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A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, Ranjan, Amit , 2017, Volume 4: 1-2, Issue March-June, p.53-65, (2017) Abstract
Has Kalki Already Appeared as ʿAlī? The Influence of Hindu Beliefs on the Nizārī Ismaili Khojas, KUTLUTURK, Cemil , 2017, Volume Vol X, Issue No. 1, (2017)
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, Amit Ranjan , A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, (2017) Abstract    Download:  A_History_of_Syncretism_of_the_Khoja_Mus.pdf 
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, Amit Ranjan , A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, (2017) Abstract
A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, Amit Ranjan , A History of Syncretism of the Khoja Muslim Community, (2017) Abstract    Download:  A_History_of_Syncretism_of_the_Khoja_Mus.pdf 
Les manuscrits du sud de la vallée de l’Indus en écriture khojkī sindhī, Bhalloo, Zahir; Akhtar, Iqbal , 2016, (2016) Abstract    Download:  Les_manuscrits_du_sud_de_la_vallee_de_l.pdf 
The origins, evolution and decline of the Khojki script, Bruce, Juan , 2015, (2015)
From Satpanthi to Ismaili Muslim: The Articulation of Ismaili Khoja Identity in South Asia, Ali S. Asani , 2010, (2011) Abstract    Download:  2010-Asani-Khoja-Identiity-in-Modern-History-of-Ismailis.pdf 
The Entanglement of the Ginans in Khoja Governance, Shodhan, Amrita , 2007, (2007)    Download:  The_entanglement_of_the_Ginan_in_Khoja_g.doc  The_entanglement_of_the_Ginan_in_Khoja_g.doc 

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