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Speech by Prince Amyn Muhammad on the occasion of the 67th Imamat Day celebrations held in Lisbon 2024-07-03

Wednesday, 2024, July 3
video the.ismaili
Prince Amyn Aga Khan speaking at the 67th Imamat Day celebrations at the Diwan in Lisbon  2024-07-03
Prince Amyn Aga Khan

Speech (partial from video) by Prince Amyn Muhammad during the Imamat Day 2024 celebrations
Diwan of Ismaili Imamat, Lisbon
July 3, 2024

…our engagement in Portugal goes back decades. The generous welcome that Portugal offered to many Ismailis fleeing the Mozambique civil war so many years ago was a defining moment. Since then our ties to Portugal have multiplied.

The Aga Khan Foundation in Portugal was established in 1983. In 1998, we opened the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon which is now one of the seven Ismaili Centres located in major cities around the world.

We have signed a number of important protocols of cooperation with Portugal including in 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2016. In 2018 His Highness, my brother, celebrated the conclusion of His Diamond Jubilee here in Lisbon with more than 40,000 members of the Ismaili community from around the world travelling to Portugal for the festivities.

At that time he also addressed the Portuguese Parliament and thanked it for the unanimous support of the proposal that the Ismaili Imamat should establish a seat here in Lisbon.

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