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Discours sur l'Ordre et la création - Review

Discours sur l'Ordre et la création
Publication Type  Book Review
Year of Publication  1998
Authors  Daftary, Farhad
Original Authors  Steigerwald, Diane
Key Words  English; Full Text Online

A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics

Publication Type  Book
Year of Publication  2002
Authors  Esmail, Aziz
City  Richmond (Surrey)
Publisher  Curzon Press & IIS
Volume  1
Volume and Pages  228p.
Key Words  Ginans; Bibliograpy; English

Commentaire de la qasida ismaelienne d'Abu'l-Haitham Jorjani attribue a Mohammad ibn Sorkh de Nishapour - Review

Commentaire de la Qasida ismaélienne d'Abu'l Haitham Jorjani attribuée à Mohamed b. Sorkh de Nishapour
Publication Type  Book Review
Year of Publication  1955
Authors  Stern, S.M.
Original Authors  CORBIN, HENRY;MO'IN, MOH.
Key Words  Full Text Online; English

GINANS : Texts and Contexts : Essays on Ismaili Hymns from South Asia in Honour of Zawahir Moir

Publication Type  Book
Year of Publication  2010
Authors  Kassam, Tazim R.; Asani, Ali S.; Boivin, Michel; Mallison, Francoise; Devraj Thontya , Mohan; Jani, Balvant S.; Jani, Urmila B.; Jiwa, Pyarali; Khan, Dominique-Sila; Purohit, Teena; Sheikh, S.; Shodhan, A; Surani, Iqbal; Tajdin, Nagib; Talbani,; Hasanali, P
Edition  Revised
Editor  Tazim R. Kassam, Francoise Mallison
Volume and Pages  226 p
Key Words  English; Bibliography

Edited by Tazim R. Kassam and Francoise Mallison, Primus Books, 2010, Revised Edition, xxviii, 226 p, 7 illus, ISBN : 81-908918-7-5

ISBN Number  ISBN : 81-908918-7-5

NCAB Canada Submission to Ontario Arbitration Review

Publication Type  Article
Year of Publication  2004
Authors  Aga Khan NCAB Canada


Key Words  English; Full Text Online; Arbitration

His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili National Conciliation and Arbitration Board for Canada
Submission to Ontario Arbitration Review
September 10, 2004

Ismaili Ideas in the Egyptian Poetry of the Fatimid Period - Review

Ismaili Ideas in the Egyptian Poetry of the Fatimid Period.
Publication Type  Book Review
Year of Publication  Submitted
Authors  Ivanow, Wladimir.
Original Authors  M. Kamil HUSSEIN
Key Words  English; Full Text Online

Glimpses of Islam - Review

Glimpses of Islam
Publication Type  Book Review
Year of Publication  Submitted
Authors  M.H.
Original Authors  Agha Khan; Dr. Zaki Ali
Key Words  Full Text Online; English

The Ismailis in Uganda.

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1975
Authors  Thompson, Gardner.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: Pp. 30-52
Edition  Essays on Ugandan Asians
Publisher  Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Place  London
Editor  ed. Michael Twadle
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "The Ismailis in Uganda." In Essays on Ugandan Asians, ed. Michael Twadle. London: Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1975. Pp. 30-52.

The Ismailis of Syria Today

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1952
Authors  Lewis, Norman.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: J.C.A.S. LII ; PAGES: 69-77
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "The Ismailis of Syria Today," J.C.A.S. LII (1952): 69-77.

Modernisation and Change in the Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa. - A Perspective

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1976
Authors  Nanji, Azim.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: J.R.A. ; VOLUME: VI ; PAGES: pp. 123-139
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "Modernisation and Change in the Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa. - A Perspective," J.R.A. VI (1976): pp. 123-139.

The Ismailis or Maulais of the Hindu Kush

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1935
Authors  Nasrul Mulk, S. T.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: R.C.A.J. ; VOLUME: XXII ; PAGES: 641-645
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "The Ismailis or Maulais of the Hindu Kush," R.C.A.J. XXII (1935): 641-645.

On the Ismailis in Greater Badakshan Historical Growth and Current Status.

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  In Press
Authors  Daya, Mehmood.
University  University of Wisconsin
City  Milwaukee
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "On the Ismailis in Greater Badakshan, Historical Growth and Current Status." Monograph. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, December, 1980.

The Ismailis Sect in London (Religious Institutions and Social Change)

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  In Press
Authors  Clarke, P. B.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Religion
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "The Ismailis Sect in London (Religious Institutions and Social Change)," Religion (Spring 1978).

Polemics on the Origin of the Fatimid Caliphate

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1924
Authors  Mamour, Prince P. H.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: 232 pp.
Publisher  Indus Publications
Place  London/Karachi
Key Words  English; Bibliography

Polemics on the Origin of the Fatimid Caliphate. London, 1924. 232 pp. Karachi: Indus Publications, 1979. Distinguishes between pro- and anti-Fatimid sources related to their genealogy.

The Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa.

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1970
Authors  Nanji, Azim.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: 15 pp.
Publisher  McGill University
Key Words  English; Bibliography

Paper ; DETAILS: "The Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa." Paper, McGill University, 1970. 15 pp.

The Nizari Ismaili Community in North America: Background and Development.

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1983
Authors  Nanji, Azim.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: Pp. 149-164
Edition  The Muslim Community in North America
Publisher  University of Alberta Press
Place  Edmonton
Key Words  English; Bibliography

DETAILS: "The Nizari Ismaili Community in North America: Background and Development." In The Muslim Community in North America. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1983. Pp. 149-164.

The `Das Avatara' of Satpanthi Ismailis and Imam Shahis of Indo-Pakistan.

Das Avtar - Motto
Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  1972
Authors  Khakee, Gulshan.
University  Harvard University
Key Words  English; Bibliography

The entire Thesis can now be downloaded - see links below the text. The first part contains the 60 pages introduction to the work, a must read.

This thesis contains a transliteration and a translation of the Das Avatara of Imam Shah ; Dr Gulshan Khakee died of cancer in Bombay at the age of 58, Saturday January 12, 2002. She graduated in teacher training in Nairobi where she taught at the AK Girl School and at the Kenya High School. She did her M.A. at Trinity College in Dublin - Ireland and her PhD. at Harvard in 1972.

Gulshan Khakee should be credited for collecting the manuscripts and books now in the Khojki collection of Harvard (catalogued by Ali Asani) While on a research tour in 1988, the Kaka of Pirana told us that he remembered when she came to visit Pirana and they gave her themanuscript of Das Avatar she had taken to Harvard.

She was among the pioniers of Ginanic research and some of her works are listed here. ; DETAILS: "The `Das Avatara' of Satpanthi Ismailis and Imam Shahis of Indo-Pakistan." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 1972. [Contains a transliteration and translation of the Das Avatara of Imam Shah from a manuscript dated 1736AD.] She offered a copy of her Thesis to The Heritage Society on 20th January 1991. She was one of our lecturesr at the SOS Khojki Conference organized in Toronto by the Ismaili Heritage Society now on www.ismaili.net.

The Origin of the Khojas and their Religious Life Today.

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  1936
Authors  Mujtaba Ali, Syed.
University  Universitat-Bonn
City  Untersuch
Volume and Pages  PAGES: 190 pp.
Key Words  English; Bibliography

zum Allgemein Religionsgeschichte 8 ; DETAILS: "The Origin of the Khojas and their Religious Life Today." Ph.D. diss., Universit"t-Bonn, Untersuch. zum Allgemein Religionsgeschichte 8, 1936. 190 pp.

The Account of the Ismaili Doctrines in the `Jami al Tawarikh' of Rashid al-Din

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1930
Authors  Levy, R.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 509-536, 151
Key Words  English; Bibliography

"The Account of the Ismaili Doctrines in the `Jami al Tawarikh' of Rashid al-Din," J.R.A.S. (1930): 509-536. Author's correction in J.R.A.S. (1931): 151.

The Political Role of Minority Groups in the Middle East

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1979
Authors  McLaurin, R. de, ed.
Publisher  Praeger Publishers
Place  New York
Key Words  English; Bibliography

Contains some statistics on Isma'ilis ; DETAILS: The Political Role of Minority Groups in the Middle East. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979. [Contains some statistics on Isma'ilis.]

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