Ha(n)sapuree Nagaree Maa(n)he Maa(n)ddavo - Translation
ha(n)sapuree nagaree maa(n)he maa(n)ddavo rachaayo
enne enne maa(n)dave muman teddaavo bhaai.........................1
ha(n)sapuree - old name of Multaan, abode of the soul
maa(n)ddavo - canopy, covering over the throne
In Multaan (the Lord) has constructed a canopy.
In such (an exalted) canopy invite the momins to attend.
sonaanaa baajotthee-aa ne rupaanee rel
shaahjee naa maa(n)ddavaa maa(n)e evee evee sel bhaai.............2
baajotthee-aa - foot-stool, square bench
rel - exuberance, abundance, quality
sel - merriment
(under the canopy) there are foot-stools of gold and abundance of silver.
Such is the state of merriment of the Lord's canopy.
shaahjeenaa maa(n)ddavaa maa(n) evee evee reet
damsar maru-aanee utthee chhe bheet bhaai.........................3
reet - practise, manner
damsar - upon every breath
maru-aanee - to die bheet - inside
Such are the (exalted) practices at the Lord's canopy that from within,
I wish upon every breath to die.
ala(n)g pala(n)g chhatra ddholee-o dhharaa-e
shaahaa maaro chaddase mahaajam raat bhaai........................4
ala(n)g - incomparable
pala(n)g - coach, bedstead
ddholee-o - bedstead, cot
dhharaa-e - lay
maahaajam raat - great death, doomsday
On an incomparable bedstead (perhaps alluding to the final resting place),
(He) will put up a cover. My Lord will then appear on the night of
great death (union with the ultimate).
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
paa(n)che karoddsu(n) raajaa pahelaaj saath bhaai.................5
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
He will be with King Pahelaaj the saviour of five crore souls.
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
saate karoddsu(n) raajaa hareecha(n)ddhr saath bhaai..............6
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
He will be with King Pahelaaj the saviour of seven crore souls.
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
nav karoddsu(n) raajaa jujeshtthan saath bhaai....................7
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
He will be with King Jujeshthan, the saviour of nine crore souls.
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
baare karoddsu(n) peer sadardeen saath bhaai......................8
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
He will be with Peer Sadardeen the saviour of twelve crore souls.
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
annat karoddsu(n) peer kabeerdeen saath bhaai.....................9
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
He will be with Peer Hassan Kabeerdeen, the saviour of countless crore souls.
shaah maaro chaddase mahaajam raat
khanna(n)g treedhaaro alee lese haath bhaai......................10
My Lord will appear on the night of great death.
Aly will take along with Him in His hands the triple edged sword.
khanna(n)g treedhaaro alee lese haath
maaree daannavnu(n) kaaddhse saas bhaai..........................11
Aly will take along with Him in his hands the triple edged sword.
He will slay the demon and remove the breath from him.
aavo maaraa muman bhaai ameeras pee-o
amar gaddh amaraapuree lee-o bhaai...............................12
Come along O my momin brothers and drink the holy water - abe-safaa
(or water of life - geenaans). Then you will obtain immortal fortresses of paradise.
evaa evaa vaaek saa(m)bhalle jeh
amaraapuree no vaasee teh bhaai..................................13
Whoever listens to such (exalted) advices and guidances,
will have an abode in paradise.
bhanne peer sadardeen tamaaro aadhaar
saachaa moman ne dejo behesht deedaar............................14
Peer Sadardeen teaches(us this geenaan and prays),
"(Oh Lord) we depend upon Your support only.
Bestow the true momins with heavenly Vision".
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