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climate change

University of Central Asia and UNICEF partner for a girls' hackathon 2023-04-23

UNICEF organized the EcoKyzdar (EcoGirls) Hackathon on "Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability" at UCA Campus
AKI Press

AKIPRESS.COM - The University of Central Asia’s School of Arts and Sciences (UCA-SAS) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) organized the EcoKyzdar (EcoGirls) Hackathon on "Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability" at UCA Campus in Naryn on 15-16 April 2023. The Hackathon welcomed 49 girls from diverse backgrounds across Kyrgyzstan including students from UCA and other universities as well as members of UNICEF's "Girls in Science" programme.

AKU, US Mission Celebrate Climate Action Fellows in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2024-07-

Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED), in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar, honou

The Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED), in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar, honoured its Climate Action Fellows and showcased their ground-breaking action plans at an event in Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

The top 10 plans will receive funding for implementation, a significant step towards creating a more sustainable and resilient future. This marks a significant milestone in the “Raise Awareness and Inspire Action on Environmental Protection” project.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees visits Delegation of Ismaili Imamat calls for action on climate-caused displacement 2022-05-09

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi addressing Canadian Cabinet members anDr. Mahmoud Eboo

Ottawa, Canada, 9 May 2022 – The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi called for action to tackle climate change – a major factor contributing to the world’s worsening refugee crisis.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan meets the President of the European Council 2024-01-09

Prince Rahim Aga Khan meets the President of the European Council to discuss cooperation between the European Union and AKDN.

Brussels, Belgium, 9 January 2024 - Prince Rahim Aga Khan today met with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, to discuss cooperation between the European Union and the Aga Khan Development Network in countries and regions of shared interest.

Aga Khan University celebrates World Environment Day 2023-06-06

“Oceans: The Mystery of the Missing Plastic” followed by a panel discussion at the AKU auditorium.

The Aga Khan University commemorated the 2023 World Environment Day, featuring the screening of documentary, “Oceans: The Mystery of the Missing Plastic” followed by a panel discussion at the AKU auditorium.

AKU students launch environment-focused societies in Tanzania and Pakistan 2023-08-15

AKU Environmental Club

With every passing day, the consequences of climate change and biodiversity loss become ever more apparent. Increasing incidences of extreme weather, natural disasters and disease outbreaks are now becoming the new normal. The most concerning part is that these incidences are not isolated but instead are part of a chain reaction with devastating effects throughout the globe.

Prince Hussain Aga Khan presents his view of endangered species at Galerie des Pêcheurs 2016-06-17

Prince Hussain Aga Khan opens exhibit in Monaco    2016-06-17

Prince Hussain Aga Khan is exhibiting a series of photographs dedicated to animals at risk of extinction at Galerie des Pêcheurs. The photographer hopes that this exhibition will help to raise public awareness of the threat facing numerous species, including rhinoceroses, sharks and cheetahs. The founder of the "Focused on nature" association will head for the Tonga islands in the next few weeks to photograph whales and raise new funding for his organisation

Aga Khan University’s Ongoing Campaign for Climate Change 2023-07-12

Prince Rahim Aga Khan

Climate change has emerged as a dire threat to humanity, giving rise to floods, storms, food crises, heat-waves, and other detrimental consequences. The former US President, Barack Obama, has consistently cautioned the global community about the perils associated with climate change, emphasizing the severe impacts of escalating temperatures, such as destructive storms and severe droughts. Additionally, the prevalence of forest fires continues to escalate year after year.

Prince Hussain Aga Khan starts Canadian Living Seas Exhibition in Calgary 2023-05-18

Prince Hussain speaks to the assembled crowd at an event hosted by the University of Calgary. PHOTO: AKBAR MANJI Since 1950, Cal

Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen arrived in Calgary earlier this week for the Canadian debut of The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty — an exhibition featuring photography by Prince Hussain, celebrating the beauty and vulnerability of the oceans.

On 18 May, Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen attended an event hosted by the University of Calgary. In front of an audience comprising faculty and staff, as well as community and Jamati representatives, Prince Hussain delivered a keynote address.

Prince Hussain speaking at the Deerfield Academy 2023-04-19

Prince Hussain speaking at the Deerfield Academy  2023-04-19

Hussain Aga Khan '92 spoke about his work supporting ocean preservation. Mr. Aga Khan’s beautiful images of aquatic life are displayed across campus this spring

AKDN attends the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan 2023-01-09

H.E. Mr. António Guterres (right), Secretary General of United Nations with H.E. Mr. Shehbaz Sharif (left), Prime Minister of th

Geneva, Switzerland, 9 January 2023 – At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the UN Secretary General, a delegation led by Prince Rahim Aga Khan and Princess Zahra Aga Khan, representing the Ismaili Imamat and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), attended the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan, co-hosted by the Government of Pakistan and the United Nations (UN) at the Palais des Nations.

Ericsson partners with AKAH to counter climate change and improve livelihoods through mangrove planting in Gujarat 2023-04-19


Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) in partnership with Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) India today announced the launch of the ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystem-Based Climate Change Adaptation’ project in Gandhinagar. The project focuses on enhancing the resilience of coastal communities vulnerable to climate change and natural hazards through an ecosystem-based, community-centred, and technology-based approach to adaptation.

DTB commits to grow green lending to 25% of loan book by 2030 2023-03-15

Diamond Trust Bank officials

Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) has announced a commitment to grow its lending to green projects to a quarter of its loan book by 2030. The Bank has also committed to achieve net zero carbon emissions status across its group operations by the same time.

DTB will also grow 10 million trees by 2030 through its #MuchMoreThanTrees initiative, as part of its efforts to help mitigate climate change.

The Bank announced the commitments during its inaugural economic and sustainability forum held at the Crowne Plaza in Nairobi and themed Embedding Sustainability in Businesses.

AKU, AKAH, UCA launch climate change documentary series for South, Central Asia 2020-10-15


KARACHI-In a bid to spotlight the dire consequences of climate change in Central and South Asia, the Aga Khan University (AKU), the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) and the University of Central Asia (UCA) launched a film series focusing on the catastrophic impact of the rapid melting of the world’s largest repository of ice outside the polar regions.

Speech by Prince Rahim Aga Khan at the World Government Summit Dubai 2023-02-13

Prince Rahim addresses World Government Summit in Dubai   2023-02-13
Islamabad Post


Your Highnesses,

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Prince Rahim calls for sustainable approach to city design at the World Government Summit 2023 2023-02-13

Prince Rahim delivers a speech to delegates gathered at the World Government Summit in Dubai on 13 February 2023. PHOTO: DUBAI M

DUBAI, 13th February, 2023 (WAM) – Prince Rahim Aga Khan, Chair of the Aga Khan Development Network’s Environment and Climate Committee, delivered, today, an address touching upon urbanisation set against the backdrop of global warming, at the World Government Summit 2023 taking place in Dubai.

Speaking to an audience of distinguished guests representing government, business, academia and civil society, Prince Rahim highlighted the need for urgent action to advance progress and tackle climate change, specifically through the sustainable design of cities.

Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) India organised a workshop on Climate Action through Urban Heat Island (UHI) 2023-01-06


HYDERABAD, India, Jan. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) India in partnership with the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) and National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) conducted a workshop on Urban Heat Island (UHI) studies done in Hyderabad, and to explore opportunities for implementation of mitigation measures in alignment with draft Cool Roof Policy for Hyderabad in collaboration with government and non-governmental partners.

Speech by Prince Rahim Aga Khan at the Kusi Ideas Festival 2022 2022-12-08

Prince Rahim Aga Khan addressed the Kusi Ideas Festival remotely

December 8, 2022
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to congratulate the Nation Media Group on holding this fourth edition of the global award-winning Kusi Ideas Festival.

Since it was founded by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1959, during the struggle for independence and Pan-Africanism, the Group’s path has been closely entwined with the history of Kenya, of East Africa and of the African continent.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan addressed the Kusi Ideas Festival: Climate Change: Exploring African Responses and Solutions 2022-12-08

Prince Rahim Aga Khan speaks at the Kusi Ideas Festival 2022  2022-12-08

Nairobi, Kenya, 8-9 December 2022 – ‘’Climate change is the most crucial existential phenomenon that Africa, and indeed the world, is currently facing,” said Prince Rahim Aga Khan. He was delivering an address virtually, to an audience of distinguished guests gathered in Nairobi’s Karura Forest, during the opening of the Nation Media Group’s (NMG) fourth edition of the Kusi Ideas Festival: Climate Change: Exploring African Responses and Solutions.

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