Welcome to F.I.E.L.D.- the First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database.

Quebec City Jamatkhana, Quebec, Canada


795 Rue des Rocailles,Quebec City, QC G2J 1A2
Telephone : 418-626-1888

Note: Closed on week-days - Dua on Friday at 7:45 and Saturday and Sunday at 7:00pm

Contact : Sultan Jan-Mohamed
Tel : 418-574-1199
Contact: Minaz Bawa
Tel : 418-622-8955


Quebec City Jamat Khana

I receintlyvisited , Aug.15,2009, Quebec City and I wnr to Jamat Khana at the 795 Rue des Roccailes, Quebec Cityy, Quebec. I reached there at about 10 to 7:00 pm. There waere no vehicles in the parking lot except one that was parked at the end on the building. I pulled the door and it was locked. I looked into the glass door and there on the wall I saw 'Welcome' in different languages including Swahili and Gujarati. It looked like a run down place and I thought that thye JK had been moved and the Ismaili.net was not updated with new address. So I went back home.

Is ther a way for Ismaili visitors to find out via web site and/or phone book where Jamat Khana is located in each city in any country around te world? with confirmed addresses and Dua Times? and if moved the addresses is kept uptodate?

Concerned and disappointed Ismaili Murid,

Nassirudin Hassam
(403) 547 4209

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