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0456-Q&A SEMINAR (ENG) - 2000

MP3 Mono 22kHz 32Kbps (CBR) 28:05 minutes (6.43 MB)

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LOVE FOR IMAM - June 15, 1999

MP3 Stereo 16kHz 32Kbps (CBR) 41:35 minutes (9.52 MB)

HQ JK, Edmonton

Hum dil Khalaq, Allah sohi vaseji

Knowing Allah, Knowing Imam
Anecdote of Prophet Musa wanting to see God
According to author, the oldest converts to Ismailism are in Tajikistan. He deduces this from references in Satveni
Customs of Tajik Ismailies
Anecdote of Mowlana Zain-ul-Abidin in Tajikistan.

This file should not be listened to online. Please use the download link in order to listen to it on your computer.

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