Aanand aanand kariyo rikhisaaro
Eji Aanand aanand kariyo rikhisaro;
aval Shaah tame paayaa 1
Eji Milo ne milaao rikhisaro;
mili kari kariyo kamaai 2
Eji Jampudip maahen Shaah maaro parvariyo;
ke rikhisar ne gher vadhaayun 3
Eji Rikhisaro ne Shaah maaro ugaarshe;
ne karanni tannaa fal dese 4
Eji Diyo dasond avtaar dhiyaavo;
to enne kartave jivddo chute 5
Eji Vikhaddi velaa maanhe panth katthan chhe;
ke aaviyaa aagam endhaann 6
Eji Bhanne Pir Sadardin Satgur Bhirmaa;
tame cheto te chetanhaar 7
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Audio for Aanand aanand kariyo rikhisaaro
Translation & Transcription
Aanand Aanand Kario Rikhisaro - Translation A
Pir Sadardeen
Rejoice, O believers!
You have obtained (and recognized)
the first Lord (cause of creation - Hazir Imam) ..1
O believers unite and get others together,
And in unison earn good deeds ..2
(The knowledge of my Lord Hazir Imam) has now spread in India
and I thus congratulate all believers (and their families) ..3
My Lord will save the believers
And will reward (them) according to their deeds ..4
Submit your dasond and obey Hazir Imam's (Farmans)
If you want salvation of your soul ..5
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Aanand Aanand Kario Rikhisaro - Translation B
Do rejoicings, O you believers!
You have obtained (and recognized) the first cause of
creation, Hazir Imam. ...1
O believers unite and get together;
Unitedly, do earnings of good deeds. ...2
In the country of India (the knowledge of the
presence of) Hazir Imam has spread throughout.
Felicitations to the houses of the believers. ...3
My Lord will save the believers
And will reward (them) for their earnings. ...4
Pay dasond and obey Hazir Imam.
On account of these good deeds
the soul attains salvation. ...5
The times are difficult and the way is hard.
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Aanand Aanand Kario Rikhisaro - Translation C
Rejoice immensely, O most pious believers; for you have attained that Master who is the creator of all beings. ...1
My Lord will make safe his followers from the eternal punishment and reward them with the fruits of their deeds. ...2
Get all together, and have all pious believers assembled (for regular religious duties and mijlas). After having brought all together, the benefits of your religion. ...3
Greetings be to the house of my most pious believers, as my Lord (Hazir Imam) has been known to the land of Jampu Deep. ...4
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Aanand Aanand Kario Rikhisaro - Translation D
By: Pir Shams
O soul! Rejoice and be happy O momins!
Because you have Hazir Imam. ...1
Meet and gather together, O momins!
And say your prayers and do good deeds. ...2
Hazir Imam is everpresent with us,
Greetings be to you, O momins! ...3
Hazir Imam is the Saviour of the true believers,
He rewards them for their deeds. ...4
Pay dasond (the tithe) and obey Hazir Imam,
So may your soul be free. ...5
It is hard to follow the right path in difficult times,
The signs of which are sent beforehand. ...6
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Aanand Aanand Kario Rikhisaro - Translation E
Pir Sadardeen
Rejoice immensely, O most pious believers; for you have attained that Master who is the creator of all things. ...1
Get together and have all pious believers assembled (for regular religious duties and majlis). After having brought all together, earn the benefits of your religion. ...2
Greeting be to the house of my most pious believers, as my Lord (Hazir Imam) has been known to the land of Jampu Deep. ...3
My Lord will make safe his followers from the eternal punishment
and reward them with the fruits of their deeds. ...4
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