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Ismailia Association International Review Meeting Nairobi 1980

Follow-up to Paris Conference 1975. The 1980 Nairobi Ismailia Association International Review Meeting.

This is the paper presented at the Ismailia Association International Review Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya on 1980 by the Ismailia Association for Canada.

101 Ismaili Heroes - Volume 1 - Late 19th Century To Present Age

101 Ismaili Heroes - Volume 1 - Late 19th Century To Present Age
By Mumtaz Ali Tajddin Sadik Ali - alymumtaz@yahoo.com

A Fatimid Decree of the Year 524 AH/1130 AD

The large collection of the Turkish and Arabic manuscripts at the St Catherine Monastery in Sinai contains several Decrees issued by various Fatimid Caliphs and in particular Mustealian Fatimid Caliphs. In some of those we find confirmation of the covenant of Prophet Muhammad with the Christians for their protection. Stern publishes here one of the Decree of the Regent Abd al Majid in this article.

A PDF download is available from the link below.

Ainsi Parla Boudh Awatar de Pir Sadardin

Bouddh Avatar - Francais
Ainsi parla BOUDH AWATAR
DE PIR SADARDIN (A.D. 1300-1416)
Introduction et traduction Par: U. M. Edwards

All About Ginans & Granths

Collection of Online Literature on Ginans & Granths

Much of the content comes from the two SOS Khojki Conferences organized by the Heritage Society in 1990 and 1991.

Amir Pir Mela in Sind & its Origin

The Ismailis in the province of Sind, Pakistan celebrate Amir Pir Mela (fair of Amir Pir) once a year in November.
By : Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali [ Karachi, 2007 ] email : alymumtaz@yahoo.com

Anant Akhado - Translation

ANANT AKHAADO literally means a gathering of unlimited souls in an eternal context.

ANANT AKHAADO AND ANANT NAA NAV CHHUGAA contain all the essential ideas about the ginaanic literature which encompass our theology, philosophy, history and ethics from the esoteric point of view.


A Brief Explanation of 15 Chantas

Our human weakness is such that from time to time we tend to forget the religious and moral laws that are ordained upon us and fall into committing sins. These sins retard our spiritual progress and become obstacles in achieving salvation. Repentance is therefore prescribed so that when one seeks forgiveness in earnest, one can have his sins forgiven. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

Copyright Lawsuit 2010: Online Book of All available Materials for Lawsuit Allegedely by Aga Khan
H.H. Prince Karim Aga Khan IV

This Online Book is a one-stop shop of the Materials for the 2010 Copyright Lawsuit Allegedly by Aga Khan.

It gathers court materials as well as articles that are currently available for the ongoing 2010 Lawsuit Launched allegedly by the Aga Khan against 2 of His Murids Nagib Tajdin and Alnaz Jiwa, for Circulating the Imam's Farmans to His Jamat through the Kalam-e Imam-e Zaman Golden Edition Book.

Crosswords for Ismailis

Try out these crosswords.

Made to be versatile for Bait-ul-Ilm Teachers, Each Puzzle comes with:
- an empty grid,
- a grid with clues,
- a grid with solutions.
- a regular set of clues,
- a set of clues with anagrams of answers, and
- a Quiz format.


Encyclopaedia of Ismailism

This Encyclopaedia is available in searchable form in the Library's Glossary section.

Click Here to browse the encyclopedia in searchable form.

Feki, Habib: Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de l'Ismaélisme fatimide - Thèse de Doctorat a Paris

Une Thèse de Doctorat présentée en 1972 a Paris, d’une valeur exceptionnelle, basée sur des manuscrits ismaéliens inédits avec l’aide de sommités tels que le Professeur Henry Corbin et Georges Vajda.

Forty Poems from the 'Diwan' of Nasir-i Khusraw - Translation

Journal Article

By Gholam-Reza Aavani and By Peter Lamborn Wilson

Includes a translation of the Forty Poems
From Nasir-i Khusraw's Diwan.

Gulshani Raz - Interpretation


History of the Ismailis by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin

A history of the Ismaili community from the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Includes History of Imams, as well as texts on Major periods, people and events in Ismaili History. We have also attached a smaller version called "A Brief History of the Ismailis" on this page. It has been written by the same author.

Ismaili flag - It's Origin & Importance

I am glad to present this important monograph fortunately completed on the day of my birth. It affords brief history of the flag/banner with special reference to the flag of the Shia Ismaili Muslims, its origin in Islam and symbolic interpretation of its colours, incorporated with rare accessible photographs. Hitherto, no materials on the subject have been explored scholarly. In the following pages, a serious attempt has been made to gather within a convenient compass the information scattered.

Ismaili Hero Summaries

Summary Descriptions of the Great Heroes in Ismaili History

Ismaili Heroes

These are our Heroes! Role models for our kids yesterday, role models today and forever!
This book contains 33 Heroes compiled by H.S.H. Prince Aly S. Khan Colony Religious School, Karachi, 1973.

Ismaili History Charts

Charts taken from various sources

Ismailism in Multan and Sind

This is an article about the expansion of Ismailism in Multan and Sind since Dai Hatim was sent to these areas in 883AD (Fatimid took power in Maghreb in 909 AD). The expansion continued later under Dai Jalam b. Shayban( http://ismaili.net/heritage/node/2187) who seize Multan for the Fatimid Imams in 985 AD.

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