The Effects of Succession Crisis between Bayezid II and Cem Sultan on Ottoman Foreign Policy | Demirtaş, Dücane | English | Full Text |
1 ISMAILI PIRS, VAKILS & SAYEDS OF SOUTH ASIAN REGIONS | Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz Ali | English | Bibliography |
101 Ismaili Heroes | Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz-Ali | | Full Text |
910: En Ifriqiya--Une épitre des Ikhwan al Safa | Marquet, Yves. | French | Bibliography |
A Bibliography of Ismailism | Tajdin, Nagib. | English | Bibliography |
A Brief History of Ismailism | Alibhai Aziz, Abualy. | English | Bibliography |
A Byzantine Victory over the Fatimids at Alexandretta (971) | Walker, Paul. | English | Bibliography |
A Chronological List of the Imams and Da'is of the Musta'lian Ismailis | Fyzee, Asaf A. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Code of Conduct: A Treatise on the Etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili Mission | Wahid M. Amin | English | Full Text |
A Collection of Fatimid Manuscripts. | Fyzee, Asaf A. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Comparative Table of the Bombay, Cairo, and Beyrut Editions of the Rasail Ikhwan al Safa, | Blumenthal, D. R. | English | Bibliography |
A Comparison of the Refugee Resettlement of Ugandan Ismaili Muslims and Cambodian Theravada Buddhists in Canada | Cummins, Alyshea | English | Full Text |
A Comparison of the Refugee Resettlement of Ugandan Ismaili Muslims and Cambodian Theravada Buddhists in Canada | Cummins, Alyshea | English | Full Text |
A Comparison of the Sunni Caliphate and the Shi'i Imamate | Farsakh, Andrea M. | English | Bibliography |
A Compendium of Ismaili Esoterics | Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. | English | Bibliography |
A Compendium of the Castes and Tribes Found in India | Kitts, Eustache J. | English | Bibliography |
A Comprehensive Grand History of the Noor en Allah Noor | Bandali Haji, Alwaez Rai Shamshuddin | English | Full Text |
A Creed of the Fatimids | Ivanow, Wladimir. | English | Bibliography |
A Dark Period in the History of Sind | Daud Potah. | English | Bibliography |
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fyzee Collection of Ismaili Manuscripts | Gorianwala, Mu'izz. | English | Arabic | Bibliography |
A Distinguished Family of Fatimid Qadis in the Tenth Century | Gottheil, R. | English | Bibliography |
A Drawing of the Fatimid Period | Gray, Basil. | English | Bibliography |
A Drawing of the Fatimid Period | Rice, D. S. | English | Bibliography |
A Fatimid coin-die | Mayer, L. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Fatimid Decree of the Year 524 AH/1130 AD | Stern, S. M. | English | Full Text |
A Fatimid Kufic Tablet from Upper Egypt | Walker, J. | English | Bibliography |
A Fatimid Manual for Secretaries | Bonebakker, S. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Fatimid Petition and Small Decree from Sinai | Richard, D. S. | English | Bibliography |
A Fatimid Textile of Coptic Tradition with Arabic Inscription | Thompson, D. | English | Bibliography |
A Forgotten Branch of the Ismailis | Ivanow, Wladimir. | English | Bibliography |
A Forgotten Old French Version of The Old Man of The Mountain | Runte, Hans R. | English | Bibliography |
A Guide to Ismaili Literature | Ivanow, Wladimir. | English | Bibliography |
A Hindu-Muslim synthesis | Sikand, Y. | English | Bibliography |
A Historical and Regional Atlas of the Arabic World: Map and Chronological Survey | Reichert, Rolf. | English | Bibliography |
A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages | Lane-Poole, Stanley. | English | Bibliography |
A History of Islamic Philosophy | Fakhry, Majid. | English | Bibliography |
A History of Medieval Islam | Saunders, J. J. | English | Bibliography |
A History of Medieval Islam - The Turkish Irruption | Saunders, J. J. | English | Full Text |
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community | Amit Ranjan | | Full Text |
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community | Amit Ranjan | | Full Text |
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community | Amit Ranjan | | Full Text |
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community | Ranjan, Amit | English | Full Text |
A History of the Ismaili Community in Tanzania. | Walji, Shirin R. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Legendary History of the Bohras | Jhaveri, K. M. | English | Bibliography |
A List of Writers, Books and other Authorities Mentioned by Maqrizi in his `Khitat', | Guest, A. R. | English | Bibliography |
A Marriage Contract on Parchment from Fatimite Egypt | Levi della Vida, G. | English | Bibliography |
A Ministry of Propaganda under the Fatimids | Barghuthy, Amar Saleh . | English | Bibliography |
A Ministry of Propaganda under the Fatimids | Barghuthy, Amar Saleh . | English | Bibliography |
A Modern History of the Ismailis Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community | Daftary, Farhad; Karim, Karim H. | English | Full Text |
A Muslim Mirror for Princes | Salinger, Gerard. | English | Bibliography |
A Note on Fatimid-Saljuq Trade. | Scanlon, G. T. | English | Bibliography |
A Note on the Fatimid Jurist Nu'man and his Book: The Pillars of Islam | Fyzee, Asaf A. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Peep into the `Wasaya' and `Siyasat nama' of Nizam al Mulk | Faizi, Faiz-ul Hassan. | English | Bibliography |
A Petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir Concerning a Conflict within the Jewish Community, | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
A Political Study of Egypt and Syria under the Early Fatimids 358/968-386/996. | Le Tourneau | English | Bibliography |
A propos d'une expédition fatimide à Wargilan d'après Abu Zakariyya al-Wargilani | Negre, A. | French | Bibliography |
A propos des origines de la hiérarchie mystique en Islam | Marquet, Yves. | French | Bibliography |
A Re-examination of Al-Mahdi's Letter to the Yemenites on the Genealogy of the Fatimid Caliphs, | Hamdani, Abbas. | English | Bibliography |
A Reconsideration of al Qadi al-Numan's Madhhab | Poonawala, Ismail K. | English | Bibliography |
A Reconstruction of the Fatimid Theory of State: The Apocalyptic Nature of the Fatimid State | Van Ess | English | Bibliography |
A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics | Esmail, Aziz | | Bibliography |
A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics - Review | Steigerwald, Diana | French | Full Text |
A Semiotics of Infinite Translucence: The Exoteric and Esoteric in Ismaili Muslim Hermeneutics | Karim, Karim H. | English | Full Text |
A Shi'a Collection of Divine Traditions | Rob, E. D. | English | Bibliography |
A Shi'ite Creed | Fyzee, Asaf A. A. | English | Bibliography |
A Short History of the Fatimid Caliphate | O'Leary. | English | Bibliography |
A Short History of the Ismailis Traditions of a Muslim Community | Daftary, Farhad | English | Full Text |
A Shorter Druze Catechism | Toftbek, E., transl. | English | Bibliography |
A Study of Some Aspects of English Education with a View to Improve Ismaili Education in East Africa. | Peermohamed, B. | English | Bibliography |
A Study of the Fatimid and Ayyubid Document in the Monastery of Mt. Sinai | Youssef, J. N. | English | Bibliography |
A Survey of Information on Ismailism, Ismailis and the Imams | Jessa, Altaff. | English | Bibliography |
A teaching and learning guide for: “A survey of Ismaili studies Part 1” and “A survey of Ismaili studies Part 2” | Andani,Khalil | English | Full Text |
A Theological Miscellany | Tritton, A. S. | English | Bibliography |
A treatise on the Carmatians in the Kitab al-Muntazam of Ibn al-Jauzi | Somogyi, J. de. | English | Bibliography |
A Treatise on the Number Theory from a Tenth-Century Arabic Source. | Goldstein, Bernard R. | English | Bibliography |
Abbadan | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
Abbasid and Fatimid Political Relations during the Buhawid Period | Abou Said, A. C. | English | Bibliography |
Abbasid and Fatimid Political Relations during the Buhawid Period | Abou Said, A. C. | English | Bibliography |
Abd al-Gani ibn Sa'id un savant sunnite au service des Fatimides | Bianquis, Thierry. | French | Bibliography |
Abd Allah b. Maymun | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
Abd Allah b. Saba' | Hodgson, Marshall G. S. | English | Bibliography |
Abdallah b. Maymun al-Qaddah | Halm, Heinz. | English | Bibliography |
Abdan b. al-Rabit | Madelung, Wilferd. | English | Bibliography |
Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Firas: `Ash-Shafiya' -- An Isma'ili Treatise | Makarem, Sami Nasib. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hatem Razi | Halm, Heinz. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hatim al-Razi | Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hatim al-Razi | Stern, S. M. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hatim ar-Razi | Hamarneh, Sami. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi | Kraus, Paul . | English | Bibliography |
Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi and the Brethren of Purity | Hamdani, Abbas. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Sa'id Jannabi | Madelung, Wilferd. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Sulayman as-Sijistani: a Muslim Philosopher of the Tenth Century. | Kraemer, J. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Tammam and Ibn Hani | Dewhurst, R. P. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Ya'cub al Sijistani and the Development of Isma'ili Neoplatonism. | Walker, Paul. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Ya'qub al-Sidjzi | Stern, S. M. | English | French | Bibliography |
Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani: Intellectual Missionary | Walker, Paul. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Ya'qub as-Sijistani. The Opening of the Persian Mission and the Beginning of Isma`ili Dogma. | Walker, Paul. | English | Bibliography |
Abu Ya`qub al-Sijistani and Kitab Sullam al-Najat: A Study in Islamic Neoplatonism | Alibhai Abualy, Mohamed. | English | Bibliography |