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Description of the Ismaili Mss Collected by A. Semenov

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1917
Authors  Semenov, A.
Volume and Pages  PAGES: Pp. 359-386, 2171-2202
Publisher  Bulletin of the Russian Academy
Key Words  English; Russian; Bibliography

DETAILS: "Description of the Ismaili Mss Collected by A. Semenov," Bulletin of the Russian Academy (1917): 359-386, (1918): 2171-2202. In Russian.

Kosmologie und Heilslehre der fr&hen Ismailiya - eine studie zur islamischen Gnosis,

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1978
Authors  Halm, Heinz.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Z.D.M.G.
Key Words  Russian; Full Text Online

DETAILS: "Kosmologie und Heilslehre der fr&hen Ismailiya - eine studie zur islamischen Gnosis," Z.D.M.G. (1978).

Du domaine des croyances religieuses des Ismaéliens du Chougnan

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1912
Authors  Semenov, A.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Mir Islama ; VOLUME: IV ; PAGES: 523-556
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Text in Russian. See also Majerczak. ; DETAILS: "Du domaine des croyances religieuses des Ismaéliens du Chougnan," Mir Islama IV (1912): 523-556. Text in Russian. See also Majerczak.

Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie rostovshchikam

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1951
Authors  Selvinskii, I., transl.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Takikskaya poezia LXVI ; PAGES: Pp. 252-253
Edition  Antologia tajikskoi poezii
Place  Stalinabad, Moscow
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of money-lenders ; DETAILS: "Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie rostovshchikam" [Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of money-lenders]. In Takikskaya poezia LXVI. Stalinabad, 1949; Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1951. P. 253.

Kleinere Ismailitische Schriften.

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1948
Authors  Strothmann, Rudolf.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: n Islamic Research Association Miscellany I ; VOLUME: I.R.A. ; PAGES: P. 143
Place  Calcutta
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Manuscript 65 of the Orientalist Seminar in Hamburg out of the Yemenite Collection of C. Rathjens. ; DETAILS: "Kleinere Ismailitische Schriften." In Islamic Research Association Miscellany I. Calcutta: I.R.A., 1948. P. 143. Manuscript 65 of the Orientalist Seminar in Hamburg out of the Yemenite Collection of C. Rathjens.

Vosstanie Ismailitov v. Irane v. Konce XI-nacale XII reka

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  In Press
Authors  Stroeva, L. V.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Issledorannija oo istorii stran Vostoka ; PAGES: pp. 41-60
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

The insurrection of the Ismailians at the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th C. ; DETAILS: "Vosstanie Ismailitov v. Irane v. Konce XI-nacale XII reka" [The insurrection of the Ismailians at the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th C.], Issledorannija oo istorii stran Vostoka, pp. 41-60.

Fryderik II Hohenstauf i Asasyni malo znany epizod w relayi Muhammada al-Hamawi

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1976
Authors  Hauzinski, J.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Ars Historica LXXI ; PAGES: Pp. 185 ff.
Publisher  Univ. Mickiewicza w Poznanin
Place  Poznan
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

229-239. 0627. "Muzulmanska sekta asasynow w europejskin pismiennictwie wiekow srednich" [Islamic sect of Assassins in the European writing of the Middle Ages], Ars Historica. Seria Historia, LXXIV. [Summary, pp. 180-184.] ; DETAILS: "Fryderik II Hohenstauf i Asasyni malo znany epizod w relayi Muhammada al-Hamawi," Ars Historica LXXI (1976): 229-239. 0627. "Muzulmanska sekta asasynow w europejskin pismiennictwie wiekow srednich" [Islamic sect of Assassins in the European writing of the Middle Ages], Ars Historica. Seria Historia, LXXIV. (Poznan: Univ. Mickiewicza w Poznanin, 1978. [Summary, pp. 180-184.] Pp. 185 ff.

Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie svyatocham

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1951
Authors  Selvinskii, I., transl.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXV/LXVI ; PAGES: Pp. 252-253
Edition  Antologia tajikskoi poezii
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of priests or hypocrites ; DETAILS: "Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie svyatocham" [Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of priests or hypocrites]. In Tajikskaya poezia LXV/LXVI. Stalinabad, 1949; Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1951. Pp. 252-253.

Kosrov Nasiri, V gorkikh razdumyakh moikh

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1957
Authors  Lipskerov, K.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: In Antologia tajikskoi poezii ; PAGES: Pp. 236-237
Place  Moscow
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, In my bitter thoughts ; DETAILS: "Kosrov Nasiri, V gorkikh razdumyakh moikh" [Nasir-i Khusraw, In my bitter thoughts]. In Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1957. Pp. 236-237.

Vzglyad na Koran v vostochnom ismailizm

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1927
Authors  Semenov, A.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Iran I ; PAGES: 59-72
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

The Qur'an from the Oriental Ismailism's point of vue ; DETAILS: "Vzglyad na Koran v vostochnom ismailizm" [The Qur'an from the Oriental Ismailism's point of vue], Iran I (1927): 59-72.

Ibn az Zubair o Fatimidakh

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1975
Authors  Semenov, A.; Serauky, E
Volume and Pages  PAGES: 82-92
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

transl. Semenov, Pis'mennye Pamyatniki Vostoka ; DETAILS: "Ibn az Zubair o Fatimidakh," transl. Semenov, Pis'mennye Pamyatniki Vostoka (1975), (1982): 82-92. Serauky, E.

Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie tzaryam i vlast imushchim

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1951
Authors  Selvinskii, I., transl.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXVII/LXVIII ; PAGES: Pp. 254-255
Edition  Antologia tajikskoi poezii
Place  Stalinabad, Moscow
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of swords and power of the wealthy ; DETAILS: "Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie tzaryam i vlast imushchim"[Nasir-i Khusraw, in reproach of swords and power of the wealthy]. In Tajikskaya poezia LXVII/LXVIII. Stalinabad, 1949; Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1951. Pp. 254-255.

Nasir-i Khosrov i ismailism

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1959
Authors  Berthels, E.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Acad. Nauk. SSSR inst
Place  Vostokovedeniva
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw and Ismailism ; DETAILS: "Nasir-i Khosrov i ismailism" [Nasir-i Khusraw and Ismailism], Acad. Nauk. SSSR inst. Vostokovedeniva (1959).

Zaginione miasta muzulmanskie srodkowego Maghrebu z czasow Fatimidow

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1977
Authors  Dabrowski, L. M.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Przeql. Or. II ; VOLUME: no. 102 ; PAGES: 131-135
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

DETAILS: "Zaginione miasta muzulmanskie srodkowego Maghrebu z czasow Fatimidow," Przeql. Or. II, no. 102 (1977): 131-135.

Ismailitskaya oda, posviashchennaya voploshcheniyam `Aliya-Boga

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1928
Authors  Semenov, A.
Volume and Pages  VOLUME: II ; PAGES: pp.1-24
Place  Iran
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

An Ismaili ode dedicated to the incarnations of Ali-God, containing the Qasida-i-Dhurriya by Raqqami Khurasani, and also a list of Imams given by an Iranian Ismaili of the seventeenth century ; DETAILS: "Ismailitskaya oda, posviashchennaya voploshcheniyam `Aliya-Boga"' [An Ismaili ode dedicated to the incarnations of Ali-God, containing the Qasida-i-Dhurriya by Raqqami Khurasani, and also a list of Imams given by an Iranian Ismaili of the seventeenth century], Iran II (1928): 1-24.

Khisrou Nosir, Yazik

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1951
Authors  Selvinskii, I., transl.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXXIII ; PAGES: P. 259
Edition  Antologia tajikskoi poezii
Place  Stalinabad, Moscow
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, language ; DETAILS: "Khisrou Nosir, Yazik" [Nasir-i Khusraw, language]. In Tajikskaya poezia LXXIII. Stalinabad, 1949; Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1951. P. 259.

Nekotorie dannie o nauchnikh i filosofskikh vzglyadov Nasiri Khisrau

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1953
Authors  Edelman, A.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: nauk Tadzhikistana SSR Otdelenie obsch- chestvennuikh nauk ; VOLUME: IV ; PAGES: 153-159
Publisher  Izvestiya Akad
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

The scientific and philosophical ideas of Nasir-i Khusraw ; DETAILS: "Nekotorie dannie o nauchnikh i filosofskikh vzglyadov Nasiri Khisrau" [The scientific and philosophical ideas of Nasir-i Khusraw], Izvestiya Akad. nauk Tadzhikistana SSR Otdelenie obsch- chestvennuikh nauk IV (1953): 153-159.

Zerstritlene Drusenscheiche

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1969
Authors  Ess, Josef van.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Die Welt des Islam XII ; VOLUME: nos. 1-3 ; PAGES: 99-111
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

DETAILS: "Zerstritlene Drusenscheiche," Die Welt des Islam XII, nos. 1-3 (1969): 99-111.

Ismailitskiy panegirik obozhestvlennomn Aliyu Fedai Khorasanskogo

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1929
Authors  Semenov, A.
Volume and Pages  VOLUME: III ; PAGES: 51-70
Place  Iran
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

An Ismaili panegyric of the Divine Ali, by Feda'i Khorasani ; DETAILS: "Ismailitskiy panegirik obozhestvlennomn Aliyu Fedai Khorasanskogo" [An Ismaili panegyric of the Divine Ali, by Feda'i Khorasani], Iran III (1929): 51-70.

Khisrou Nosir, Znanie

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  1951
Authors  Selvinskii, I., transl.
Volume and Pages  SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXX
Edition  Antologia tajikskoi poezii
Key Words  Russian; Bibliography

Nasir-i Khusraw, knowledge ; DETAILS: "Khisrou Nosir, Znanie" [Nasir-i Khusraw, knowledge]. In Tajikskaya poezia LXX. Stalinabad, 1949; Antologia tajikskoi poezii. Moscow, 1951. Pp. 256-257.

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