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Articles - Death of Mata Salamat - Om Habibeh - Ismaili Matriarch - 2000-07-01

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Her Highness Begum om habibeh
On February 16th, 2011 Ulrich Imming (not verified) says:

La disparition de la Bégum-2000-07-12

Point de Vue

Depuis quelques années, ses apparitions se faisaient rares, peu à peu la maladie avait altéré sa santé, mais en aucun cas son incroyable port de reine. En mai 1999, elle assistait à l'inauguration d'une statue dressée en son honneur sur la place du village, drapée dans un de ses célèbres saris, le cheveu blanc impeccablement laqué et parée de ses éternels rangs de perles. Fidèles en cela à la mémoire de son mari, l'Aga Khan III, et à la fonction qu'elle a exercée à ses côtés.

La Begum Domine Desormais le Nil-2000-07-11

La Revue Paris

Article de la Revue Gala-2000-07-01

Revu Gala

Chaque jour, depuis quarante-trois ans, les habitants d'Assouan guettaient sa silhouette hiératique en haut de ces dunes qui surplombent le Nil. Chaque jour - du moins lorsqu'elle résidait dans sa demeure Nour El-Salam, tout près des rives du fleuve égyptien - la bégum Om Habibeh déposait une rose sur le tombeau blanc de son époux. Aujourd'hui, celle qui aima à la folie le richissime sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan III, quarante-huitième imam des musulmans chiites ismaéliens, disparu le 11 juillet 1957, repose auprès de lui pour l'éternité.

The Begum Aga Khan III-2000-07-03

Daily Telegraph

HER HIGHNESS THE BEGUM AGA KHAN III, who has died aged 94, became her husband's fourth wife in 1944, and over the next 13 years proved that dissimilarity of background is no bar to a happy marriage.

The Aga Khan III, spiritual leader of the Ismaili sect of Muslims, was one of the most remarkable men of his time. He achieved much through his religious office without ever allowing it to spoil his enjoyment of Western society. He was also a highly sophisticated diplomat, who exercised a significant influence in international affairs, frequently to the benefit of Britain.

La "begum" Om Habibeh fue enterrada junto a su esposo-2000-07-01

La Vanguardia

Familiares y amigos asistieron ayer a los funerales de la viuda del difunto Aga Khan III, la "begum" Om Habibeh, en un mausoleo que domina el Nilo a su paso de Asuán (Alto Egipto).

Colocados en un ataúd recubierto de un manto blanco llevado por el nieto de su esposo, el príncipe Karim, actual Aga Khan, los restos mortales, rodeados de allegados, atravesaron el Nilo a bordo de un barco ambulancia hasta llegar a la otra orilla, donde se levanta la villa Nour El-Salam. En ese lugar la "begum" y su marido pasaban el invierno.

La bella que vivió un cuento de hadas La begum Om Habibeh, viuda del Aga Khan III, fallece en Francia a los 94 años 2000-07-01

La Vanguardia Digital

La begum Om Habibeh, viuda del Aga Khan III, falleció el sábado en su residencia de Le Cannet, en el sudeste de Francia, a los 94 años. La begum, de origen francés y cuyo nombre de soltera era Yvette Blanche Labrousse, se casó en 1944 con el sultán Mohamed Shah Aga Khan, abuelo del príncipe Karim, actual Aga Khan. Fue la cuarta y última esposa del que fue 48 jefe espiritual de los ismaelitas, una poderosa secta de musulmanes chiitas que grupa a más de 15 millones de creyentes en todo el mundo.



Fille d'Adrien Labrousse, conducteur d'un tramway, et de Marie Brouet, couturière de talent, Yvette Labrousse est née le 15 février 1906 au pied du Mont Saint-Clair, en France. Quinze mois après sa naissance, ses parents s'installent à Cannes où sa mère peut exercer son métier de haute couture, puis à Lyon, "le pays des étoffes". C'est dans ce milieu que grandit mademoiselle Labrousse.

The Begum, Umm Habiba The Last Legend of Love in the 20th Century-2000-07-01

Begum Mata Salamat

The eternal story of love between the Begum and Agha Khan III began and ended on the banks of the Nile.

On the first day of last July, the Begum, Umm Habiba, the wife of late Prince Mohammad Agha Khan, the spiritual leader of the Ismailite sect, passed away.

Aga Khan's 'Red Rose' buried-2000-07-01


If the Aga Khan's widow could not lay flowers, the gardener did A former French beauty queen who married the late Aga Khan lll has been buried beside her husband, upon whose tomb she had regularly laid a red rose since his death 43 years ago.

The body of Begum Om Habibeh, who started life as Yvette Blanche Labrousse, was carried in a white-shrouded coffin to the sandstone mausoleum on the banks of the Nile.

She was the fourth and last wife of the late spiritual leader of the Shiite Muslim Ismaili community. They had no children.

Obituary from Al-Ahram Weekly: In the name of the rose-2000-07-01

Al-Ahram Weekly

The Agha Khan Mausoleum in Aswan has been re-opened, and sealed off again, for the last time. The Begum Sultan Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, popularly known as Umm Habiba, died in Le Cannet, France, last Saturday and was laid to rest at sunset on Tuesday in Aswan. Her funeral was simple and quiet -- an understatement that fell short of the mystique inspired by her life.


Oh La!

Yvette Labrousse, élue Miss France en 1930, épousa Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, 48ème chef spirituel des Ismaéliens, en octobre 1944. La vie ne leur accorda que treize ans de bonheur puisque l’Agha Khan III mourut en 1957. Veuve à 51 ans, la Bégum refusa toujours de refaire sa vie.


Oh La!

Yvette Labrousse, élue Miss France en 1930, épousa Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, 48ème chef spirituel des Ismaéliens, en octobre 1944. La vie ne leur accorda que treize ans de bonheur puisque l’Agha Khan III mourut en 1957. Veuve à 51 ans, la Bégum refusa toujours de refaire sa vie.

The Begum's Love Story-2000-07-01


TRANSFORMED from a lowly tram conductor's daughter, via the position of Miss France, into the most glamorous princess in the Oriental world, the Begum Aga Khan died having been a widow for 43 years. She had married the late Aga Khan III, the 48th hereditary Imam of the Ismaili Muslim community which has a following of 15 million people worldwide, as his fourth and final wife. The current Aga Khan is his grandson.

Begum Aga Khan III - Funeral photos-2000-07-04


Ismaili Muslims on Tuesday July 4, 2000 in Aswan, Egypt, carry the coffin of the widow of the late Aga Khan III, Begum Om Habibeh, to her final resting place next to her husband, at the Aga Khan II's hilltop mausoleum. Begum Om Habibeh, a former beauty queen who died Saturday in the southern French town of Le Cannet at the age of 94, was buried here Tuesday following simple religious ceremonies at hervilla and at the mausoleum on the banks of the Nile.
(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)



A former French beauty queen who found fortune as well as fame when she married the fabulously rich Aga Khan was buried on the banks of the Nile Tuesday, beside the husband on whose tomb she had had a red rose laid daily for 43 years.

The body of Begum Om Habibeh, who started life as Yvette Blanche Labrousse, was carried in a white-shrouded coffin up a slope to a sandstone mausoleum after private prayers at the villa where the couple used to spend winters, as reporters were kept well away.

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