the Global Leadership Awards at the annual Global Leadership Dinner in New York City.
Recognized as one of New York's top events, the Global Leadership Dinner  is distinguished by A-list attendance representing the highest levels of the diplomatic, business, government, philanthropic, media, entertainment, and social sectors.

Dallas-Fort Worth Ismaili Muslim community preps 100,000 meals for Harvey victims

Carrollton Mayor Falconer speaks at I-CERV Day of Service organized by the Ismaili Muslim community. (Pervez Jindani/Aga Khan Co

CARROLLTON — Fourteen-year-old Sarah Ibrahim had never before seen the type of destruction that Harvey caused in Houston.
But once the Dallas youth saw it, she felt inspired to do something to help.
On Sunday, she got her chance. Sarah joined hundreds of others from North Texas' Ismaili Muslim community who put together 100,000 meals destined for those affected by the devastating storm.

"This is just really different because nothing like this has happened in my life," Sarah said. "It's good to be apart of it and be able to be an impact to families that have been in Harvey."

Article by Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, president of Alzheimer's Disease International on her mother Rita Hayworth


We Didn't Know Then
What We Know Now"

By Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, president of Alzheimer's Disease International, honorary vice chairman of the national board of the Alzheimer's Association and general chair of the Alzheimer's Association Rita Hayworth Galas

My mother, Rita Hayworth, was the most beautiful and glamorous movie star of the 1940s and 1950s. She spent much of her life memorizing complicated dance routines and movie scripts. How ironic that she would later be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

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