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Today in Ismaili History

Friday, 2005, March 25Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan - Cairo - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK - 2005-03-25

Bi-'smi Llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim
Madame Mubarak, Excellencies, Honoured Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Twenty-one years ago we had a vision that launched us on a journey of inquiry, exploration and discovery that took us through some 1,000 years of history of this extraordinary city.

It was a journey in which we engaged with historians, archeologists, architects and horticulturalists. We worked with engineers, statisticians, sociologists and urban planners. We met with neighbourhood residents and businessmen, artisans and entrepreneurs, young people and old.

Friday, 2005, March 25Greener pastures - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK - 2005-03-25

The Al-Azhar Park has risen through the Cairo smog 20 years after being given the green light, Nevine El-Aref reportsMrs Mubarak and Aga Khan at the official opening of Al-Azhar Park
Spreading over a hill in the heart of Islamic Cairo, the new Al-Azhar Park offers 15 million Cairenes, as well as tourists, some much needed leisure and recreational space with magnificent views of historic Cairo's countless architectural treasures.

Friday, 2005, March 25Cairo park restores ancient glory - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK - 2005-03-25
airo's Al-Azhar park inaugurated   2005-03-25

The park was financed by the Aga Khan Trust for CultureA 30-hectare park built from scratch on what used to be a 500-year-old garbage dump topping one of Cairo's poorest neighbourhoods is ready for inauguration.
The opening ceremony on Friday will be presided over by Imam Aga Khan, the 68-year-old spiritual leader of Shia Ismaili Muslims who first devised the project more than 20 years ago.

Friday, 2005, March 25Voa News - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK</I> - 2005-03-25

On Friday March 25, Egyptian first lady Suzanne Mubarak and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, a private agency which seeks to revitalize Muslim communities, will inaugurate the largest public park built in Cairo in over a century. The Aga Khan, who heads the trust, is the the leader of 15 million Ismailis, a Muslim sect. He built the 70-hectare Al Azhar park on an ancient garbage dump in the heart of Islamic Cairo.Cairo's 16 million inhabitants live in a city with very few green spaces. Urban expansion has led to the disappearance of many of the city's public parks.

Friday, 2005, March 25CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK</I> - 2005-03-25

On Friday March 25, Egyptian first lady Suzanne Mubarak and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, a private agency which seeks to revitalize Muslim communities, inaugurated the largest public park built in Cairo in over a century.

Aga Khan and Madame Mubarak inaugurates Cairo's Al Azhar Park  2005-03-25

His Highness the Aga Khan speaking with the First Lady of Egypt, Madame Mubarak, during the Al-Azhar Park inauguration ceremonies.The Park as a Catalyst for Social, Economic and Cultural Renewal

Friday, 2005, March 25Business Today - CROWDED CAIRO GETS ITS OWN VISION OF CENTRAL PARK - 2005-03-25

Looking across Al-Azhar park, your eye is immediately drawn to the stark brown walls of the citadel and the jaunty domes of the Muhammad Ali mosque. But as you look off to the west, the city drops below the horizon, leaving only a surreal panorama of scattered minarets floating behind a grassy foreground.

Friday, 1983, March 25Event - 1983-03-25

Foundation Stone laying ceremony of 4-star Serena Hotel was performed by Baluchistan Governor Rahimuddin Khan in Quetta. Hazar Imam was unable to be present as his plane was unable to land due to inclement weather.(click here)

Tuesday, 1958, March 25SPEECH AT THE ROTARY CLUB - 1958-03-25

Mr President, Gentlemen

The topic I have chosen to talk to you about is wide and much too complicated to deal with fully in twenty minutes. I hope, however, to give you a sketch of what has been happening in East Africa during the last year or two, and in particular to give an idea of the role which the Asian communities have played, and the one which they have to play, whether they desire to or not, in the future.

Tuesday, 1958, March 25Event - 1958-03-25

Delivered speech at the Rotary Club of Bombay on 'The Ismailis and the Role of Asian Communities in the Development of East Africa'.

Wednesday, 1903, March 25Aga Khan III Gives a budget speech at Calcutta - 1903-03-25

March 25, 1903: Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah, Aga Khan III gave a Budget Speech in the Council of the Governor General in Calcutta. During the speech, Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah, Aga Khan III mentioned the burden created by the salt tax, income tax exemption and the vast majority of Indian children not receiving elementary education.

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