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Imamat Day reception held at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat 2024-11-03

Members of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s family welcome guests to the Imamat Day reception at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.
Wednesday, 2024, July 3

Earlier today, Prince Amyn, Prince Hussain, and Princess Fareen attended an Imamat Day reception at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat, along with senior leaders of the Portuguese government, members of the diplomatic community, civil society, and Jamati and AKDN leaders.

Prince Amyn extended a warm welcome to guests at the event, which was held to commemorate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 67th Imamat Day. He spoke of the Imamat’s partnership with Portugal to improve the lives of people.

“It is my hope that this building and your presence with us today will be seen as strong signals of hope,” said Prince Amyn.

“Our work in this country and our partnership with Portugal and its people provide us with the creations, discoveries and the actions not only to be of benefit to the people of this country but to work fruitfully and successfully in some of the most difficult regions of the world.”

Nazim Ahmad, Diplomatic Representative of the Ismaili Imamat to Portugal, expressed his appreciation to Portuguese leaders, past and present, for supporting the Imamat’s work over many years.

“We reaffirm our strong commitment to continue together,” he said, “in the same spirit and with the same determination, on the path that we have been pursuing for a long time.”

Guests were treated to a special performance by the Aga Khan Master Musicians, renowned performers and composer-arrangers, in collaboration with the Amara Quartet, an all-female ensemble known for their contemporary renditions of the Portuguese traditional Fado.

In attendance were some of the country’s most senior leaders, including former presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, and mayors, many of whom have worked with the Imamat, the Jamat, and AKDN over several decades.

Her Excellency the Minister of Internal Affairs, Dr Margarida Blasco offered her congratulations to the Imam and the Jamat “for the excellent work that has been done here in Portugal, as in dozens of other countries, in favour of peace and social, economic and cultural development.”

“Portugal is proud to welcome you,” she added, “and to collaborate with you through the Aga Khan Development Network to create better living conditions for all.”

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Prince Amyn Aga Khan speaking at the 67th Imamat Day celebrations at the Diwan in Lisbon  2024-07-03

Speech (partial from video) by Prince Amyn Muhammad during the Imamat Day 2024 celebrations
Diwan of Ismaili Imamat, Lisbon
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…our engagement in Portugal goes back decades. The generous welcome that Portugal offered to many Ismailis fleeing the Mozambique civil war so many years ago was a defining moment. Since then our ties to Portugal have multiplied.

The Aga Khan Foundation in Portugal was established in 1983. In 1998, we opened the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon which is now one of the seven Ismaili Centres located in major cities around the world.

Imamat Day reception held at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat 2024-11-03

Members of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s family welcome guests to the Imamat Day reception at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.

Earlier today, Prince Amyn, Prince Hussain, and Princess Fareen attended an Imamat Day reception at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat, along with senior leaders of the Portuguese government, members of the diplomatic community, civil society, and Jamati and AKDN leaders.

Prince Amyn extended a warm welcome to guests at the event, which was held to commemorate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 67th Imamat Day. He spoke of the Imamat’s partnership with Portugal to improve the lives of people.

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