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C4. Message: From Prince Sadruddin

Chateau de Bellerive,


Geneva, Switzerland,

December 14, 1972.

Dear Mr. Kanji,

Thank you for your letter of December 2nd. It is with pleasure that I hear of your intention to hold an Art Exhibition in the first days of February 1973.

The journal entitled "The Great Ismaili Heroes" which you will be publishing on this occasion, containing the life sketches and work of thirty great Ismailis as well as articles contributed by well-known scholars from all over the world will, no doubt, prove most interesting and inspiring for the students and the Jamat. I am looking forward to receiving a copy of it.

I congratulate you most sincerely on this original initiative and hope this manifestation will be a great success.

With my best wishes, I send you and all Members of your Religious Night School my very affectionate regards.


Abdul Rehman Kanji, Esq.


1-8 Prince Ally S. Khan Colony,

Diamond Street,

Garden East Karachi-3, Pakistan.

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