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Listen to and Read Du'a and meanings right from your phone with the DUA App. Download the app onto your android phone. |
Listen to and Read Ginans and meanings right from your phone with the Ginan App. Download the app onto your phone. |
Listen to Waez right from your phone with the Waez App. Download the app onto your phone. |
Ismaili sacred Literature with audio, text & translations. |
Are you far from Jamatkhana? Do not miss the time of prayer. Every time you load the Virtual Jamatkhana Page, you will see a new selection of files. |
Ismaili Devotional Literature |
Searchable list of Audio files of Ismaili Waezes available to download. |
Thousands of searchable ismaili words, names, nouns and topics taken from ismaili dictionaries and encyclopedias. |
Two Reading Rooms are available for the online Articles and Books in the Field Library. |
History of the Ismailis by Mumtaz Tajddin - Comprehensive book about Imams, People, Periods and Events in Ismaili History. |
Ismaili Jamatkhanas with pictures, addresses, and contacts. |
News Items are individual news pages such as an ARTICLE, a SPEECH, an INTERVIEW, a PRESS RELEASE. Each News Item is linked to a News Event. |
Documents, Events and multimedia from the Glorious Life of Aga Khan III, Imam Sultan Mohamed Shah. |
Thousands of images arranged in themed albums. The largest album is the News album. |
All audio - Ginans, Speeches, Geets, Qasidas, Waezes, Songs, Kawalis, and more!. |
News events summarize a news subject with links to related articles and media. |
A sortable catalog of published ismaili documents. Many documents listed in this catalog are available to read online. |
Search, Watch and download Ismaili Videos. |
A powerful tool for filtering Ismaili News Events on a visual timeline. Here are links to a few popular date ranges: |
A searchable list of Articles and Books on ismaili history that are available for reading online on this site.
A powerful tool for surfing and filtering the display of Ismaili History events on a visual timeline. |
A Searchable list of important places in Ismaili History |
A searchable list of the main events and periods in Ismaili History, with references to other sources on the site. |
A searchable list of Ismaili Heroes and other main People in Ismaili History, with references to other sources on the site. |
Thousands of Ismaili News Images are organized into Albums and Sub-Albums by date and by events in the Heritage Album section of this site. Albums may be viewed in grid mode or list mode by selecting the mode at the top of each album. Here are some popular album links: __________ |