Ismaili Hero

Ismaili Hero Summaries

Youth Heroes
Publication Type  Book
Year of Publication  1995
Authors  Anonymous

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Ismaili Hero - Jawhar B. Abdullah

Jawhar as-Siqilli

Abu al-Hasan Jawhar B. Abdullah, commonly known as Jawhar as-Siqilli tracing his origin from his country of birth, Sicily in Italy.
By his able suppression of revolts in North Africa, he became the most influential man in the Empire. He was not only a good soldier but also an able administrator; for he ruled Egypt, completely, for many years before Imam al-Muizz came there. After that, he withdrew only to his military duties and remained the commander-in-chief throughout his life. He died in 381 A.H. in the time of Imam al-Aziz.

Ismaili Hero - Pir Shahbuddin Shah

Pir Shahabud-din Shah

Pir Shahbuddin Shah was a learned scholar, a great philosopher and was well-known for his piety and knowledge.
The thing which made Pir Shahbuddin famous in history was his renowned treatise entitled 'Risala dar Haqiqat-i-Din' or 'The True Meaning of Religion.'

Ismaili Hero - Nasir Khusraw

Nasir Khusraw

Abu Mu'in Nasir B. Khusraw was born in the year 394 A.H. in the small town of Qubadiyan, situated not far from the city of Balkh in the province of Khurasan.
A well-known poet, traveller and philosopher, his works in prose included 'Provision for the Travellers', 'The Feast of the Brethren', 'The Face of Religion', 'Release and Deliverance' and 'Harmonisation of the Two Wisdoms'. The most well-known prose-work of Nasir-I-Khusraw is the SAFAR-NAMA or the 'Book of Travels', which is regarded as a model of classical Persian prose.

Ismaili Hero - Ibn Al-Haytham

Ibn Al-Haytham

Ibn al-Haitham laid the foundation of modern optics; the determination of the velocity of light by Michelson, the Michelson-Morley experiment, the quantum theory and sophisticated photographic techniques, all the current ideas about ophthalmology, refraction of light, twilight, camera, obscura, light and optics, are all based on his observations and findings. Here, his mathematical ability outshone that of Euclid and Ptolemy.

Ismaili Hero - Abu Ali Sina

Abu Ali Sina

The most famous exponent of the idea of universalism and the most famous figure in Ismaili learning was Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Within the brief span of 58 years, he was able to produce an astounding number of works on mathematics, music, geology and problems of light, gravity, heat, motion, philosophy, medicine and on different subjects, an achievement that can only be accounted for by his unequalled ability of mind and a power of assimilation of which history offers few such striking examples.

Ismaili Hero - Abu Abdullah Rodaki

Poet Rodaki

Le renommé poète et intellectuel, Abu Abdullah bin Ja-fer Bin Muhammad Rodaki, est né il y a 1100 ans à RODAK près de Samarkand. Ses poèmes sont si connus dans le monde qu'il a été nommé 'Bawa Adam' ce qui signifie une autorité distinguée en poésie persane.

Ismaili Hero - Abd al-Malik ibn Attash

Abdul Malik bin Attash

Abd al-Malik ibn Attash was one of the greatest Ismaili Da'is and possessed remarkable knowledge of religion and philosophy. His exact date of birth is unknown but it is certain that he came in Ramadan 484/1091 to Ray, where he met the Da'is Abu Nazm, Abu Mu'min and Hasan al-Sabah who were able, with his help, to spread the Ismaili beliefs in the various Persian regions and other countries.

Ismaili Hero - Hassan Bin Sabbah

Sayyidna Hasan Bin Sabbah

ll historians and biographers are unanimous that Sayyidna Hasan was an outstanding, highly qualified authority on sciences of politics and mathematics. He was also an expert in the skills of administration and his organization was very precise and up to the mark.
Due to these qualities, the ruler Malik Shah was highly impressed by him and used to take his counsel on matters of administration.

During his life time, he achieved his aims like freedom of Ismaili territory, freedom to practice the Ismaili faith and the establishing of peace between him and his opponents.

Ismaili Hero Summaries

Summary Descriptions of the Great Heroes in Ismaili History

102. U Kan Gyi, Wazir - page 422

U Kan Gyi, Wazir

Rai Hirji was a famous for collecting religious dues in Indian villages during the period of Imam Hasan Ali Shah and visited Mahallat to deliver it. His son Varind was also a devoted and became the Mukhi of Kandi Mola Jamatkhana, Bombay and served in the period of three Imams. His devotion can be measured from the saying of Imam Hasan Ali Shah at Wadi, Bombay that, ' My son Aly Shah is my one eye, while Varind Mukhi represents my second eye.'

103. Virji Premji Parpiya, Wazir - page 431

Virji Premji Parpiya, Wazir

Virji Premji Parpiya traced his lineage from his ancestor, called Khoja Bhalo (d. 1607), who lived around 1154 at Lohgadh in Punjab, belonging to the Lohana class in the Rajput stock. He embraced Ismailism by Pir Dadu (d. 1596) and with the request of Rao Bharmal (1585-1631), the ruler of Kutchh, Pir Dadu left Sind and arrived in Kutchh with Khoja Bhalo in 1587. Bhalo was employed to a high post in the state administration. He was followed by his son Lakho (d. 1629), Khetasi (d. 1687) and Banno, who died in Delhi in 1715. His son was Jivo (d. 1752), whose son was Ebhalo (d.

94. Sadruddin Hashwani, Varas - page 389

Sadruddin Hashwani, Varas

Varas Sadruddin Hashwani traces his descent from Mukhi Hashu Tharuani (1820-1915) of Lassi Jamatkhana, Karachi. It must be known that Mukhi Hashu married twice and had four sons, viz. Baledina, Jaffer, Ghulam Hussain, Muhammad and two daughters, Hira and Bhanari from his first wife, called Ha'ansi. His other children from his second wife, called Thari were Abdullah, Kassim, Bana, Hussain, Nazar Ali, Ali Muhammad and Ismail; and four daughters, viz. Sharafi, Jena, Chhati and Marium. The community services have always been a quintessential component of the family of Mukhi Hashu.

95. Sayed Munir, Missionary - page 398

Sayed Munir, Missionary

He was born in the village of Shagnan, Badakhshan in 1882. His name was Muniruddin, better known as Sayed Munir. His father Sayed Muhammad bin Kassim descended from Sayed Sohrab Wali Badakhshani and was an educated man in his village. Nothing is known about the brothers of Sayed Munir. It must however be known that Pir Sabzali had seen his one brother in Rushan, Tajikistan who was the Mukhi on October 31, 1923.

96. Sewa Haji Paroo - page 400

Sewa Haji Paroo

Haji Paroo Pradhan migrated from Bhuj, Kutchh to Zanzibar with his brother Jaffer Paroo in 1850, where he established a small general store in 1852. He made a little but steady progress and opened a branch store at Bagamoyo in 1860. One of the four children of Haji Paroo Pradhan was Sewa Haji Paroo, who was born in 1851, and received his initial exposure to the business world while working for his father.

97. Shaikh Ahmed al-Muhammad - page 402

Shaikh Ahmed al-Muhammad

He was originally from Salamia, Syria where he was born most probably in 1835. He was the second Mukhi for Salamia Jamatkhana in Syria, appointed by Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah in 1895. He had acquired deep religious education during his stay in India. The Imam ordered him to introduce some ceremonies in Syria. He had to face hurdles and hitches from his rivals, notably Himadi Umar, the head of the Momin Shahis, who secretly misguided the Ottoman authorities to arrest the Ismailis.

98. Shaikh Suleman al-Hajj - page 404

Shaikh Suleman al-Hajj

He was born possibly in 1828, and was the first Mukhi for the Salamia Jamatkhana in Syria. It is related that a Syrian Ismaili delegation visited India in 1887 in search of the Imam of the time, finally reached Bombay and recognized the Imam. Mukhi Shaikh Suleman was also one of the members of the delegation. When he returned to Syria, he called a grand meeting at which all the leading Syrian Ismaili Shaikhs were present. He announced that their quest had been successful and that the Imam of the time had been found.

99. Shivji Haji, Varas - page 405

Shivji Haji, Varas

The Agra Division comprises of the districts of Aligadh, Etah, Manipuri, Mathura and Agra city, covering an area of 8662 sq.miles. It is situated in Uttar Pradesh, India on the Jumna River. The Mughal emperor Akbar built the city of Agra in 1566, called Akbarabad, and it was a Mughal capital until 1658. Agra was one of those Indian cities, where the Ismaili settlers arrived in later period of British rule. It was famous for having a great deal of hustle and bustle, and the credit to form a small jamat in Agra for the first time goes to Varas Shivji Haji.

100. Sultanali Nazarali Walji, Missionary - page 408

Sultanali Nazarali Walji, Missionary

Missionary Sultanali Nazarali Walji traces his lineage from a certain dedicated person, called Uka, an origin of Badin, Sind. He migrated with his family in Kathiawar and adopted profession of cultivation. Uka had five sons, Savji, Vali, Abram, Jiva and Alibhai. It is related that once Imam Aga Ali Shah had gone to Kathiawar on a hunting excursion. The Imam stayed in the farm of Abram Uka in the village of Tithwa when he was tired, thirsty and hungry. The traditional curry as well as vegetable curry and rice with lassi and onions were served to the Imam and his entourage.